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matty Fri, Feb-27-04 11:56

18 mo stall ended w L-carnitine
Just wanted to report what worked for one person (me). I've been stalled for 18 months. I'm not on any meds. I take a multi+anti-oxidants so I figured I was covered. I tried all of the following for about 1 month each:
- increased exercise. No impact. (kept this one going, not just 1 mo.)
- cut out all artificial sweeteners and all processed foods including store mayo. No impact.
- cut out coffee and tea, drank only water. No impact.
- cut out all dairy. No impact.
- went back to induction: GAINED 2 lbs.
- lowered carbs below induction. Got down to 5/day for about 2 weeks, now holding steady at 10-15. No impact.
- fat fast (2 days). No impact.
- cyclic refeeds. No impact.
- Raised fat. No impact
- Lowered calories. No impact.
- Raised calories. No impact.
- cyclic high cal/low cal (all low carb). Slight loss, which came back.
- added coconut oil. No impact.
- thyroid tested: no problem.

Decided to read the damn book again, and lo and behold, practically the first thing Dr. A says is "add l-carnitine". Well Duh! So I started taking 500 mg with each meal, have lost 7 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I am officially declaring this stall over, and I'm going to hit my head against the wall some more. (Which is good exercise as well.)

Thanks for listening (reading) my long vent at myself!

missaec Sat, Feb-28-04 22:08

Aww!! Congrats on breaking your stall!! Do you HAVE to take it 3 times a day? I bought some today, but I'm poor and I was hoping to only have to take one a day (to save money). DO you know if it'll work okay with just one a day?

kay3osu Sat, Feb-28-04 22:29

Hi Matty! first of all, can i commend you on sticking with this...18 month stall? talk about loyal and doing this right!! boy, i bet you are glad now that you stuck it out!! funny you should metion the lcarnitine. i have some old ones in the cupboard and thought i would pop one the other day....noticed a lot of energy that day?? but never made the connection and have not take on since. what i would like to know is what brand do you take? and is it the acety-l-carntine or just l-carnitine? when you have time and so happy for you!! also, i remember CoQ10 giving me a boost too. but don't have any left. i accidently threw a brand new bottle away...don't ask!! :) $30!! Grrrr! :)

well, good luck to you and hope it's all down hill from here for you.......... K

Sooike Sun, Feb-29-04 13:16

Hi Matty
This tread was just what I was looking for. After a 8 month stall and trying almost everything (just like you did) I went back to induction for more than a month. today I hit the scales for the first time after induction and ....I have gained almost 2 kg (I finally thought I lost some weight)
So tomorrow I am gonna buy some l carnitine. I hope it will work !

matty Sun, Feb-29-04 13:27

Good luck to all - I hope this thread does help, and I'll be glad to share whatever info I've got. I get all my vitamins from Target because it's the cheapest around here. I get the 500mg l-carnitine made by "heart healthy" at about $7/30 pills. I take 3/day, I tried more but it didn't seem to make a difference. Every now and then I drop down to 2/day because I forget, and that doesn't seem to matther much either, but my weight bounces a little anyway, I've never tracked it that closely to the pills.

I have read in several places that you have to cycle on and off, say 2 weeks/2 weeks or 1 month/1 month. That seems to tally with my weight loss: I lost 3.5 lbs the first week, put 1 back, lost it again the week after (was off the pills that week), and this week I've lost another 4.
L-acetyl-carnitine is not stronger, but it's a different uptake path, so some people that this one works but the regular version doesn't.

I only take co-Q10 when I'm feeling rich, because that's expensive and I've never found myself complaining about the problems it's supposed to help. And I hear you about throwing away a brand new bottle - somewhere, in some garbage dump off Long Island is my cell phone.

doogieb Sun, Feb-29-04 19:50

$7/30 ? :o

I got some the other day after reading your success and they were $20/30 (I'm in the UK) - I know there's a crappy exchange rate just now, but still!

doogieb Sun, Feb-29-04 19:53

Meant to add, if they work though, they'll be worth it :)

matty Fri, Mar-05-04 18:03

DoogieB - I'm with you. Once those things started working, I wouldn't have cared what they cost! How are they working for you?

lizwhip Fri, Mar-05-04 18:31

I have been stalled for a few weeks, started taking the L-carnitine last week, and am down a pound today. Have only been taking 1 a day, and will continue that for another week or two and see how I do. Will keep you posted.

I paid $20 for 30 at GNC, will check at Walmart and Target to compare prices.


doogieb Sat, Mar-06-04 06:22

I just ordered some more off the net at approx $45/120 so at least it's a bit cheaper for me in the UK :)

I *think* they're working..... saw a new number on the scale yesterday that was at least 1/2 pound less than I've seen before, but had a bounce back up a pound this morning, although am still slightly less than when I started taking them...... so I'll see for sure in a week or two, they certainly appear to be doing something! :)

Sooike Sat, Mar-06-04 15:30


How long did it take till the L-carnitine started to work?

matty Mon, Mar-08-04 06:45

Mine started working the very first day, but then leveled off after about ten days, so I stopped, and started again. Lost 3.5 lbs the 1st and 4th weeks, nothing the 2nd, 3rd.

KristyC Tue, Mar-09-04 08:26

I have been taking it for many months and I really think it has helped with my weight loss. I had not read you should cycle on and off of it, though...

golflady59 Tue, Mar-09-04 09:31

Hi Gang,
Just was reading this post and went into vitamin site and ordered some and will give it a whirl. I order all the time from Puritan Pride. They have a buy one get 2 free special on until May. I believe it was $21.95 for 30 tablets and you get 2 bottles free. I have ordered from them for a long time. Their website is:

I am willing to give it a try and see if it helps. I have been stalled for about 2 months now, which I know is not a long time, but I know I have more to lose. Have a good day everyone.

doogieb Tue, Mar-09-04 11:55

Damn, the online place mis-shipped me acetyl l-carnitine rather than l-carnitine - hopefully I'll get the proper one tomorrow in the mail because I'm almost run out :(

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