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Emzi06 Fri, Sep-21-12 10:25

Can Flaxseed Help Alleviate PCOS Symptoms?
I found this article while doing some PCOS research.

Here is a copy & paste of the article, but you can view it at the link above.


Flaxseed is one of the new superfoods scientists have discovered and a PCOS diet that contains this botanical can help you manage PCOS symptoms. That's because in addition to containing a variety of health-promoting phytochemicals, flaxseed is chock full of fiber, lignans and omega-3 fatty acids. 1 Omegas get a lot of attention but hopefully you'll learn here just how incredible lignans are too.

You probably already know fiber is good for you but did you know it can help slow glucose absorption and so help reduce insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is common among women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and reducing insulin resistance can go a long way in terms of reducing PCOS symptoms.

Flaxseed and Metabolic Syndrome
Insulin resistance is linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that are also common PCOS symptoms. These conditions put you at greater risk for developing blood clots, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome are already at higher risk for developing these disorders and diseases.

The cluster of conditions include: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels. In addition, high homocysteine levels can soon become part of this list because they signify chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to many chronic conditions and diseases and women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome often have high homocysteine levels and chronic, low-grade inflammation.

How can adding flaxseed to your PCOS diet help you reduce the PCOS symptoms that mimic metabolic syndrome conditions?
* The fiber content of flaxseed not only slows glucose absorption, it also plays a role in lowering cholesterol levels.
* Flaxseed is packed with lignans, a phytochemical that acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation. 1 Lignans can also lower plaque buildup in the arteries by 75 percent and lignans improve blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
* The omega-3 content of flaxseed is very heart-healthy. These omega-3's can help reduce inflammation and normalize your heartbeat. 1 Flaxseed fatty acids, along with the amino acids found in flaxseed, can lower your blood pressure and there is evidence that flaxseed omega-3's can help blood flow and prevent clogging of the arteries. 1 Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the omega-3 proving most promising in flaxseed. Studies are finding that ALA can reduce blood clotting, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglycerides. 2 ALA not only reduces inflammation, it contributes to the transport of micronutrients through cell membranes.

Flaxseed and Hormonal Balance
Flaxseed lignans can play another powerful role in a PCOS diet and help you to manage other PCOS symptoms. Lignans are phytoestrogrens, plant estrogens that can affect hormonal imbalances common in Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 2 Insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances of estrogen and testosterone are linked. Lignans in this botancial can reduce testosterone levels. That's how these lignans can reduce PCOS menstrual irregularity and contribute to fertility. 2

Researchers are investigating just how lignans are able to do what they do. Some studies have found that lignans increase levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) which then binds with testosterone circulating in your system. 3 Other studies suggest that lignans bind directly with testosterone and carry it out of your body. 3

Lignan's effect on hormonal imbalances has mostly been studied in men with conditions linked to hormonal imbalances such as prostate cancer but a 2007 study conducted by Debra Nowak, published in Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, did take a look at flaxseed lignan's effect on a woman with Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 3

Nowak found that daily flaxseed supplements reduced testosterone levels in her PCOS patient from 70 to 89 percent, two to four times the reduction seen in other PCOS diets and that seen in men with prostate cancer. 3

A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that lignans can reduce estrogen levels too, reducing risk of breast cancer. The bonus with lignans is that they can do this without interfering with the estrogen that contributes to bone health.

Nowak believes that flaxseed lignans can stop testosterone from converting to potent dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which contributes to PCOS acne, unwanted hair growth and PCOS hair loss in women with Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 3

Add nutty flaxseed to salads, soups and smoothies. Bake with it and sprinkle it those healthy lignans liberally on whatever you're eating on your PCOS diet and you'll see a reduction in your PCOS symptoms.


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