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LizzieinNZ Wed, Jun-06-12 20:27

OMG I need help today please!
To cut a long story short I've stuffed up, feel like crap and don't know how to recover. See my last journal entry for details My mind seems to be my biggest hurdle. Please can someone give advice, either in my journal or here. I just need to know where I went wrong so I can use it as a learning curve rather than just give up completely. :help:

Wow what a first entry to this forum. Sorry!!!!!

robynsnest Wed, Jun-06-12 21:01

this might help, this is my new mantra...
I just have to keep doing the best I can, day by day. . . . One foot in front of the other, disassociating food from emotions, my weight from my self-worth, and my progress from my results. . . . Worrying about chipping away on the rock in front of me instead of the mountain behind it.

LizzieinNZ Wed, Jun-06-12 21:59

Thank you Robyn for that, I just needed someone to acknowledge that I'm not a complete failure. I have reread my own journal entry regarding today and I know how it must look to others....whinge, whinge, whinge. This is a stumbling block for me. Its like saying that because I wasn't perfect today I might as well chuck the whole thing. I know that's totally ridiculous but that's how I feel. I've got to learn to accept that I'm not perfect but that's still ok.

robynsnest Thu, Jun-07-12 07:02

Originally Posted by LizzieinNZ
Thank you Robyn for that, I just needed someone to acknowledge that I'm not a complete failure. I have reread my own journal entry regarding today and I know how it must look to others....whinge, whinge, whinge. This is a stumbling block for me. Its like saying that because I wasn't perfect today I might as well chuck the whole thing. I know that's totally ridiculous but that's how I feel. I've got to learn to accept that I'm not perfect but that's still ok.

You got it girl!
This whole thing is a learning experience for all of us right, if we were perfect we wouldn't be here. Be gentle with yourself, and it's ok to whine, get it out and move on, I think that it's when we stuff it back that it becomes dangerous.
Have a beautiful day!

xturkeyldy Thu, Jun-07-12 09:39

Lizzie, hang in there. Sometimes life gets in the way of us doing what we know we need to be doing. Just take it a meal at time.

LizzieinNZ Thu, Jun-07-12 13:50

Thanks Robyn and sheila I am hanging in there and my whine was yesterday now. I have updated my journal if you want the full version. Thanks for coming to my aid as very little could console me yesterday and it was nice that people cared enough to respond.

WereBear Sun, Jun-10-12 05:24

It's perfectionism. And it's deadly to our well-being.

It seems to start in childhood; when our parents over-react to something we do, whether it's actually "bad" or not, we decide if we never do anything remotely wrong, we will never be yelled at, or worse, again.

And the futile quest begins.

It distorts our thinking in many many ways. We exaggerate the consequences of "failure" so we are anxious about trying new things. It leads to procrastination; because if we don't start, we don't fail. We are constantly questioning our abilities because we aren't perfect yet!

So we wind up trapped in our misery and unable to get out.

So the next time you do something and it makes no sense, explore the idea that hidden perfectionism is what is sucking all the joy from your life. Do what I do, instead:

Strive for excellence.

If I make a tasty meal, write a few good paragraphs, finish a new chapter in my personal study program: Great! If I can't get to it today... I won't beat myself up over it. Tomorrow is a new, and promising, opportunity.

robynsnest Sun, Jun-10-12 07:55

Originally Posted by WereBear
It's perfectionism. And it's deadly to our well-being.

It seems to start in childhood; when our parents over-react to something we do, whether it's actually "bad" or not, we decide if we never do anything remotely wrong, we will never be yelled at, or worse, again.

And the futile quest begins.

It distorts our thinking in many many ways. We exaggerate the consequences of "failure" so we are anxious about trying new things. It leads to procrastination; because if we don't start, we don't fail. We are constantly questioning our abilities because we aren't perfect yet!

So we wind up trapped in our misery and unable to get out.

So the next time you do something and it makes no sense, explore the idea that hidden perfectionism is what is sucking all the joy from your life. Do what I do, instead:

Strive for excellence.

If I make a tasty meal, write a few good paragraphs, finish a new chapter in my personal study program: Great! If I can't get to it today... I won't beat myself up over it. Tomorrow is a new, and promising, opportunity.


leemack Sun, Jun-10-12 10:19

I think the best thing you can do is educate yourself as much as you can about this WOE, why its the best way to eat, how it will help you, and what natural fluctuations to expect. There are tons of resources on the forum, and lots of wise people and plenty of books to read.

The ones I started with on this journey were 'Natural Health and Weight Loss' and 'Trick and Treat' both by Barry Groves. They're easy to read and understand and led me to other books by Gary Taubes, Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson, and various blogs - and this forum.



LizzieinNZ Tue, Jun-12-12 04:08

Thanks for the info on perfectionism. Believe it or not, mine started in my childhood from being told something positive (I think). I was adopted and when I grew up I got told how I was 'special, because I was chosen' alot of the time. I now wonder if I thought that meant I had to be exceptional because I was chosen. Not sure but I know I was the only one that pushed myself all through school etc. All my school reports used to say that I strived for perfection. I just wished the teacher could've told me I'd never find it, learn to lower my standards and ease up on myself LOL.

Leemack, you're right re the reading. It's something I love to do anyway.

I just have to trust in myself to make good decisions and that this is going to work, no matter what the scales say. I'll get there this time!!!!! :agree:

xturkeyldy Tue, Jun-12-12 06:54

Lizzie, I honestly don't know what to say. But I wanted you to know we are in this together. I'm trying to not stress over the big picture and making today the best lowcarb day I can, given what happens. I am going to driving for about 6 hours today, which means at least on meal on the road. And it means I won't drink as much as I normally do, so I won't have to stop more then once or twice on the drive. But I am determined to stay lowcarb and to really get going on my goal of being at a healthy weight. Have a great day.

LizzieinNZ Wed, Jun-27-12 23:05

Oops, sorry sheila I forgot to come back to this thread. Its so nice to have people that understand the whole package of weightloss. I think we all have to remember to enjoy the journey along the way but also show up at the destination.

brierley Wed, Jun-27-12 23:21

keep on going lizzie, atkins works! follow the book....even re read it for motivation and piece of mind that is is healthy and does work :) ( i do this sometimes) for the coffee i order long black with cream on the side and a sweetner (delish). make sure your getting your 12carbs a day from salad or veges too, this will help to keep your calories in check i find. good luck :)

LizzieinNZ Thu, Jun-28-12 04:29

Thanks brierley for the encouragement but I have changed over to CALP to see how that is for me. I'm really enjoying it and I'll post my weightloss on Sunday which will be my first averaging of my weight over a week.

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