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clodagh Fri, May-24-02 09:40

Ideas and tips with an Irish flavour
HI all

I wonder would it be a good idea for us to make suggestions etc of foods etc we use that might help others?

This is me being selfish as the rest of you have been at this for ages and have a lot more knowledge than me.

Anyway these are the type of thing I eat...

Ryvitas - super with peanut butter / cream cheese

I buy those salad bags from Superquinn for lunch and usually eat chicken /tins of salmon with it

I buy those bags of raw peanuts in Dunnes which are 95 cents but noticed that Nature Way in The Stephen's Green Centre have the same nuts much cheaper, in bigger bags -quite good value.

What does anyone do for desserts? I seem to never have a dessert of any type because I can't think of anything to make.

Also breakfast? I am so sick of scrambled eggs. Any ideas?


toodlepip Fri, May-24-02 09:54

Hi Clodagh!

I recently bought High Fibre Crackerbread from Dunnes and it's 2.2 carbs a slice (3 carbs minus .8 fibre)....I use this at lunch topped with mustard and ham or salami or cream cheese or peanut butter.....

For breakfast I ordered one of the banana Keto shakes from the UK and usually throw in a handful of blueberries or strawberries....quite good and keeps me going most of the morning.....the other day I made muffins with almond flour and walnuts and they were great.....I get sick of bacon & eggs too and only have them a couple days a week now.....

Desert....I made a cheesecake last week but didn't put enough fake sugar into it so it's a bit blah but edible......or else I've had sugar free jelly with whipped or clotted cream (from M&S)......

Mind you if I really want a square of chocolate I have it because one square is all I want. I'm not a chocolate freak so I can have it sitting in the fridge for months and it's not a temptation or anything I'd ever binge on. My favourite would be M&S's big Hazelnut bar....I bought one a few weeks ago but haven't opened it yet!

The Natures Way in Stephen's Green is good as it's an outlet of Holland & Barratt...good selection of nuts......but I did buy one of their soya protein isolate tins to make shakes and it's vile. Don't know what I'll use it in...and it was dear enough too....around €14...

The Big Cheese Co has a variety of the Davinci syrups in stock at the moment, unfortunately not the sugar-free ones. Though they might order them in if asked....

clodagh Fri, May-24-02 10:02

muffins interesting.

Would you mind posting your recipe?

I made muffins with ground almonds and baking powder a few weeks a go and they were a bit flat - they didn't rise much.

However they tasted fantastic.

do your muffins rise?

I keep a bar of Bournville in the fridge, which would last if only Seamus would stop eating it on me!!! I can just eat 2 squares with some nuts and be happy with that. Its great to have.

Also I have tried that crackerbread and its good. I must say I love the sesame seed ryvitas.


toodlepip Fri, May-24-02 10:11

Yeah they did rise...and were lovely warm with butter......

I kind of took a basic recipe and tweaked it a bit.......

100g almond flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
about 30mls melted butter
2 eggs
about 1/2 cup sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 packets splenda
and a good handful crushed walnuts

They were slightly dry so next time I'm going to up the sour cream in them.....or maybe use 1/2 an overripe banana as banana - walnut muffins used to be my favourite and are really moist....

I'm lucky - my other half hates milk chocolate which I love, and he loves dark chocolate which I hate!!

I'll have to try the sesame seed Ryvitas.....I used to always eat the currant ones.....

clodagh Mon, May-27-02 03:30

HI there

I will try those this week --one thing, where do you buy splenda?


toodlepip Mon, May-27-02 07:45

I ordered it from ....alongwith a jar of hot sauce (haven't used yet).....Davinci sugar-free hazelnut syrup (tastes awful)......some low carb tortillas (these are excellent)....and a tub of banana Keto shake mix (not bad).....

Very expensive to order....wish there was somewhere in Dublin to get low carb products.....

Doodle Wed, May-29-02 05:56

Hi guys... I get myoplex low carb bars from workout world on the quays. I get protein shakes there too, and in Tony Quinn. I order loads from the UK, at and at . I really want to start up a lowcarb web shop here (dublin).... what do y'all thinK?

toodlepip Wed, May-29-02 06:33

Go for it! The health food shops here seem to do fat free, gluten free, organic etc but no low carb/no sugar products at all.

