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triplemom Fri, Jul-15-05 14:10

GI Diet support here!
I hope this is okay, Lobstergal. This thread is for people who are following The GI Diet by Rick Gallop, or for people who are interested in it. I've read several threads about this program, and I was hoping we could merge into just one! I've read the book and started the program this week, after deciding that Induction for the umpteenth time just wasn't happening for me. I like the simplicity of the plan - I actually put my family on it this week, too, and they don't even know it! I immediately gained about 3 pounds when I went off induction, but since I've been on the plan this week, that 3 pounds is already gone again.

Please feel free to chime in with questions, advice, tips, motivation, etc.! :)

sybs Sat, Jul-16-05 13:40

Hey...I'm doing GI as well...any help that can be offered is GREATLY appreciated. I need all the help I can get!
I've been doing it for about a week and I haven't even attempted to weigh, since that usually precedes a binge. I've read most of the GI Diet and I also have the GI Revolution book. THere are some contradictions, but they mostly agree. I've found that I don't need to buy the whole loaf of bread, cause that causes binges as well. So any insights like that will be helpful!

triplemom Sun, Jul-17-05 07:39

Hi Sybs! Good luck with the GI Diet - I see we started at the same time. I'm still "learning," too, but I do know that I've made some headway as far as healthier food. Normally, Saturday night for us is pizza, but last night I made pork loin in wine sauce, pinto beans, peas, and squash. I thought about throwing in some new potatoes, but I didn't even want them! My kids didn't even complain (now that's a first). I'm using olive oil as my main fat, and I made a chicken salad yesterday that was just wonderful with chopped leftover chicken, whole wheat macaroni, chopped broccoli, olive oil, and Greek seasoning. Actually, I had some of that chicken salad for breakfast this morning! Maybe we can give each other ideas on meals.

I'm finding that I'm not snacking much at all, just a handful of almonds or a half of a Balance bar, like he says in the book. As far as the bread goes, I've been buying the Earth Grains Extra Fiber bread that has 5 grams of fiber per slice. I definitely won't be binging on that stuff, or I'd blow up like a blowfish!

Lobstergal Sun, Jul-17-05 23:40

Just a quick post and then back to bed (not feeling well).

That 5 grams of fiber per slice bread is an excellent find. I've only been able to find 3 grams per slice.

Great start to the thread Triplemom and hello to Sybs. It is great to meet other GI Dieters.

One way I found to not binge on my one loaf of bread is to put it in the refrigerator freezer. That way it is out of sight (and out of mind) and if I need a slice I have to toast it. Some days that is more work then I feel like doing so more often then not I pick something else.

One thing I want to do is make large quantities of brown rice and wild rice and then freeze them in single serving containers and take one out to defrost as needed. Just as soon as I am feeling better and the weather is cooler here in Ontario I will do that.

Back to bed with me. Bye for now.

tia-maria Mon, Jul-18-05 00:29

hi everyone!! it sounds like the GI Diet isn't as strict a the Atkins Induction period. Could someone tell me a little more about it???
I would really appreciate it..

triplemom Mon, Jul-18-05 06:34

Lobstergal, that's a good idea on doing the rice in single servings. I love having some carbs back in my diet, but I'm scared of going "overboard" - I'll have to try that. I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the comment about my boys' picture!

triplemom Mon, Jul-18-05 06:43

Tia-maria, the GI diet is less strict than Atkins Induction, and it allows some carbs (whole grain), but the carbs are still limited. The book is a very easy read (by Rick Gallop) - in fact, I pretty much read it in one sitting. Foods are basically set up like a traffic light - green light foods are the foods allowed at any time, yellow light foods are caution foods, and red light foods are the foods to avoid. Pretty much the idea is to fill your plate with 50% fruits/non-starchy vegetables, 25% protein, and 25% carbs, such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, or a few boiled new potatoes. It's based on the glycemic index of foods, and the foods to eat are the ones which have the least impact on blood sugar. It also encourages more of the use of "good fats," like olive oil, and discourages saturated fat.

I started it a week ago. I was one of the people who always felt drained of energy on Induction. I think that adding the little bit of carbs back has helped me feel a lot better in general. I did gain a few pounds right off the bat (water weight, I guess), but by the end of the week, I had lost that plus a bit more.

