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mike_d Tue, Jul-23-19 22:01

Does Obesity Start In Your Mouth?
Does Obesity Start In Your Mouth?

Obviously it has a lot to do with what you put in your mouth, but some research shows it may be due to what is IN your mouth. There is a growing body of research that links various diseases with changes in the oral microbiome.

When I had bad breath, tooth staining and gum disease my dental hygienist, the one I always go to, told me "you have 'bad bacteria' in your mouth and there isn't any treatment other than tooth scaling and antibiotics" Being a microbiologist who once did research on hospital patients and pneumonia linked to oral bacterial colonization I thought "well maybe there is." I first tried essential oil mixtures, oil pulling that helped some. I then tried probiotics like yogurt and fermented foods. Home grown Kefir seemed to have the most promise. Now my mouth issues completely disappeared. My hygienist was amazed! I tried to explain it. She just said "well just keep on doing whatever you are doing."

Hum ... now, when I get my DNA report back from Nebula I may have a way to show why this works. It's a simple biological construct called "Competitive Inhibition" that all microbes employ to protect themselves and their colonies. Penicillin? Well, that's why it works.

WereBear Wed, Jul-24-19 05:19

My hygienists over the years have become increasingly impressed with my dental maintenance... since low carb.

Now, I am older and wiser and fuss more: but not enough to cause this effect. Judging from my last visit, the SAD is coming for the nation’s teeth with a vengeance now.

Ms Arielle Wed, Jul-24-19 08:04

My appt is in two hours. Looking forward to what hygenist will say.

Brushing with baking soda changes the pH in the mouth. Changes the environment, changes the bugs that can live in the new environment.

Funny how this all reminds me of basic testing methods taught in intro to microbiology at university. It uses environment and food to identify specific microbes.

tess9132 Wed, Jul-24-19 16:37

mike_D - Can't really say I understand completely what you've said. BUT, I can tell you that my hygiene appointments are much, much better when I do oil pulling with coconut oil a few times a week. I went from having to go every 3 months, to 4 months, and now I'm back to twice a year appointments. Hallelujah! (I hate going to the dentist).

s93uv3h Thu, Jul-25-19 03:41

i stopped using mouthwash and commercial toothpaste a while ago. now i mix up my own coconut oil + baking soda, followed by teeth blotting. i also i take a daily teaspoon of cod liver oil. some links i've accumulated:

Probiotics in periodontal health and disease 1-2011

Dr Joseph Phillips explains The Blotting Technique 7-12-2012

Cod Liver Oil Vitamin A Comparison Charts

Does Cod Liver Oil Help Remineralize Teeth? 9-10-2014

Bob-a-rama Thu, Jul-25-19 07:02

I put a little blood-root (sanguinaria) on my toothpaste. Many years ago they had a mouthwash/toothpaste called Viadent. Sanguinaria was the active ingredient, and it stopped my gum disease in a hurry (this was after surgery). Then Colgate bought Viadent, took the blood-root out, and it didn't work anymore.

A couple of times per week, I brush with Ipsab tooth powder which is finely milled salt, baking soda, and prickly ash bark.

I am not a scientist, but believe these products have changed the ph of my mouth which has a beneficial effect on which kinds of bacteria can grow there.

When I first had periodontal disease, it was so aggressive my dentist thought I would end up losing my teeth, that was 40 years ago, and since the blood-root and salt, the gums have been stable.


mike_d Fri, Jul-26-19 22:13

Kefir is acidic and changes pH as well. I did oil pulling with coconut oil, perhaps not often enough? Anyway, now I use a blend of oils to brush with. Just a few drops in the mornings from OraWellness.

The blood-root is powerful stuff. I have some preparations I use to treat minor skin cancers due to the Sun. Unlike with freezing, these never come back.

s93uv3h Sat, Jul-27-19 03:56

^ good to hear mike. i start my day with kefir 6-7 times a week.

WereBear Sat, Jul-27-19 06:45

I am intrigued by the bloodroot story. Will pass it on to my local herbalist, DH.

Bob-a-rama Sat, Jul-27-19 13:54

As I said, it used to be the active ingredient in Viadent mouthwash, toothpaste and floss. My periodontist recommended it.

He said he figured it would put him out of business so he bought stock in the company. When Colgate bought it, they took the bloodroot out. That's when I started adding it to my toothbrush.


rightnow Sat, Jul-27-19 17:08

I am looking for a good formula for a home made tooth cleaning compound. I mean to use in place of toothpaste.

Do you guys have any actual recipe/formula suggestions?


Zei Sat, Jul-27-19 18:19

Originally Posted by rightnow
I am looking for a good formula for a home made tooth cleaning compound. I mean to use in place of toothpaste.

Do you guys have any actual recipe/formula suggestions?


I use just plain baking soda. Wet the brush and pick up a bit on it. Not messy and works fine for me.

Ms Arielle Sat, Jul-27-19 20:16

Dr lin recommends baking soda. Simple. Cheap. Nonabrasive.

s93uv3h Sun, Jul-28-19 02:21

Originally Posted by Ms Arielle
Dr lin recommends baking soda. Simple. Cheap. Nonabrasive.
^ This.

Abrasiveness Index of Common Toothpastes

Not all toothpastes are created equal. Some can even cause problems. Many types of toothpaste are highly abrasive and actually strip away tooth enamel which never grows back. The teeth may become sensitive when tooth enamel is worn away. Toothpaste’s abrasiveness is measure by its Relative Dentin Abrasivity (RDA). The table below shows the RDA of some common toothpastes. We suggest that you use toothpastes with lower RDA ratings.

In addition to finding toothpaste that is minimally abrasive, we suggest finding one with fluoride. Fluoride helps strengthen enamel and prevent cavities. Toothpaste contains abrasives which help clean teeth. Unfortunately, these abrasives can sometimes strip away tooth enamel, making teeth sensitive to heat, cold and sweets.

A secondary problem from the abrasiveness of the paste is notching of the tooth at the gum line causing a structural compromise. Often a filling is necessary to protect the future integrity of the tooth. Again, selecting a paste with a low RDA can prevent both sensitivity and structural compromises that can cause the need for future restorative dentistry.

Bob-a-rama Sun, Jul-28-19 07:36

I don't go with the fluoride myself. I don't like the warning that if swallowed call a poison control center. I know I'm not going to swallow that much, but what about long term effects of a little at a time? I think I'll err on the side of safety.


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