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Monkey7886 Sat, Jan-14-06 11:52

I Need A Buddy
Hi everybody. I am a 19 year old freshman and am looking for a buddy or a couple who are online alot and who want to sort of motivate eachother and keep eachother on track. I dont have that much to lose, but I would love to get to my goal by may at the latest. I wanna look HOT for the summer LOL, so yeah if anyone is interested, that would be great.... oh and I am also trying to walk 30 min everyday.

kap904 Sun, Jan-15-06 12:56

Hey! I am 18 and a freshman and I could also use some motivation. My goal is to be as HOT (haha) as possible by summmer too- by may i'd like to be at 110 or so. that's 30 lbs. for me. UGH! I just hope I can make it by then!

Anyway, I am interested in being your buddy, if the offer is still good! Let me know! :)

Monkey7886 Sun, Jan-15-06 14:53

sounds good! Yea, i bet you could totally lose 30 lb by may! Are you on induction then? I guess im on the owl phase. I dont know if my weight is actually 109 right now.. i havent weighed in a week and im really nevvouse to weigh tomorrow morning... I know ill be discouraged if i didnt lose another lb or 2... but o well.

Another thing that I am trying sinse i am so close to my goal weight is evey 3 weeks having a cheat day... I learned this from this girl name sheila who actually started at 140 and is now 106... she is amazing deffinately check out her site anyway, she does this free day every 3 weeks where she can have whatever she wants for that day. I think this would deffinatey help keep me motivated and I wont ever feel deprived! I know alot of atkineers would yell at me for doing this, but I think that if you are making this a lifetime change, you have to do what works for you :)

kap904 Sun, Jan-15-06 18:04

Man, I wish I could go from being 140 to being 106. I definatley would like to know her secrets! Yes, I was supposed to start indduction today but my family didnt know and they made my favorite food (potato soup) so it looks like my diet will have to wait another day. THEN I promise to on induction. My biggest problem is sweets- i crave sugar SOOO much. Do you have any tips to help with that?

About the day off thing- I've done this diet before (for about 9 months) and i lost and kept off 35 lbs. doing something similar. Like you said, it's a lifstyle change... so around the holidays, every once in a while i would eat little portions of what ever i wanted as long as it had little to no sugar in it. i really and truly didnt gain more than 2 or 3 lbs until i started drinking regular pop again and then i stoped payinig attention to sugar content in food all together and within 3 months i gained it allllll back. Just be careful and I would think that you would be fine. :)

Monkey7886 Sun, Jan-15-06 20:21

I am the exact same way I LOVE SWEETS!!! If it was up to e i would eat dessert for every meal of the day :) i just make sure i stay full so i dont eat anything bad.

kap904 Sun, Jan-15-06 22:43

man, if it werent for sweets, i wouldnt be in this position in the first place!!

oh well. i think trying to stay full is a good idea. i can't 'till breakfast... i'm going to have a big ol plate of bacon and eggs. also, i took some cinnamon capsels which i have heard help with sugar cravings.

i looked at and i thought it was awesome. very motivational. i think maybe i can even surpass my goal. i'd kill to wear a size 0 or 2. I can't wait to get skinny and be cute. I know it sounds silly but i think i will reward my self when i get to 110 or soby getting my belly button peirced. That's not only exciting to me, but i think it would also help me keep it up.

well, i guess we'll see how tomorrow goes! wish me luck :)

Monkey7886 Mon, Jan-16-06 11:09

thats a good idea abot peircing your belly button. I thinkk ill get a new swimsuit... or just go o a shopping spree when i hit goal. I weighed today and was 109... i know thats not bad, but i was hoping for a little more. before the holidays i was 107. O well, im staying strong. I go home in 10 days so i would love to 106-107 byt then.

another idea for the sweets thing is whipping cream use like a fourth a cup and some coaco powder and sweetner and whip it up.. it tastes great and induction safe!

kap904 Mon, Jan-16-06 12:23

yep, i think a shopping spree will be in order for me as well.. hopefully i will go down a few sizes so i will have to.

mmmm that chocolate treat sounds great. i'll def try it soon. it sounds like you're well on your way to your goal!

now, if i can just make it through the first day!!

Monkey7886 Tue, Jan-17-06 21:56

lol i know beleive me. after i christmas (in which i ate what i wanted) it was so hard to get back on track. I would wake up every morning and say "today i am gonna do it" and i would do good all day and then night came and I would see all the christmas candy and cookeis and stuff and just be like "oh one more day, ill start tomorrow" well it made me gain like 6 or 7 lb! so i think if you have a cheat make it only ONE DAY and get right back on the next. so maybe if your having trouble starting give yourself one day and then force yourself to start the next.

ahhhhhh!!! my roomie just came in with 3 boxes of girl scout cookies!!! i want one so bad, but ya know what? knowing that I have my cheat day coming up really helps me to stay on track, because if i did have one cookie, i would feel bad taking a cheat day, but if I do really good until then, i can enjoy the whole day guilt free!

good luck talk to you soon!


adorkable Wed, Jan-18-06 15:49

Originally Posted by kap904
Hey! I am 18 and a freshman and I could also use some motivation. My goal is to be as HOT (haha) as possible by summmer too- by may i'd like to be at 110 or so. that's 30 lbs. for me. UGH! I just hope I can make it by then!

Anyway, I am interested in being your buddy, if the offer is still good! Let me know! :)

Hey, would you like to buddy up? I had a quick look at your profile & see you're following the atkins.. as am I. :] & we're sorta similar weights. Could you give me a pm with an email address if you'd like to?

Jillibean Thu, Jan-19-06 11:34

hey guys! im 19 and i need some major help. im also a freshman. i need to get done to 140!
i'd love to hook up with a buddy!

kap904 Thu, Jan-19-06 12:45

I know what you mean about the after Christmas thing. I had planned on going on low carb after Christmas though, I made a deal with my self- I could eat what I wanted through the Holidays as long as I did low carb by the 28th. (I gave some room for left overs! haha) I started and did really well and then found out that I had some medical problems that forced me to go off for a week or two, and unfortunatly I did that a few times (I'd start for a few days and then go off again) and now I think I am finally on it for good. I think this site is really helping me stay focused. I'm having trouble right now though, It's PMS time and I want chocolate SOOOOOOOO bad. I've even had dreams about it... how sad is that??

Hey look! we have more buddies! I have no problem with lots of them :thup:

Adorkable- That would be fine with me... if only i knew how to do so. As soon as I find out how to though, I will shoot you a PM and we can e-mail it up. :)

Monkey7886 Thu, Jan-19-06 23:54

yay more buddies!!! Hi jillie! We are here to help!

kap904 Fri, Jan-20-06 23:17

guys... i have a problem..

Today i had to have a very minor surgery but i had to go off of the diet for yesterday night, today, and tomorrow. since i wasnt doing very well on induction, should i just start over?

Man, I feel like such a failure. :(

Jillibean Sat, Jan-21-06 06:50

hmm...i definetely know the feeling. i felt like a failure two nights ago when i binged, but if i had been u i would of went off of it for the procedure too, just so nothing happens. take your time getting back on it. your immediate health is important right now. and you have lots of time, kap


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