Anyway, I hope I gave you the "gist" of it. Good luck!

sybs Mon, Jul-18-05 07:23

That pretty much sums it up. what really kills me tho, is how different all these 'diets' seem to be. I was thinking about that the other says avoid fat, the other eat a much fat as you like, low carbs, high can all get very confusing. I guess ultimately you gotta find what works for you.
I actually got up and worked out today...not weighing tho, I might scare myself. Good luck to everyone!

triplemom Mon, Jul-18-05 09:37

You're right sybs, we all have to find what works for us! I hope I've finally found it for me. Good job on working out - I need to drag my rear out the door later on and go for a walk!

Onelove Mon, Jul-18-05 17:04

Hey, I was wondering if some of you guys on the LOW GI Diet could give me a sample menu of wwhat you eat in a 2-3 days span and waht your rate of loss is! thanks!

sybs Tue, Jul-19-05 06:47

Hey...I can only speak for me. And I'm still trying to shake off the whole Low Carb mentality. So that being said, here goes..
B. 1/2 c. Fiber One (Has 14g of fiber!)
skim milk
nectarine or apple

S. Yogurt, or nuts, or fruit, LC snack

L. Ground turkey with veggies (you can get premixed stir-fry in the frozen food section) and kidney beans
I split my lunch in 2...have half around 11ish and the other half around 1 or 2...

S. Yogurt, or nuts, or fruit, LC snack

D. big Salad or Turkey leftovers, or whatever. THis is where I tend to blow it, since I;m home I tend to graze and eat like 10 different things...lil tastes and spoonfulls. So there's not really a set meal for my dinner...will work on that :D

ANd that's it in a nutshell. The thing I'm noticing is that I NEED to workout more with the WOL. My lower tummy is a lil fuller than it was, but I've also gotten lazier than I was, so I'm not sure if it;s the food or not. I'm sure it has to be my less than regular workouts.

Anyhoo..hope this helps

triplemom Tue, Jul-19-05 08:42

I'm with sybs - I'm still trying to make some changes too! Let's see....

B - yogurt with a handful of almonds. I found Blue Bunny brand at my Super Wal-Mart that is fat free and does't have aspartame - it's sweetened with Splenda and isn't overly sweet like some of the others I've tried. I sometimes have a low-carb tortilla with a scrambled egg "burrito." Skim milk.

L- A large salad with chopped vegetables and chicken/tuna/some other protein drizzled with olive oil and vinegar.

All snacks - Usually yogurt or almonds. Sometimes a half of a Balance Bar, like he suggests in the book. I need to get some fruit - I still have a mental block with that one!

D - Whatever I fix for the family. Last night was whole-wheat spaghetti with lower fat ground chuck/marinara sauce. I tried to limit my pasta to 3/4 cup. Had a sprinkling of parmesan cheese and skipped the garlic bread. Tonight, I'm making baked chicken with new potatoes, broccoli, and some other vegetable.

I was reading through my book last night and he suggests having a side salad available at meals - I need to work on that one. I made a big salad the other day with all kinds of chopped vegetables, drizzled with olive oil and vinegar - it was a pain in the rear to make, but the family loved it!

Iowagirl Tue, Jul-19-05 11:38

Mind if I join you?

Just finished reading the Montignac book which is a GI diet as well. I started the plan yesterday and while I feel good I am still a bit confused re:the food combining. One of the things he recommends is eating fresh fruit on an empty stomach, doing otherwise can promote bloating. It has been my experience that he is correct! So despite some good points I would like to find a GI plan that isn't quite so confusing and contradictory. Is the Rick Gallop book my best bet?

triplemom Tue, Jul-19-05 12:09

Of course you can join us, Iowagirl! Long time, no see! I think we were on a challenge together many moons ago - I remember asking you about Iowa/Tennessee.

I'm not familiar with the food combining thing, though I've heard of it. I really like the Rick Gallop book because it really cuts to the chase - he doesn't spend a whole lot of time on the technical jargon (most of us have already read all that stuff umpteen times anyway). It's a pretty simplistic plan, and it really makes sense - plus, I can make my family eat this way too without them all freaking out. Let us know what you think!

Iowagirl Tue, Jul-19-05 12:12

According to the online reference desk my library does not have the Gallop book. Guess I will have to hit the bookstore tonight!

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