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SissyPoo Thu, May-29-08 14:57

What can I do for fibrormyologa pain!
I was sent to a rheumotolist to check out all this pain I stay in everyday all over my body. He told me that I had fibermyolga and put me on muscle relaxers and neurotin. I have been on it for two months now and it does not seem to make the pain go away.
I was just wondering what you all take for your fibromyolga and if it takes the pain awy or at lease eases it up some.
I hurt so bad all over and can barely get out of bed in the mornings or do anything much anymore because of it.
I did have some pain medication I was taking and even that did not do much for it.

I have to seem my doctor with it again next month in June so I am hoping he can give me something else to take for it.

I was just wondering what you took for yours.....

kelly77 Sun, Jun-01-08 08:52

I understand the pain you speak of. every morning i wake up in pain, very stiff, tingling hands, and just feeling very crappy in general. its very hard to get up, get functioning, get dressed for work, etc. i take tramadol - very low dose, 1/2 of a 50mg tablet, so 25mg. within about 1/2 hour, the pain goes away. i sit with a cup of coffee waiting for it to take effect. it does take care of the pain and i feel much better. the coffee seems to help in the morning, probably just getting me out of the drowsy, foggy mode. if i take one late, before i go to bed, i wake up feeling much better as it's still in my system by the time i wake up. but then i'd have to take another half a pill sometime in the morning, and i prefer not to have to take that much, as tramadol does seem to have a tendency to promote a dependency, so i keep it as low as possible. it's not scheduled as a controlled substance, so your doc probably won't have a problem giving you some samples to try. worth a try maybe?

My doc doesnt believe in fibromyalgia. ha! she thinks its some psychological condition, or some other condition yet undiagnosed. i think she's wrong. and those of us who experience the symptoms KNOW that it truly is a disease that is hard to pin down. she did give me a battery of tests to try to find out what was really wrong, and all levels were perfect, no problems at all. ...yet this persists. so i left there getting no help from her at all. i was prescribed the tramadol for restless leg syndrome, and coincidentally it just happens to relieve the fibro pain as well. i'm going to set out to find a doc that supports a fibro diagnosis, and maybe get some real help. i live in a big city, so i know they are here, just need to find one that my insurance will cover.

but the fibro is cyclic. right now i'm having a bad time, but probably in a couple of weeks it will ease up. emotional turmoil seems to bring it on, as well as a new addition of having migraines that i never had in my life before. so i've been given some samples of migraine meds that i will try on the next one.

so in answer to your question, 25mg of tramadol works for me, as well as trying to reduce emotional chaos and physical overexertion. but fibro seems to be a very personalized condition - what works for one, may not be effective for another. you just need to keep trying different meds to find what works for you.

i wish you well.

Hutchinson Sun, Jun-01-08 10:12

Get your Vitamin D3 status checked.
Ask for a 25(OH)D test or get one of these done
It is almost certain you will be vitamin d insufficient.
Raise your status to between 50-60ng/ml or 125-150nmol/l with an effective amount of vitamin D3 cholecalciferol It's usual to use 50,000iu one each week for 8-12 weeks then use 5000iu/daily The 50,000iu/once a week averages 7000iu daily As your body uses between 3000 - 5000iu daily this enables your body to have slightly more than it needs and thus replenish it's stores.
This calculator enables you to work out how long you need to stay in the sun.

I use both 5000iu/daily and as much full body non burning sun exposure as possible in the UK doing this I can get my 25(OH)D to 147.5nmol/l 59ng/ml.

I was in constant joint and muscle neurogenic pain that none of the pain killers I was prescribed touched unless I took them at levels that zonked me out so I had no quality of life at all. Raising my Vitamin D status has reduced the pain to such an extent that I no longer use any pain killers. The pain is still there but at such a low level for the most part I ignore it. It's really only when I'm in bed that I am aware of my ankles/wrists and the lower back pain and muscle pain I've lost (hopefully for good) There is some research showing those with higher Vit d status use half the pain medication for half the time as those with low status but I've not the time now to find it.

lowcarbUgh Sun, Jun-01-08 10:48

Anti-depressants help a lot of people to regulate their sleep which decreases pain. My ex-husband suffers from severe fibro and spinal stenosis. For years he was on MS-Contin (extended release morphine) and became dependent on it. It took him a long time to get off pain killers.

