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Cimorene Tue, Jun-10-03 21:26

Fascinated with the potassium/magnesium connection
I haven't been here in awhile.......I go off exploring from time to time, and then I slack off and when my pain gets bad enough.......I start looking for something REAL again. What I can say about this place is that it's the least offensive and expensive, yet most informative of all the online forums, and the low-carb diet is the only one that has ever made me feel appreciably different. But I digress--I am fascinated with peoples' remarks about the FM/CFS syndrome(s)....I've never gotten a firm label for mine, but the pain in my legs has me nearly immobilized, as I recently realized when I stopped taking the pain pills that controlled it. I intend to try potassium and magnesium, as I had never thought of this possibility....would like to hear more!

imagem Wed, Jun-11-03 11:23

Hi Cimorene! I agree with you...this forum is very informative. The more we share, the more we will all get better. :cheer:

Regarding magnesium, after lots of research, I started taking
magnesium & malic acid. It is sold already combined in capsules. In Canada, I buy a brand call Swiss Naturals, but I don't know what brands are available in USA. You will be able to find it at health food stores. Each capsule should contain 300 mg magnesium and 1200 mg malic acid.
I have been taking this product for at least 10 months now and I am convinced that it works. To start you take
3 capsules in the morning on an empty stomache, and 3 capsules at bedtime.
I now take 2 capsules in the morning, and 2 capsules at night, and that seems to work.
The biggest benefit for me was no more fatigue. I still have some flareups (see my post from Monday below), and always some pain(I am working on that one), but I no longer need to sleep for 12 hours at night, and nap during the day.
I learned about mag/malic in a book called "From Fatigued to Fantastic" written by a dcotor who specializes in CFS & Fibro.
He says you have to stay on the mag/malic for life.
Give it a try! It will take a couple of days (or weeks) to become effective, but I am sure you will notice a difference.
Good luck, Gail

Cimorene Wed, Jun-11-03 16:32

Malic Acid???
What's the malic acid connection? I did buy a Magnesium tonic today.....oh, damn, I just noticed it has ten grams of carbs per dose.....something called Floradix Magnesium, a tonic. I'll check out the book you mention. I just had the awful realization that I've been maintaining myself on pain pills, and when I stopped, realized just how much pain I'm in. I do hope this works!!!

bus99 Sat, Jul-26-03 22:22

paxil helps me very much with fibro and arthritis
since I started atkins and because I was tired all the time I cut downon the paxil and am hurting pretty bad, I AM TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT i

colinjn Tue, Aug-05-03 09:23

Hi Here is a link with some information on the malic acid/ mag connection. I haven't tried it yet but it does seem to make sense. Note the cautious endorsement by Dr Goldstein. I have also read a less than enthusiastic result in a double blind study. So it seems that this is not a miracle cure, but one more brick in the wall.

Good Luck All!


OpenArms Thu, Aug-28-03 16:32

This is sounding promising!
Now I'm wondering - for those of you trying this, have you noticed any effect on mood? Depression can be a very big issue with me and I am NOT going to live on anti-depressants for the rest of my life. Still - I Would like my kids to grow up believing that Mommy actually IS a nice person from time to time ;)


pltrygeist Thu, Aug-28-03 17:59

While I don't have fibromyalgia, I do have chronic fatigue syndrome and I find that potassium and magnesium aspartate combination works pretty well.

Natrushka Thu, Aug-28-03 18:06

The importance of magensium is something the Eades discuss in their book, Protein Power Lifeplan, and frankly, it was something I'd forgoten about until I stumbled across an article last week about the mineral. The thing I found the most interesting was that in order for potassium to work you need to have adequate levels of magnesium. You might find it interesting:

The Magnesium Lottery


OpenArms Thu, Aug-28-03 21:22

Thank you - I'm going to check that out right away! :)

shedevil13 Mon, Sep-08-03 18:49

Ditto about the CFS. I also have it and did start taking magnesium, potassium, and L-carnitine. Also NADH for about two straight months.

Now I take nothing except olive leaf extract to combat the flareup of EBV. So far so good.

I would highly recommend trying both supplements.

Almost CFS free....

UrbanGypsy Tue, Sep-09-03 04:16

I found pain killers made the pain in my legs infinitely worse. This seems to be quite common with ME/CFS sufferers, many of whom also have a fairly high level of chemical intolerance.

Magnesium (best taken in a calcium and boron mix to aid absorbtion) worked minor miracles... as did cutting coffee right down (preferably out) and sticking to Lavazza; the one brand which seemed to use a different freeze drying process as I was obviously allergic to the chemical otherwise used. Just before bed a warm/hot bath with two mugs of sea salt and one mug of bicarbonate of soda not only eased the pain immeasurably, it also helped me sleep.

I know some ME/CFS sufferers find hot baths make them feel ill... I only learnt the hard way that this seems to be due to the muscles relaxing and releasing a lot of toxins which otherwise remain trapped, so it was worth persevering.

I also found sticking religiously to the low carb way of eating has utterly transformed my condition... wouldn't recommend keeping wandering off it each time you feel a bit better.

OpenArms Tue, Sep-09-03 09:01

Interesting - I didn't realize that others with these conditions had discomfort in a hot bath. There supposed to be so soothing right? :nono: I've also noticed that frequently (though not always and I haven't figured a pattern to it yet) painkillers may take a certain "edge" off, and leave me with a whole mess of other pains/aches that I hadn't even been aware of til then. Forums like this make me feel a bit more like maybe I'm not si crazy after all ; )

I'm beggining to work more magnesium into my daily regimen (to add to all the other supplements!:rolleyes: ) Thanks for all the tips everyone!!


shedevil13 Sat, Oct-04-03 20:01

I always have a cramping in my upper left back area and it will get worse. Then I take more magnesium/potassium and it will go away for awhile.

I have added the malic acid two days ago and the pain is almost gone now with no cramping. Also the muscular cramping in my legs is disappearing now also.

Wish I had know three years ago!! :)

anniegitur Mon, Oct-06-03 08:47

Thanks to all of you. I am suffering from fibro. I started to supplement with magnesium about a month ago, the pain has disappeared. I also get very uncomfortable with hot baths but if it will help me relax and sleep.

anniegitur Mon, Oct-06-03 08:48

Anniegiturgun Thanks
Thanks to all of you. I am suffering from fibro. I started to supplement with magnesium about a month ago, the pain has disappeared. I also get very uncomfortable with hot baths but if it will help me relax and sleep.

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