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mokia102 Thu, Jul-10-03 08:12

Just got diagnosed with Hashimoto - need advice!
Hi everyone!

I got just word last night that it seems that I have Hashimoto thyroiditis. My doc had trouble figuring out what was wrong with me because initially I was diagnosed with hyperthyroiditis at which point I went for my sonogram and uptake scan which strangely enough came back normal. That led to another blood test which now shows that I am hypothyroidic!! AGGHH!! What is going on??? :confused: So I started browsing for info about Hashimoto's and I stumbled upon this site yesterday and read :read: some of the posts of the different meds that everyone had exepriences with. I have my first sit-down with the Doc next Wednesday and wanted to know if anyone had any advice as to what meds they would recommend over all those that are available. ( I know that meds vary based on individual situation but I want to make sure I get the right treatment options). I have at least 10 pounds I want to lose and I don't want to make it any harder to lose it by having the wrong meds. I hear it is hard enough to get rid of the weight with this condition. SO any advice that you guys could give would be enormously appreciated!! :help:
Thank you!!!

Teeneelove Thu, Jul-10-03 08:36

Hashimoto's Disease
Hi! I'm also a newbie to the site, but I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto's since last spring. From the research I've done so far, Synthroid seems to be the most prescribed drug from doctors. Currently, I'm on a combination of Syntroid and Cytomel (T3 Hormone). You have to be patient with your meds, because it is a trial and error process until you find the right dosage. I've lost about ten pounds since last year and I'm an active chic. It is a frustrating process, but you have to stick with it. One of the books that I read, The Thyroid Solution by Ridha Arem recommended the Sugar Busters diet. That is what brought me to this site today. Have any Hashimoto sufferers had success with Sugar Busters? W/B

mokia102 Thu, Jul-10-03 22:08

Hi Teeneelove! :wave:

Thanks for replying to me and thanks for your advice - every bit that I am learning is helping me and preparing me for my Dr.'s visit on Wednesday. I am seeing that this is going to be a long process in which I am going to have to be patient. Being able to post my thoughts and concerns on this site is going to help - so I am glad that I found it. Keep writing to me!! :thup: Sorry I haven't heard about Sugar Busters. :q:

pattip Mon, Jul-14-03 22:19

Also newly diagnosed with Hashimoto's. I am very interested in hearing what you Doc had to say about it. I go on the 24th of July for my second consult. I have been on Induction for Atikins for more than a month, but at this time I am out of town and visiting with family, so I am trying to just eat sensibly and not ask everyone to fit their menu into our (hubby and I) diet. I haven't lost much if any wt yet, but have just started on my synthroid on a daily basis, as my doc put me on every other day for a couple of weeks.

mokia102 Tue, Jul-15-03 19:02

Hi Pattip, :wave:

I will be going to the Dr. tomorrow :eek: so I will let you know what happens then. Thanks for the reply - it is good to talk to someone who is at the same stage or close to it as me! Everyone keep writing as the more info. I have, the better prepared I will be to tackle this problem!

Will update after tomorrow!

pattip Wed, Jul-16-03 21:44

Mokia, will be looking for your next post. Will also let you know what my Doc had to say about my problem also. patti

mjose Thu, Jul-17-03 02:08

Hashimoto and diet
Hi mokia102, teeneelove and pattip,

I was diagnosed Hashimoto thyroiditis about ten years ago. I went to an endocrinologist because I was gaining weight without eating that much, and she put me on a low fat/low calorie (1000 cal/day) diet. I was 19 years old by then. With that diet I lost about 30lb in two years, but after those two years I started to gain weight (still following the 1000 cal diet and doing exercise every day). So, after two years my doctor decided to test my thyroid hormones!!! And we found out that I had thyroid antibodys, my own body was attacking the thyroid gland. The Hashimoto thyroiditis is an autoimmune desease and it is not known why our own body reacts against the thyroid. If someone has an autoimmune disease there is always a risk to have other autoimmune deseases. So far it is not my case, but it is important we are controlled regularly.

After the dyagnosis I was given L-thyroxine, and since I was used to eat very little, I lost a lot of weight in a short time. But now everything is OK, I am still on L-thyroxine, and if I eat more than I shoud I gain weight, if I eat less I lose. Almost one year ago I started to low carb, and I plan to low carbing for the rest of my life.

