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gotbeer Thu, Jan-29-04 07:24

"Family doctor discusses dangers of smoking, weight gain for women"
Family doctor discusses dangers of smoking, weight gain for women

By Amelia Feathers, The Orange Leader

link to article

[The article as published referred to "Adkins" repeatedly. This has been corrected below. - gotbeer]

Family practitioner Victoria Gordon concluded her discussion about women's health issues on Wednesday by saying smoking is one of the worse things a woman can do to her body.

"Smoking is absolutely, positively the worse health hazard for women and men. If no doctor has ever told you, I'm telling you to quit smoking, if you smoke," Dr. Gordon said.

Gordon spoke at the Riparian Business and Professional Women's noon luncheon meeting Wednesday at the Sunset Groves Country Club. Members of the local American Association of University Women also attended the luncheon.

Gordon said smoking can cause bladder, skin and lung cancers; cardiovascular disease and clouds the lenses of the eyes.

"Smoking is evil - horrible, so don't do it," Gordon said.

Gordon also talked about dramatic increases in cases of childhood diabetes. She explained insulin is a steroid and causes weight gain.

"The higher your level of circulating insulin the more prone you are to obesity. The lower your circulating level of insulin it's easier to keep your weight under control," she said.

Gordon said many doctors are pushing to get sodas out of the schools. "If you can get children addicted to soda pop under the age of 14....they are more prone to be addicted the rest of their lives and soda companies know that and that is why they want to be in the schools," she said.

Drinking a coke is the equivalent of eating a candy bar, she said.

Instead of sodas, she suggests children should be drinking more water, milk and fruit juices. For snacks, she said fresh fruit or cheese is better than drinking sodas and eating chips.

Gordon said teenage girls should abstain from sexual activity until after age 18 to lessen their risk for getting cervical cancer.

"Basically, cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease," she said. "This is another reason for us to encourage celibacy until (girls) are mature, and I'm not talking religious or ethical issues, but just from a purely medical point of view."

On the subject of women and weight loss, Gordon defined a calorie as burning energy.

She said people figured out there were more calories per gram of fat than per gram of carbs, which started the low-fat diet fad in the 1970s and 1980s.

Gordon said before the 70s and 80s when women wanted to lose weight they quit eating potatoes, breads and desserts.

"They would eat their meat and vegetables and that was how they dieted," Gordon said. "Now, we are starting to look back at the women in the 1950s and 1960s."

Citing the Atkins Diet created by a cardiologist, Gordon explained because of increased weight gain is how the issue of low fat verses low carbohydrates came about.

Medical experts began to study different nationalities' diets. She explained Italians, Asians and Indians have high starch diets and have high incidences of diabetes.

"People living in Norwegian countries have high rate of heart disease but low diabetes," she said.

She said medical analysts began to question if the reasons for the differences were genetic or environmental.

She said after dieters were successful using the Atkins method studies were done on the diet.

Gordon said in a study conducted by Duke University with people on low-fat diets and others on low carbohydrates diets both groups loss about the same amount of weight after three months, which was nearly 20 pounds.

"The ones who was on the low fat diet had loss predominately muscle mass, so their percentage of body fat increased," she said. "The ones who was on the low carbohydrate diet had actually loss percentage of fat, this is real important and a big difference."

She said people with high triglycerides in general is the single most found co-existing factor in people who have heart attacks. Diabetes causes triglycerides to go sky high, Gordon said.

"I've noticed my patients who were put on strict diabetic diets or who dramatically cut their sugar and starch consumption that often their triglycerides dropped significantly," she said. "I started watching patients who went on diets and I noticed people on the Atkins Diet had dramatic drops in their triglycerides."

Gordon said the Atkins Diet seems to be much easier for people to stick with because they don't feel as hungry with other diets.

Gordon joked at the end of her presentation when she said the only other thing that's bad for women "is a bad relationship and staying in it."

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