We both posted the same link, but the other one you posted, low carb chocolate, has some nice expensive though.

I could get carried away ordering stuff but am stopping myself. I'm starting to veer away from Atkins and moving towards CALP and find it easier to incorporate some 'normal' products instead of ordering.

clodagh Wed, May-29-02 07:12

A low carb shop for Ireland would be great.

Just to let you know, over 700 people turned up for our PCOS meeting on Saturday ( our room only held 100 so we did 2 presentations and still had to turn about about 400!!!!)

The doctor doing the presentation spoke a lot about diet, so I reckon there are many Irish PCOS women starting the voyage into Low carb this week.

So there's big market for a start!!!

If you could import Stevia, I know at least 5 people who would buy from you regularly.

I haven't ordered anything yet, as I am doing Schwarzbein and it pretty much lets me eat normal whole foods. However some dessert stuff would be great.

I must try the shop on the quays for a few of those bars to eat an odd time.


Doodle Wed, May-29-02 07:24

Hmmm, this has definitely given me LC food for thought. I wonder how I would go about doing research for this? I have never been involved in any kind of business, but have always been attracted to doing something like this. The PLUS side would be that it is something I could do from home.. (3 kids).. Any ideas would be very welcome (please give me ideas!!!). Clodagh, thanks for the numbers on your PCOS meeting... that is a lot of potential customers!
My little brain is going ninety. ;)

Straboy Fri, May-31-02 11:22


Hi All

Nice to meet you. I am in Co.Donegal. :exclm: Started Atkins on Monday.
Here's hoping!

Slan go foill


yvonne Sun, Jun-02-02 10:23

Low carb ideas
Hi All

Great idea about low carb online shop - it would really save having to order from Uk. Still I have found some really useful subsitutes in the year and half I've been doing this wol.

If you are really in need of some chocolate. Boots do a good range of diabetic sugar free bars - dark and milk. It tastes like the real stuff to me. I get it in Liffey Valley Boots, it has the best range. I've also just discovered that Thorntons do a range of sugar free toffee and sweets for diabetics too. These are not things you want to eat lots of but they are great for a treat or when you are really finding it difficult to stick to the plan. A little bit of what you fancy.

I make breakfast pancakes using soya flour (1 tablespoon) I egg, a little cream and water and some fake sugar. I cook it in a little butter and use some diabetic no sugar jam on them. Taste great and don't take any time to make. Great when you want something sweet in the morning. Soya flour is cheap and available in all health food shops.

I'll dig up some more receipes and ideas to post later.
Have fun.

joe burns Mon, Jun-03-02 08:49

Hi Doods

This is a good idea
Try they do advisory for setting up small buisness they do a Buisness Appraisal Training Programme

Good Luck


willeke Mon, Nov-11-02 03:09

hi there
Hi there,
I'm Willeke from county Galway and I started Atkins (again) last week. I'm glad t have found this Irish community, it'll be nice to swap tips about where and what to buy.
Had to laugh about toodlepips opinion of soy isolated protein powder. Yes it is vile, but you know, you get used to it. I have it as breakfast. I used to cook porridge with protein powder in it, but cook only the protein powder now, with water, some olive oil, a bit of sweetener and cinnamon. It's like a thin warm custard and very nice! It keeps me easily till lunch time.

What do you use for sweetener? I can't have aspartam, so that rules out the powder sweetener. I bought two bottles of fluid sweetener when I wa sin the Netherlands last month, and that works fine for me.
That's something we should have here, definitely!

Ah well, this is enough for an intro, I hope somebody still reads this thread!!!

mairead Thu, Nov-14-02 15:37

:wave: hi all low carbers in ireland greetings from belfast have been low carbing now for about three weeks feel good and have lost 12 lbs my husband and i are doing this but why do men always seem to do better than women he has lost 18 would appreciate any tips and recipes used this plan many years ago but then atkins was much stricter
good lucjk to everyone and i know this forum will be a great help

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