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Nancy LC Thu, Jan-31-08 11:18

Any warning signs of Menopause?
I'm 49, hope you don't mind me sneaking in here a little early. My Mom went into MP around 50, my grandmother 55, my sister 51. Anyway, I figure I'm probably well on the way.

Can you share with me some of the early warning signs you experienced before menopause? I'm just curious what to look out for. My male OB/Gyn doctor wasn't much help, he just wants to operate on my uterus for fibroid that don't really bother me.

BluePants Thu, Jan-31-08 12:57

Nancy, I started with heavy flows, hot flashes etc. One of the problems with Atkins and possibly all low carb programs is that as we lose fat, we also get estrogen that is stored in those same cells released and anything might happen. Folks who stopped having hot flashes, started, folks who had PCOS, become regular and some ladies get PMS, etc.
So if your experiencing any Menopause symptoms it might just be the diet.

Rachel1 Thu, Jan-31-08 14:03

Hi, Nancy. I started with irregular periods ... was regular as clockwork for 25 years, whether I was low-carbing or not. I had irregular periods for a couple of years, with no other physical "symptoms" in particular. In the past year I've had only one period. Since then I've started with the night sweats and sleep problems.

Missed periods were my first clue. I must have been about 48.


cnmLisa Thu, Jan-31-08 18:56

Nancy--may I chime in eventhough I am not yet 50 (47).

Menopause is defined as no menses for 1 year--that means no bleeding or spotting of ANY kind.

With that said, the first signs of PERI-menopause the time before menopause is usually an irregularity in your period. It comes to soon or too late. You begin to bleed to little or too much. You may begin to get the occasional hot flash or night sweat. No one can say how your body will behave until it starts to happen. I find also the way you react/perceive perimenopause/menopause can also impact how one reacts to the symptoms, i.e., if you don't think menopause and getting older is a big deal you may find that your symptoms are not a big deal. If you find the the thought of menopause makes you want to hide and die, you may react to the symptoms more severely. In many cultures where getting older becomes an elevation in status, the signs and symptoms of menopause are perceived as minimal and no big deal and vice versa.

As for the fibroids--In most practices if fibroids are NOT giving you any grief--pain, excessive bleeding, so big they are impinging on other organs...usually they are left alone. I'd be questioning your doc all 9 ways to Sunday why he feels like they need to come out if they are not bothering you. I've seen fibroids that have been big as your head (OK, not that big, but you get the idea) and we've just let them alone because they were not causing any problem.

HTH a bit,


Dedee62 Thu, Jan-31-08 19:39

I've been having night sweats since I was in my mid 30's. In my 40's I started having irregular periods (previously every 28 days like clockwork!). I take black cohosh now so don't have any hot flashes or night sweats as long as I take it regularly.

I know I'm perimenopaual, but hoping I don't go into menopause as late as my mother (in her 60s). Because that means I could have another 14 years of this crap!!

Judynyc Fri, Feb-01-08 12:12

I recall having irregular periods at around age 50....had my last period the year I started doing SB, 2004.....and it was a doozy as I had just started doing this...seems all my fats cells released all of their estrogen at the same time.

Had lots of hot flashes before I started controlling my carbs...been taking Estroven for the last 3 years and I do believe that it helps. :agree:

I also take HTP-5 as that is helping my moods. :daze:

Have you read The Wisdom of Menopause by Dr Christiane Northrup MD ?(ObGyn) Its very insightful and being written by a woman makes a difference. ;)

Kisal Fri, Feb-01-08 13:01

Night sweats were the first sign I had of impending menopause. Then I just stopped having periods. Haven't had one since. No spotting, or irregularity, or anything like that.

CMCM Sat, Feb-02-08 18:06

In retrospect, I think a lot was going on from my early 40's to 49, when I had my last period. I was having a LOT of migraines, periods (which for all my life were quite regular) got shorter, longer, all over the place. I had some minor night sweats....I remember I started using the progesterone creams (only certain ones, though) and I THINK that may have helped, but not sure since I also started paying attention to my health more....lots more exercise, drinking more water, careful eating, losing some extra pounds....I think it all helped. At 49-1/2 I got a 2-week period that was unbelievably heavy....I was changing pads every hour or so, then huge clots, and I lost so much blood I turned WHITE as a ghost and had no energy and almost needed a blood transfusion it was so bad. I went in and had a D&C type procedure (under anesthesia), which the doctor said "might" stop the situation or might not, in which case he was recommending a hysterectomy, which I was dead set against. Anyhow, the procedure stopped the bleeding and I recovered the proper blood levels and my normal energy within several weeks, and never had another period. I felt great from that moment on, no menopause hot flashes, no headaches, none of that stuff at all. A real non-event, I'd say. Maybe I'm just fortunate, but I sort of think it had to do with my good health habits, also the exercise and partly my attitude, too. We have always been so conditioned in this country to think of menupause as a horrible thing, almost like an illness, yet in other parts of the world it is a big nothing, some cultures don't even have a word for menopause! So I had steeped my thoughts in that direction, that I would not go down that road, that I could put myself in a state of health where I would have no problems with this. I really cut out the sugar at that time, too, which I always felt was a positive factor. So anyhow, it was age 49 for me, and frankly, I've loved having no more periods to deal with! I'm 58 now.

