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zellie Wed, Dec-26-01 07:07

I'm a quitter!
Ready or not ready, here I go. I've quit smoking today. The cigarettes are in a drawer, and put away. I don't want to smoke now!

Promised myself I will account for every cigarette smoked here. If I smoke, I will have to post. :) LOL!

alto Wed, Dec-26-01 08:18

You're not a smoker, Zellie. Why would you smoke? :)

Congratulations! Keep them in that drawer.

Atriana Wed, Dec-26-01 08:30

Way to go, zellie! Hope your first day goes smoothly.

zellie Wed, Dec-26-01 12:12

OMG! :) Lol.. I was in nicotine withdrawal. Look at all my typos. Thanks for the encouragement. I was so tempted to postpone the date this morning after I found out I'm 4 1/2 lbs from goal. I haven't weighed myself for two weeks.

Said to myself, "Play for broke, girl. Be a quitter and a loser, too."

Going to add masochist also to the list. I had the morning free, I decided to make myself revolution rolls, made a mental commitment to beat the egg whites up by hand using a wire whisk, to keep active... I am crazy!... 25 minutes of beating! .. lol ;)

I need a mobile potty to follow me around. (132oz so far!) :) Drinking water and a deep breath works, keeps the desire to light up away.

zellie Thu, Dec-27-01 08:05

BTW, Alto, I really like the new picture :) . Good luck on your new plan, and thanks for all your support!
I was a mental mess yesterday, I was "high" on oxygen, I'm breathing better already.

Karen Thu, Dec-27-01 12:05

Zellie, GET RID of those cigarettes in the drawer. You are a non-smoker. YOu don't smoke, and neither do you need to be reminded that you once did.


zellie Thu, Dec-27-01 12:53

I stink!
I smelt myself today, for the first time, the smell of smoke is revolting, lol. I've smoked for 30 years, and tried to quit many times. I was 2-packs-a-day plus, a week ago. First thing I did on waking up was light up a cigarette.
So far NO cravings, just my mouth wanting to suck and swallow, a habit left over from inhaling. No desire for nicotine. I don't want it at all, just becoming desperate to get speed up getting rid the stuff from my body.

Karen they are designated for my "memorabilia museum" :) .

Yesterday I felt so good, I took them out of the drawer, put them on a shelf, and left them there. My mental challenge is to dare go touch them. I've had no desire to go near them, let alone smoke.

I'm so amazed, because I've been through cold turkey so many times, perhaps my preparation was well tuned for me this time around. I feel positive i've quit, not desperate for a cigarette.

Yesterday morning I was very reluctant to quit, because of the weightloss and being so close to goal. This morning, I felt it was the wisest decision I could possibly have made. I already feel physically so much better, both breathing and smellwise.

IslandGirl Fri, Dec-28-01 16:14

Karen they are designated for my "memorabilia museum"

First thing I thought when I saw this (after reading Karen's good advice!) was: WAX THEM! Literally. Can't laminate 'em but CAN dip them in wax :lol: !

Second thing I thought was my Mom telling me (when she first quit smoking) that she put them in a bag and then in a milk carton (we had those 2 quart waxed cardboard cartons, you know?) and filled it with water. When frozen, she peeled the paper off and left them in the top of the freezer to look at whenever she got a craving... the thought of having to go through the defrost was her Deferral Mechanism :lol:

Finally, Zellie, I thought: You GO, girl!

... smokefree for 1 year and 26 days today ...

zellie Fri, Dec-28-01 16:18

Day 3:
Day 3:
Still no cravings for a cigarette. There is definitely a physical dependency. In my case it wasn't lack of motivation, I had to examine my addiction and find a way to cure the physical addiction, deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms. With each failure at quitting I learn more about my addiction. Failure was beneficial.
I sat down, had a mental flash "no ashtray", then I remembered I don't smoke any more. That's the kind of reminders of smoking I'm getting, no physical cravings.
Smoker's cough has started loosening up. Still feel the nicotine in my body. Feeling good, and impatient for my lungs to function better. I must try for a way of speeding this up.
For any one interested weight wise :) day 2, I was 1/2lb down, today, 2lbs up :) I'm not worried at all, since it's water retention and constipation. Constipation was another side effect I noticed in my previous attempts to quit.
I think I've got the calcium-water intake under control. Taking 4000mg for a few days. There is still nicotine in my bloodstream, I think a few days still, before it is gone.
So far I've never ever had the thought to light up a cigarette, let alone reach out for them. I'm noticing other smokers when I go out, I feel sorry for them, standing outside in the cold smoking. I've cleaned and cleaned, laundered, etc, I still smell it inside. Opened all the windows, turned on the a/c, fans, I still smell smoke, it irks me.... grrrrrrrrrr! I was wearing a coat and hat inside!

PS: I forgot, I had a cigarette craving last night. It was food induced. Haven't had any cream/milk/cheese/butter products in 5-6 days. Last night I had 3 tablespoons cream with my jello. Got the urge to "taste" a cigarette. All the cream went into the garbage disposal! Not down my throat, and NOT in my house :). I don't need cream :)

tamarian Fri, Dec-28-01 16:27

WTG Zellie :thup:

I'm reading, and learning! :)


Atriana Fri, Dec-28-01 17:29

Zellie - you are doing so well! You are definately an inspiration.
I am sitting here with a cigarette burning in the ashtray wondering when I am going to get it together. I hate smoking when I am doing it and obsessed with smoking when I am not.

zellie Sat, Dec-29-01 05:27

Exponential? LOL
day 4: Not a good start. I feel like s***, i look like death. Bad headaches, bloated, constipated, and I weigh 121 lbs this morning. This is very funny.
day 1: 114.5 lb
day 2: 114 lb
day 3: 116 lb
day 4: 121 lb

A growing girl again? :)

The scale is not wrong :) I can see it in the mirror. It's the effects of constipation. Waist is 1" thicker, and so are the hips, and I feel it under my chin. In the past this has gone on for weeks, have to find better was of resolving it.

Atriana Sat, Dec-29-01 09:20

Gee Zellie - it almost sounds like PMS. Could it be a contributing factor?
I would try drinking additional water. Also try adding a short walk in an effort to get your metabolism moving again. Don't despair - you are doing so well - there is no way that extra weight is anything but water at this point.

zellie Sun, Dec-30-01 06:53

Start of day 5
Feel much better than i did yesterday. ooooooh! and the weight is down back to 116lbs. My stomach is swollen, and I'm bloated, it's not PMS :) Think it's the metabolism readjusting itself. I can see I'm retaining water by looking at my ankles.
I don't want to declare victory over nicotine addiction, I've fallen so many times before, but this time i feel very soooooo confident and certain. In my innermost self, nicotine is something of the past. It was never like this before.

Showering, I was thinking of various attempts at quitting: "the eat prunes", "eat grapes" cures, hypnosis, goes on, and on! lol!
It's a horrible addiction, ...

zellie Mon, Dec-31-01 16:02

2002 is going to be smoke free for me, I'm astounded with myself.

I laughed at myself, today, when I found a bag of Drum tobacco, papers, and a rolling machine, which I kept as "a back-up" incase i ran out of cigarettes.

I'm glad i'm free and in control again :)

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