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Quincy Tue, Jan-27-04 12:02

The G.I. Diet
Has anyone else here tried "The G.I. Diet" (author Rick Gallop)?
It seems to be alot like Sugar Busters or The Zone. It seems to be very easy to live with. I've only been on it for 8 days and have lost 5 lbs. even though I cheated a little a couple of times. However I suspect that is mostly water weight. I have about 45 lbs. to lose. If I can average 1 or 2 lbs. per week this is the plan for me!

AlluraD Sun, Feb-08-04 20:59

I just ordered the book......*keeping fingers crossed*
How are you doing?

Quincy Mon, Feb-09-04 07:08

Hi AluraD:
The G.I. Diet is working quite well for me. The first two weeks I dropped weight quickly - 8 lbs. I am now in the 3rd week and have dropped 2 more lbs. for a total of 10. The diet is very easy to follow. The green light foods I am allowed to eat during the weight loss phase are varied enough and low-carb enough that I find my cravings for high carbs has been dramatically reduced, yet I can eat enough to keep me satisfied. I am learning to snack on fruit to satisfy hunger. This way of eating is so simple to do, healthy and satisfying that I can see how I could maintain this for the rest of my life. I am not in the clear yet as I have 40 lbs. to go to reach my goal weight but unlike Atkins and CAD which I tried a couple of years ago, I think I can reach my goal weight with this one, even though the results may come a bit slower. I think you will enjoy the simplicity of the plan and how good you will feel about the foods you eat.
Slow but steady.

AlluraD Mon, Feb-09-04 08:38

Thanks Quincy~ :)
The web site doesn't offer much info. I am looking forward to reading the book and started yesterday with the green light foods. I have had great success with Atkins but just want to eat a more varied "natural" diet. I will never get up where I was again~
I don't mind the slow progress as long as it is fairly consistant~ You are doing great~

Quincy Mon, Feb-09-04 20:22

Thanks for the encouragement. I would like to know what your progress is and what you think of the diet once you get into it.
Quincy :)

Iowa Tue, Feb-17-04 11:39

I've really been thinking about this diet. Where do we get a list of foods that have the GI amount. I know I've seen one where it's listed in green and red and so on but for the life of me I can't find it now.

Quincy Wed, Feb-18-04 06:30

Hi Iowa:
Sorry for not responding sooner, I've been up to my armpits in alligators.
For a glycemic list you can try
Or -
The book "The GI Diet" has simplified the whole deal by listing the foods we eat light a traffic light by categorizing them as red, yellow and green light foods.
I feel very good about this way of eating and I know it works as I've lost 15 lbs. in 5 weeks so far which has exceeded my expectations. I've been around the block a couple of times and this low-glycemic thing is like a breath of fresh air :) .

Iowa Wed, Feb-18-04 07:40

Thank you. I really appreciate it. It sounds like you are doing awesome. That's so cool. It's encouragment for everyone else.

MarnieON Wed, Feb-18-04 17:14

I too have been attempting the GI Diet, although I'm not quite fully into it yet. I'm coming at it from the other way--from a truly LC WOE. I lost 55 lb. on Protein Power, but couldn't get rid of the last 6 lb. to goal. Also needed to get a WOE for maintenance. I know someone who is using the GI Diet and loves it. So I bought the books out of curiosity. When I first read them, I thought "no way". His adamant anti-fat really kind of turned me off. But then I got thinking about it and reading about it. Cheese is really my only issue. I don't drink milk, low fat salad dressing and cottage cheese are just fine with me. I make my own yogourt and switching to skim milk is OK for that. And I don't eat that much cheese to start with. Low fat cheese is just so yucky!
However, I've had to ease into it by gradually increasing my carbs since my body wasn't used to handling them. Just today I've started trying to get in the 3 snacks. I'm sure not hungry.
I've also been really a fiend (for me) on the exercise with doing WATP 3 mile 7 days a week, Curves 3x weekly and a firming and toning video 3x weekly. Whatever the cause, I lost a pound last week (and I wasn't even fully into GI Diet). So I was happy with that as the scale hadn't budged in 5 weeks.
Have yet to put beans, oatmeal and some other items into my diet. Still trying to be fairly cautious about the number of carbs I consume. But so far, so good.

Quincy Wed, Feb-18-04 18:59

Hi Marnie:
Your almost at your goal weight! :yay:
I too tried Atkins w.o.e., but that was a couple of years ago and I couldn't stand all the meat and cheese anymore. So I started the G.I. Diet last month and am very impressed with the types of foods I can eat. It all seems so right. Anyway I hope I can get as close to goal weight as you are. Even dropping 15 lbs. makes me feel so much better about myself.
Slow but steady.

MarnieON Thu, Feb-19-04 12:33

Hi Quincy,
You are doing just great! Congratulations. It is so exciting to see the scale go down, isn't it?
I started with Atkins nearly a year ago, although I never ate as much fat as he recommended. My husband is on a low fat diet (or at least he's SUPPOSED to be) and I flatly refuse to cook two separate meals. I then read Protein Power and felt more comfortable with that. My weight loss has been slow and steady until late Nov. when it stopped. In fact, I gained 3 lb. around mid Dec. and I have no idea why as I hadn't cheated or changed anything. Anwyay I got that off and another pound and that has been it until last week.
GI Diet is going fine. Do you have both books? I've tried a few of the recipes from the second book and plan to try a couple more this afternoon. The cranberry muffins are very good. Still have trouble remembering to eat my snacks. I've tried for so long to avoid snacks--this morning I was out running errands and remembered I forgot to have a snack before I left.
Keep truckin'.

BeastWoman Mon, Feb-23-04 08:42

There is a great cookbook i've been using for Low G.I. Recipes. It called The Good Carb Cookbook: Secrets of Eating Low on the Glycemic Index
by Sandra Woodruff
I bought it off of Amazon for about 12 bucks. Lots of info and great recipes.

MarnieON Tue, Feb-24-04 05:32

Thanks for the tip about the cookbook. I went to Amazon, read the reviews and bought it. I know I'm going to need more recipes as many of my LC ones won't do any more because they are higher fat.
Thanks again.

Quincy Tue, Feb-24-04 21:24

I am always on the prowl for low g.i. recipes. However it seems that a lot of them are fairly "gourmet". I usually am just looking for basic recipes that are simple to fix, basic, and good tasting to get us by from day to day. It seems that some people think that to present a recipe to others it needs to be "special".
Yes, I do like an elaborate meal from time to time and sure some of the recipes I've seen are pretty basic, but I guess what I am trying to say is that more than anything I want recipes that are simple, satisfying and free. :) Not asking much am I?
Slow but steady.

BeastWoman Tue, Feb-24-04 23:57

Quincy, I know what you mean. Being a mom, i hardly have the time it takes to prepare elaborate meals. And one thing that i've notice is that since i started eating this way it sure takes alot of my time. It seems like i'm in the kitchen at all hours preparing meals. The book has given some ideas and i mostly use it on the weekends when my husband is home all day and he can help with the baby and the house stuff.
Its been slow here too but definetly steady :)

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