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stanger Tue, Aug-17-04 21:55

Teens on LC way of eating
I made a thread earlier about being on my 2nd day on low-carb. Im a junior in high school (17 yrs old) and was wondering if it would be a bad idea for me to continue on this way of eating. I was just very interested in how this worked and I need to lose weight so I though that I would give it a try. My mother seems to be concerned about me not getting enough calcium, vitamins, etc even though I am taking the daily vitamins. She also says that she's worried because my body is still developing. Should I/she be worried? Should I discontinue this way of eating? How did you get started?

sbd4me Wed, Aug-18-04 14:31

If your worried about not getting all the correct vitamins that your body needs I would recommend using fitday. Just go to and enter in all the foods that you have eaten for the day and it will tell you what vitamins you are deficient in and all that good stuff. Also, I take a carb assist vitamin because you do miss out on some vitamins when you are on a low carb diet.

bluesfan88 Wed, Aug-18-04 17:40

i take vitimins too. they blance out the carbs i do not eat . now i do have to say that i did lc during school last year.i am going to be a softmore in high school (16 years old ) and it is hard to see everyone eatting the junk that everyone eats in high school and not want to give in . i got some funny questions , but my friends we very supportive . but i really do not think you have anything to worry about in terms of not getting enough calcium etc. hope everything turns out ok :)

Akasha Thu, Aug-19-04 10:42

I LCed my senior year of highschool and through my freshmen year of college. It was hard because the food that both schools offered was limited, but it's not impossible either.

Giasbash Tue, Mar-01-05 15:51

me 2
I have been LCing since my freshman year and BOOOM my weight has vanished...I went from 118 to 77(ya ya i fooled around a little too much with lowcarbing and cut basically everything out) but now I am up to a healthy 95 for my 5'2" frame!! I have all the answers! I am a junior in high school too, and eventhough people think i am weird for eatting this way I survive and just think to myself I AM HEALTHY!!!! If anyone has questions, let me know!!

Debi86 Tue, Mar-01-05 21:04

I am a returning fellow low-carber. I low-carbed about 2 years ago and dropped from 140 to 115. My weight crept up as I became lazy and I'm now at 155 and I would like to be at 125. Any suggestions on what I can do to stay focused? If you do, please let me know. I'm very serious this time. My goal is to lose the weight by June. I'm taking a cardio fitness class at school and I'm joining Curves soon. I drink plenty of water also. So, if you have any suggestions, please pass them my way.



Giasbash Tue, Mar-08-05 14:56

I have tons of SUGGESTIONS for you:Debi: First of all, what are you eatting on a typical day...?
Eat Breakfast--THAT IS A MUST and make sure it has some form of complex carb in it along with lean source of protien: eggwhites and a slice of whole grain toast can do the trick, and you can always experiement to make "french toast"(with NO ADDED FAT OF COURSE) Then comes lunch which should be a LARGE salad with a nice lean source of protien to top it off, and as for dressing, oil and vinegar isnt bad, but what I do is I just use mustard--IT works wonders!!! As for dinner, steamed, roasted, grilled, pan sauted(in broth) veggies, along with another lean source of protien and maybe a little bit of starchy carb, if you must have some! I shun all starchy carbs no matter what time of day it is!!!(but thats just my preference)--all bodies are different!!
Good Luck!!

BiToxicity Sat, Mar-26-05 15:33


I'm wondering what I should do to lose the last 15 lbs because they're not budging. I've tried atkins various times but quit induction bc I couldn't do it w.o fruit-I seem to HAVE to have my fruit or I feel sick. I'm also a recovered ana , but this weight won't go away. AHH. Any tips would totally be appreciated , especially, a meal to meal breakdown .



Giasbash Sun, Mar-27-05 19:17

Hey, I am a recoving ana...and well I have been able to keep the weight may be because I dont eat fruit, but that doesnt mean you have to stop, what I would suggest is maybe cutting down on the fruit a little bit, and just sticking to every type of berry...they are the best for you, with the most fiber...and of course you know fiber is one of the keys to success! What other types of foods do you eat? Nothing processed I am hoping and only whole natural foods that arnt in a wrapper...unless of course its precut meat... Well if you need any more advice I am here to help because my plan has been working for me since I was 15 and I feel pretty damn good these days!!!

erkia Mon, May-09-05 18:26

i'm 17 and a junior in high school. it must be a trend (i'm just kidding. i'm not being sarcastic. i think it's kind of cool) and i'm on day three. how on earth do you get any fiber in your diet during induction? it's made me kinda worried because i used to have about 24 or 25 grams of fiber a day (i love kashii good friends...loads of fiber). i've thought about taking fiber tablets or powders, but for all the fiber offered there's a ton of carbs. after induction, i'm sure i won't have too much to worry about, but right now it's really difficult. any tips genevieve?

erkia Mon, May-09-05 18:29

stanger, i was worried about the vitamins too. my doctor warned me to have a daily vitamin and lots of water, beyond that she told me not to worry too much because i'm 17 and realatively healthy. i suppose you should really be concered if you feel icky despite the vitamins. and don't worry about losing too much calcium, remeber that cheese is dairy.

Giasbash Tue, May-10-05 15:22

Originally Posted by erkia
i'm 17 and a junior in high school. it must be a trend (i'm just kidding. i'm not being sarcastic. i think it's kind of cool) and i'm on day three. how on earth do you get any fiber in your diet during induction? it's made me kinda worried because i used to have about 24 or 25 grams of fiber a day (i love kashii good friends...loads of fiber). i've thought about taking fiber tablets or powders, but for all the fiber offered there's a ton of carbs. after induction, i'm sure i won't have too much to worry about, but right now it's really difficult. any tips genevieve?

HEY HEY! Good Luck on induction
Personally I dont believe in the whole phase thingy!! For me the way I loose and maintain weight is just LOAD ON THE VEGGIES(that is where I get ALL my fiber!!!) BUt if you still want to do all the phases, it doesn tmean you have to cut out ALL the veggies, or limit, I carbs do count, Take cabbage: 4 carbs, but that means you can eat more veggies!!
HAve you EVER heard of veggies making people fat(well unless they are deep fried or soaked in oil! haha!)
GOOD luckk!!!!

kat168 Tue, Jun-14-05 19:34

hey people, i was wondering..if your already thin, i mean i've had eating disorders in the past, but i still want to lose weight ( dont know why - its just me) i eat only fruit and veg now, but i dont seem to be losing that much currently 48 kg i wana go down to u think i should just load on the meat and fat ie mayonnais etc and still have veg? will this atkins help me to properly lose weight?

sassystick Sun, Jun-19-05 19:13

kat, i dont think it would be a good suggestion to load up on anything. Its all about portion control and keeping things balanced. How tall are you? 43kgs and very little....

bluesfan88 Mon, Jun-20-05 13:28

kat hun , atkinds is not a diet it is a way of life , yeah people lose weight on it , only eatting veggies and friut is not a good idea . fruit is full of carbs , and eatting meat and veggies and other alloud foods is good . if you haven't already read the books you might want to.

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