Hope you find this information useful.


Teeneelove Thu, Jul-17-03 05:35

Hi :)
How lucky we are to be diagnosed w/ a disease that provides such a wonderful support group. Thank you Dr. Hashimoto. :) I am looking forward to meeting w/ my doctor on Monday, and I have many new questions to ask him about based on some of the information I've found ~ this site.

I started low carbing last week and I've felt really great! I have a feeling I'll be low carbing it for life. Just like you said MJ! I think that is the nature of living w/ Hashimoto's. My only downfall is finding good snacks that are easy and taste relatively good. I kayak a lot and it is difficult to find snacks that can outlast the trek in the sun, unless they are carbs. Any suggestions?

Teeneelove ;-)

mjose Thu, Jul-17-03 05:52


I am living now very close to the Alps (just a few km away), and my partner and I like to go hiking. We take some chocolate with us. Hiking burns a lot of calories, so do not be afraid of eating some carbs. I also take canned tuna (I like tuna), they can stand the heat without melting!!! :), or cheese or ham...In fact, the day we go hiking I try to eat more than usual (carbs as well).


mokia102 Fri, Jul-18-03 10:19

Hi teeneelove, pattip and mjose and everyone else! :wave:

My update from my Dr's visit on Wednesday:

And the saga turns out that the latest blood test I took showed my TSH level to be slightly above normal - so a quick recap - I began my journey by getting tested due to my hair loss by a dermi who found that I had "High" levels of thyroid hormones (never found out the value) then went to my Doc and got tested to find out that I had .04 - hyper- a few weeks later after my thryoid sono and uptake scan, got another blood test which revealed that I now had a reading of 10 - hypo- and last Friday was tested yet again to find that I am now 6.0 (normal, I was told should fall between 3.0-5.0) so now as my Doc does not want to treat me prematurely (and I agree), I have to wait another three weeks and be tested again to see where my reading has settled into. According to my Doc, I will eventually settle into one extreme and it is not likely I will remain "normal" now - it is just a matter of time before I either become hypo or hyper (hypo being more probably than hyper) and so I wait - going through variations of symptoms and just recording how I feel in my diary.

Has anyone else had this exeperience of yo-yoing before being either hypo or hyper -- I don't believe this is a common occurrence but I am not sure. I am also a bit frustrated because my symptoms keep varying - sometimes I am overheated, wired, losing weight etc (hyper-like symptoms :hyper: ) and other times I am very fatigued, cold, gaining weight etc (hypo-like symptoms :yawn: ). Would u believe that at my last visit last month because I was hyper I lost 10 lbs and within a month (this visit) I put on 10 lbs without doing anything different!! :cry: I am seriously frustrated and bothered but all I can do now is wait! :confused:

Thanks for all your messages during my time of confusion! :daze:


pattip Fri, Jul-18-03 17:51

Dear Mokia, I can imagine that you are frustrated. I hope I settle into something. I have no insurance and the tests are costly. I will let you know what happens after my visit. Hang in there. patti

mokia102 Fri, Jul-18-03 19:52

Good luck to u Patti! :thup:

I will wait to hear from you about your visit.


Teeneelove Sat, Jul-19-03 07:54

Good Luck
I hope that everything works out for both of you. I wish I could better help you, but since I am new to this I am out of suggestions. You have been very kind to me and I thank you for sharing your information with me. I am off to my doctor on Monday afternoon. It almost as if we're cycling together w/ our md's. :) Have a good weekend! Love ya, Chris :)

pattip Thu, Jul-24-03 12:12

Hi Mokia et al.....
Just returned from Doc's office and he says I am doing well. Thyroid is shrinking, wt is down 10 lbs, hurray!!. He increased my synthroid from .50 mcg to .75. I don't have to go back until November. Hope all is going well with you also. patti

mjose Thu, Jul-24-03 12:28


Glad to hear that!! I also went to the doc to have a sonograph of the thyroid done, and he said my thyroid is very small!!. It is funny, my hormone dose has to be adjusted (reduced) because I stopped taking the pill!!.


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