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ketorick Sat, Apr-20-19 07:26

New to the forum
Just joined the forum and looking forward to sharing ideas and questions. I am type 2 diabetic and started keto a month ago Not sure how much weight I've lost but have eliminated one insulin dose and working on weening off the other. I have a diabetic counsellor who I will be seeing again next month. I hope to begin Dr.Jason Fung's Intermittent fasting, keto plan after seeing my counsellor.
I have read his book,"The Diabetes Code" and it makes perfect sense to me. If there are any other folks on his plan in here, I would love to hear from you.

PilotGal Sat, Apr-20-19 07:28

Hi Rick and welcome to the forum.
also check out Steve Cooksey's blog, "The Diabetic Warrior."
wealth of information, lots of N-1 experiments and he shows you what he eats, everyday.
and his before and after photos will surprise you.

Enjoy the journey.
You'll enjoy it here.


GRB5111 Sat, Apr-20-19 08:57

Welcome, Rick. Lots of people here who can relate to your situation and have followed keto with excellent practical information. Over time, you will notice changes in more than weight and a reduced reliance on insulin. Many health changes emerge and a good number of pleasantly unexpected benefits as well. Most of all, be patient, as you are beginning a transition for your metabolism that is very different at first. Know that there will be fits and starts, but if followed consistently, it's all good in the process of embracing better health.

There are many resources available on this forum, but the most valuable are the people who interact here. They are respectful, knowledgeable, and have first-hand experience with access to much information. I started reading the posts here years ago, and I find it my most consistently valuable source for following my way of eating (WOE), which is keto or what I refer to as Low Carb, High Fat, Ketogenic (LCHFKD). Enjoy the journey and especially the good people on this forum.

LCer4Life Sat, Apr-20-19 09:48

Originally Posted by GRB5111
Welcome, Rick. Lots of people here who can relate to your situation and have followed keto with excellent practical information. Over time, you will notice changes in more than weight and a reduced reliance on insulin. Many health changes emerge and a good number of pleasantly unexpected benefits as well. Most of all, be patient, as you are beginning a transition for your metabolism that is very different at first. Know that there will be fits and starts, but if followed consistently, it's all good in the process of embracing better health.

There are many resources available on this forum, but the most valuable are the people who interact here. They are respectful, knowledgeable, and have first-hand experience with access to much information. I started reading the posts here years ago, and I find it my most consistently valuable source for following my way of eating (WOE), which is keto or what I refer to as Low Carb, High Fat, Ketogenic (LCHFKD). Enjoy the journey and especially the good people on this forum.

Totally agree! I learn so very much from the folks here. They are very knowledgeable and courteous. I have my java with y’all every morning.
Welcome Rick. Good Luck

JEY100 Sat, Apr-20-19 09:58

Welcome Rick! :wave:

The so-called Fungsters hang out on the Diabetes sub-forum :)
His "Obesity Code" thread started in 2014 so reading post #1 will help, then join in the current discussion or ask questions.

Read back through the threads and you may find other similar programs to consider. Dr. Bernstein, Dr. Westman, Dr Hallberg/Virta health, etc.

Attitudes toward using Low Carb for Diabetes are changing ..finally, just one of the many recent stories about it:

All the best,

CityGirl8 Sat, Apr-20-19 10:19

Welcome Rick!

This is a great support forum for low-carber eaters. This forum and many of us have been eating this way for a long time--since long before it was called keto. ;) But there's lots to learn and we're all on pretty much the same path together.

The forum founders aren't supportive of fasting, like most other like-minded folks these days, so there's only some limited discussion of it here. There's a thread in the diabetes sub-forum that gets some traffic (and there are postings in that thread with the reasoning about why they don't like it, so I don't want to re-hash that here). Conversations around time-restricted eating (TRE), such as 16:8 or one meal a day (OMAD) are fine, or about intermittent fasting for one or two days are okay. But conversations about anything like three days (72 hours) or extended fasting is off limits.

There are definitely people here doing it, both people with diabetes and not, and we talk about it, but the support is more around what we eat when we do eat. :)

DaisyDawn Sat, Apr-20-19 11:22

Welcome! I just started lower carb/this group earlier this week and everyone here has been so helpful!

Grav Sat, Apr-20-19 14:03

Welcome to the forum, Rick.

I'm not specifically following any particular prescription by Dr Fung, but I have a colleague at work who tried alternate day fasting last year after reading The Obesity Code and lost a pile of weight as a consequence. I lost my weight through regular LC/keto at first, although I do now manage 16:8 TRE most days.

Feel free to hang around and ask any questions you wish, or maybe start a journal of you own whenever you feel ready. We're all here to help. :)

ketorick Sun, Apr-21-19 03:58

Wow!! Thank You all for the wonderful responses to my first post. Looking forward to following up with your advice during my journey to better health. Too bad I let myself go till age, but hopefully I can get things under control and make it to 66..and beyond. :wave:

SilverEm Sun, Apr-21-19 08:06

Hi, KetoRick. :). Welcome! I wish you success and the best of health.

s93uv3h Sun, Apr-21-19 08:10

Welcome! Get ready to stop taking meds.


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