Cardio exercise helps relieve pain symptoms, but it is hard to start when you are in pain. I think there is an exercise DVD for fibro patients. In my ex's case, he had to make himself do things he didn't want to do, because the less he did, the more pain he suffered. It was also suggested to him to get cognitive behavioral therapy, but he didn't avail himself of that. It is supposed to help you develop behavioral strategies to deal with the pain.

Fibro simply sucks and I hope you find something that helps!

Hutchinson Mon, Jun-02-08 03:49

Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Vitamin D Inadequancy among Patients with Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain
Vitamin D deficiency is a major contributor to chronic low back pain in areas where vitamin D deficiency is endemic.

See also
Vitamin d Depression

Low Vitamin D Tied to Depression in Older Adults

We've known for long enough that 4000iu/daily improves feelings of well being.

Zuleikaa Mon, Jun-02-08 06:33

What Hutchinson said!!!

kelly77 Mon, Jun-02-08 17:53

ok you guys... i'm going to try the vitamin d therapy. i read that it's best to combine it with calcium and mg. i have a liquid cal-mag supplement, so i'll take it with the D.

HOw long is reasonable to expect to see some result, if it's going to be effective for the fibro pain??

Vanessa =) Wed, Jun-04-08 14:38

My chiropractor prescribed Vitamin D3 to me. I didn't know that it could help with pain though. I'm gonna ask him.

lowcarbUgh Wed, Jun-04-08 15:58

Well, there are people who have fibro pain that are not Vitamin D deficient, even the study reflected that. If anything, the study indicates that Vitamin D deficiency makes fibro pain worse.

I've read a lot of fibro books. I lived with a spouse with fibro for 15 years and this one is the definitive one on nutrition and supplements: From Fatigued to Fantastic

quietone Thu, Jun-05-08 06:03

My new dr is ordering a D test as well as others...will be curious to see what it shows.

puppetlady Sat, Jun-07-08 05:08

I am doing really well on Magnesium. I have had fibro for 22 years now but lately with the magnesium . MY energy is up and my pain is down. I take a few different forms to make sure I can absorb it . I use mag chloride, mag citrate and mag glycinate. I haven't had any problems with diarrhea and am feeling soooooooooo much better.

Nancy LC Sat, Jun-07-08 08:15

Originally Posted by quietone
My new dr is ordering a D test as well as others...will be curious to see what it shows.

I hope he does the right one! They often get confused and order 1,25 instead of the 25(OHD).

SissyPoo Sun, Jun-08-08 09:35

Just saw my doctor on Friday and he changed my fibo medication to Lyrica. I am praying it will help keep some of this pain down be4cause I hurt so bad all over that i can barely move anymore.
I am still doing my water exercises to so hopely soon I will ghet to feeling better.

quietone Tue, Jun-10-08 06:23

Nancy, yes he ordered the right one...along with a bazillion different tests. Go back on 16th

amandawald Wed, Jun-11-08 04:58

Originally Posted by SissyPoo
I was sent to a rheumotolist to check out all this pain I stay in everyday all over my body. He told me that I had fibermyolga and put me on muscle relaxers and neurotin. I have been on it for two months now and it does not seem to make the pain go away.
I was just wondering what you all take for your fibromyolga and if it takes the pain awy or at lease eases it up some.
I hurt so bad all over and can barely get out of bed in the mornings or do anything much anymore because of it.
I did have some pain medication I was taking and even that did not do much for it.

I have to seem my doctor with it again next month in June so I am hoping he can give me something else to take for it.

I was just wondering what you took for yours.....

I don't have fibromyalgia myself, but I was just on the web researching the benefits of kombucha tea (you can make it yourself with organic black tea and sugar and a kombucha mushroom, so it's not expensive) and a few people had posted that they had "cured" their fibromyalgia with kombucha tea. (The site had a dark green background and loads of testimonials from people who had had stunning results from drinking kombucha tea).

I'll post the link later. I've got to go and lunch for my kids!!!

Hope this helps.


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