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schelle Sat, May-07-05 18:44

I'm not JELLO-I don't want to see it jiggle!
Well I decided to start a gym log too!
1st of all FYI I have the equipment called "TOTAL GYM"
SO with that said...
I have been struggling in my work out (w/o) since I hooked up the dvd player-(my hubby says I have to find the original remote that belongs to that tv to change it's video setting), so I watched them (dvd's) on the downstairs player and I have the postor and flip chart on hand and try to do my own routine. During the first 10 dys I w/o from 30-60 min. but in the last 5 dys i have slowed down-was feeling stiff and tiered all over-not sure if it was lack of w/o or over doing it since i haven't w/o since HighS (that's over 10 yrs)! And I'm not counting all the work that goes into CHILDBIRTH! ANYWAY-I had wanted one of those "EFFORTLESS" AB machines-and there are MANY on the market, but this one had Pilates attachments and I am able to do a ton of different exercises with it. and I have come to the self conclusion that if I am going to work so hard on flattening my FLABBY belly then why not my SAGGY butt and MAN would I like to have thighs like Pamela Anderson! Have you guys seen that new TV show of hers (Stacked)? I know she is a lot of plastic (as my sister calls her) but you cant fake thighs and calves like that! So say a prayer with me as I journey on through trying to DEFY gravity! (I KNOW I AM ONLY 32-BUT again I refrence back to the NO offense thing!) :D

schelle Mon, May-09-05 10:00

The day after
Well I don't think I was too bad for mother's day, but I have still yet to work out. and today I seemed to be depressed which started with being flooded with information to scare me. but left for me to "decide for myself". Oh well not going to get too into it in here. I think my w/o today will start with all the vigorus cleaning of the house...I feel like getting one of those dumpsters in my drive way and just leaving the kids with beds! anyway after the clean I am going to try and move some furniture around so maybe I can put my gym in my living room-need to clean out the closet under the stairs too so I have a place to "hide" it when company comes....anyway I will see haw far i get today and who knows maybe I could fit a w/o in somewhere.

nets33 Mon, May-09-05 11:30

Hang in there schelle....

That you are making the effort to workout is great! I'm not surprised that you're feeling sore and lacking some energy. I felt the same way for the first few weeks when I started my program. I started to feel better week three or four so hang in there! :)

Be patient... it does take some time to see the results that working out can give you. All that exercise will begin to build up your muscles and speed up your metabolism. I wish that we could spot reduce fat where we want (because I'd love to see the fat around my middle dissappear) but I the idea of being healthier.

At 35 I'm in the best shape of my life. :D Good luck!

schelle Tue, May-10-05 07:43

Thanks! Well didn't get a whole lot done yesterday-baby got fussy and everytime I put her down she fussed so I just layed on the couch with her and she was fine for a COUPLE of hours! but when hubby got home he pissed me off so I just let the babby cry while I picked up the living room floor and swept up the sand on that floor and the porch...I was in such a rotten mood yesterday and flipped between crying and anger! so many things to deal with...hope to get back into my w/o today!

schelle Fri, May-13-05 08:40

Well, I went to go sleep in my room last night-(hubby was sick for few days and I don't need to be vomiting!)ANYWAY,even though I was tierd I did some leg work outs and then as I wathed OC on DVR I did sit ups and leg raises that help the lower abs-I am loving that I hope it works!

schelle Mon, May-16-05 08:05

Man why don't I do this more?
I real DON'T hate to work out like I convinced myself all those years! I just hated my Gym teachers! :lol: :lol:
Again I waited until bedtime to work out though and wasn't really planning on it, but it was a thought and so I went for it! I had spent nearly 4 hrs! at Walmart grocery shopping with 3 kids (and having to feed and burp baby along the way) so I was pretty beat tiered that night (HIGH STRESS like that-WEARS me OUT!).
Anyway, I started to do my "squats" on the machine and by the time I got to the 4th type that I could do...squeek squeek squeek..and I didn't want to wake up the baby! SOOOOOOOOOOO-sit ups- did 20 full,20 crunch, 15 to each side (30) then got in bed (bad tail bone that is why I cant to ANYTHING on the floor) and did the leg lift to focus on lower abs-(oh man can that be a hard one sometimes!) I did 15 then did 15 again holding ea. one inbetween for 3 sec.s
so it may not seem like a whole lot BUT (wisper--it is more than some people I know...(NOT HERE)) it's something!

Sunday-TOM came (oh what a suprize!) (haven't had one in so long was sure when it would show it's ugly face) Anyway I was realy busy around the house and didn't get the work out in. gunna see how I feel today!

schelle Mon, May-16-05 08:08

My Shorts!
PS_ weird thing! even though the SCALE has NOT BUDGED and it seems like everything "LOOKS" the same my shorts were "baggy" this weekend! HMMmmmmm...???? scratch..scratch... not sure what's goin' on there but hey it was a MOOD BOOSTER!

schelle Sat, May-21-05 15:23

well yesterday I worked out for 30 minutes longer or shorter depending. I stopped and took a few drinks of water, gave the baby her paci, etc. but I pretty much was able to maintain a steady work out.[IMG][/IMG] that is a simular picture of my gym, I did sit ups/crunches, I worked on my legs, back, arms, etc. i may at some time take pictures of my chart that hangs on my wall.... anyway, my hubby finally fixed the remote so that I could watch the dvd and do the work out with I did 80-85% of the routine and got tiered and am now aching! my back hurts like I lifted my cougch or something! It has been a few wks since my back has hurt, and I can live with out it hurting! I need to strenghthen my back and neck so they stop getting sore easily! any ideas?

schelle Mon, May-23-05 08:27

quick look in the mirror
Well as I have said, I don't think I have lost any weight. Maybe 4 lbs, if I am lucky. I have also managed to neglect my hand written journals over the past few weeks. but looking back I got my gym 4/19 and took maybe a total of 8-9 days off of steady work out due to BAD pms and TOM. I started LCing on 4/25 and using the Threelac product to help balance my system. I drink tons of water-seems like that is all I drink in a way it is depressing but before I hopped in the shower I took 1 quick look in the mirror, still very little change and tons of dimpply and flabby skin, BUT I have a BUTT and not something that just blends down into my thighs! besides having a baby and gaining weight it seems that the gravity aging factor was taking place and "flattening" my butt. it may be wider and seems like i have one and of course I know i do, but hey it seems like it is moving towards the healthy/"sexy" side! I know it is FAR from sexy right now, but BASICALLY all I am trying to say is I think AT LEAST something I am doing is starting to work! :D

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