Nancy LC Sat, Feb-02-08 23:15

My fibroids were just causing a bit of bleeding (really really tiny amount). My doctor mentioned 5 different ways they could remove them but never asked if it was a serious problem or could I just live with it. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to say, "Can't I just leave them in there? They're not a real problem, just a bit of bleeding I barely notice". But then of course he wanted to see me every 6 months just in case (implying cancer, etc). Bleh, the dude is just greedy and money hungry, IMHO.

Anyway, so far my periods are pretty stable but getting shorter however my thyroid status is changing and that could affect that. Other than that, I'm feeling good. No night sweats. Only thing that's really changed is my hands and feet sometimes get icy cold.

Oh! Have any of you tried Dr. McCleary's ideas for menopause?

He says hot flashes are caused by energy shortages in the brain and recommends some supplements and MCT oil. He says the brain has a harder time using glucose and to supply it ketones instead, thus the MCT oil.

Here's his book:

Hismouse Thu, Feb-14-08 17:09

Originally Posted by Nancy LC
My fibroids were just causing a bit of bleeding (really really tiny amount). My doctor mentioned 5 different ways they could remove them but never asked if it was a serious problem or could I just live with it. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to say, "Can't I just leave them in there? They're not a real problem, just a bit of bleeding I barely notice". But then of course he wanted to see me every 6 months just in case (implying cancer, etc). Bleh, the dude is just greedy and money hungry, IMHO.

Anyway, so far my periods are pretty stable but getting shorter however my thyroid status is changing and that could affect that. Other than that, I'm feeling good. No night sweats. Only thing that's really changed is my hands and feet sometimes get icy cold.

Oh! Have any of you tried Dr. McCleary's ideas for menopause?

He says hot flashes are caused by energy shortages in the brain and recommends some supplements and MCT oil. He says the brain has a harder time using glucose and to supply it ketones instead, thus the MCT oil.

Here's his book:

Nancy what is MCT oil, do you drink it? And where would one get it, buy it?

sveltecelt Sun, Feb-24-08 19:23

Hi Nancy,
I went into menopause at 51, aproximately. In the 5 or 6(?) years preceding that, the periods got shorter, gradually. I too had fibroids---4 or 5 small ones---but they caused no problems, so nothing was done about them. Since it is estrogen that makes them grow larger---and your estrogen levels are rapidly declining due to proximity to menopause---I don't see why your doctor wants to take an extreme approach. I had the night sweats from hell 24/7 for the year after cessation of periods; but discovered that regular aerobic exercise pretty much made 'em stop. Oh yes, I had "the weepies" during the "hot flash year". Everything made me cry. A slogan on a bill board, a tv commercial, an innocent comment. It was actually kind of comical.
I send you best wishes for a blissfully smoothe transition into menopause.

Angelasher Fri, Mar-14-08 20:27

Since i have been doing Zero LC and upped my fat to 75% or more I have not had any hot flashes. I use to get about 1 o2 a week.

Nancy LC Sun, Mar-16-08 12:41

Originally Posted by sveltecelt
Oh yes, I had "the weepies" during the "hot flash year". Everything made me cry. A slogan on a bill board, a tv commercial, an innocent comment. It was actually kind of comical.
I send you best wishes for a blissfully smoothe transition into menopause.

I think my Sister in law went through that. :) I hope I don't! Although I had a period over the last couple of years where that happened to me but I had lost my father and my Mom's health was failing too. Now that Mom is gone, I've been on a much more even keel emotionally... thank god! It was miserable to be crying all the time.

Nancy LC Sun, Mar-16-08 12:42

Originally Posted by Hismouse
Nancy what is MCT oil, do you drink it? And where would one get it, buy it?

Sorry, I lost track of this thread! I've been using coconut oil. You can buy it at Wal*Mart, in the supplements section, or at Whole Foods or Henry's (oils section). I just stir some into my coffee.

I haven't used it for awhile due to intestinal issues, but now that things are calm again, I'm going to try it.

SylvieK Wed, Mar-19-08 10:52

Originally Posted by BluePants
Nancy, I started with heavy flows, hot flashes etc. One of the problems with Atkins and possibly all low carb programs is that as we lose fat, we also get estrogen that is stored in those same cells released and anything might happen. Folks who stopped having hot flashes, started, folks who had PCOS, become regular and some ladies get PMS, etc.
So if your experiencing any Menopause symptoms it might just be the diet.

This is an interesting point. I'm 51 and all my life periods have been regular (usually right on the full moon). I just officially missed my first period and over a month "late." But for the past three years I've had hot flashes and much heavier periods.

I'm going on my 7th month of low-carbing, staying at or near induction levels. The problem I've had recently is that for the past month since I missed my period I've had nearly constant and sometimes severe menstrual cramps -- but no period to relieve the cramps -- and other PMS symptoms, e.g. bloating and extreme irritability. I wish I could do something to alleviate this and maybe bring on the period, but I don't know what might help. If anyone has suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

An excellent book to have on hand is Susun Weed's book on menopause (her books listed on; they usually have her books in stock at Whole Foods). Many symptoms are discussed and a variety of homeopathic, herbal, and alternative remedies suggested. I've tried many things she's recommended that worked well.

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