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WereBear Wed, Jan-09-19 17:07

Jillian Michaels Slams the Keto Diet
Of course!

In Jillian Michaels Slams the Keto Diet: ‘Why Would Anyone Think This Is a Good Idea?’ she says:

The mom of two said that the keto diet deprives your body of essential nutrients.

“Your cells, your macro molecules, are literally made up of protein, fat, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. When you do not eat one of the three macro nutrients — those three things I just mentioned — you’re starving yourselves,” she said. “Those macro nutrients serve a very important purpose for your overall health and wellbeing. Each and every one of them.”

Instead, Michaels said, it’s best to eat a well-rounded diet.

I didn’t expect anything new, and I was right.

Michaels also tackled a few other hot topics, including vegetable “noodles,” or zoodles. She said that they’re fine, as long as people aren’t eating them because they think they can’t eat carbohydrates.

“Veggies are great for you, so the more vegetables you eat the better off you’re going to be, right?” she explained. “With that said, carbs are not actually the devil, so if you feel like you want pasta, the key is: whole grain, go organic whenever possible so you’re not getting pesticides and all the processed crap.”

Does she get commission on every carb people eat? Or does she just want a steady stream of buyers for what she is selling?

Meme#1 Wed, Jan-09-19 17:28

Her mentality is totally tied to her income.

The Biggest Looser can't even admit that Alley has gained back all of her weight and they just keep showing reruns of her when she was at goal.

I'm surprised Michaels actually admitted that LC does control diabetes.

GRB5111 Wed, Jan-09-19 17:47

Originally Posted by WereBear

I didn’t expect anything new, and I was right.

Does she get commission on every carb people eat? Or does she just want a steady stream of buyers for what she is selling?

Yes, she stated that exercise was the most important weapon (my words) to use for losing weight and achieving health. Predictable. I understand completely, and in the process, she confirmed to all who do understand dietary influences on metabolism that she has no clue about biology. She sounds knowledgeable spouting the most recent health buzzwords like telomeres and epigenetics, but I don't expect to see her thesis on these topics anytime soon . . . She goes on to say "eat clean, workout, don't overeat, balanced diet." The old CICO mantra will never die with her. When someone comes out this aggressively opposed to something, it indicates a level of fear. Lifestyle changes, particularly where people adapt to a healthier diet could cut into her income and probably already has.

deirdra Wed, Jan-09-19 18:28

Encouraging people to eat carbs helps her keep clients for life. From the clips of Biggest Loser I've seen, she seems to be a sadist and masochist.

JEY100 Thu, Jan-10-19 05:53

And in other news, Jan 5th was declared National Keto Day :lol: :lol:

Look at book bestseller lists, Podcast store rankings of Health podcasts, even Netflix has the Paleo Way. She losing market share, what else can she do but fight back.

barb712 Thu, Jan-10-19 07:03

Jillian Michaels has always irritated the heck out of me. This dumb statement is one more for the pile. There's a whole spectrum within the ketogenic realm, and all the foods comprising a well-rounded diet - including carbohydrates - are there for the choosing. I've never heard of anyone having a whole wheat pasta deficiency. :rolleyes:

M Levac Thu, Jan-10-19 07:52

She sounds like she knows what she's talking about in that clip, doesn't she? Just yesterday I was thinking about that. It's the idea that we can know all about something, yet this something isn't necessarily real or true. There is one thing I'm sure she knows with absolute certainty she will never do (again) - debate Taubes. I mean, Taubes has this knack to make people realize just how ignorant they are when it comes to nutrition and health science (it certainly happened to me with GCBC). Prolly cuz he read it all. Anyways, I get the impression she watched that uber fail we all remember about her, over and over, and realized she just didn't cut it. Not in the content, but in the style. So she practiced, and practiced, and practiced, exactly the same kind of wrong, but due to all that practice, she now sounds like she knows the subject matter. Sort of like an actor repeating his lines over and over with exactly zero understanding of what the lines mean.

Conversely, I watched a couple clips from a genuine scientist lecturing about some weird property of water (Gerald Pollack - EZ water). He actuallly knows the subject matter - he's the lead scientist. But boy oh boy does he sound like he never lectured before. To me, what matters is the content, not the style, though I'm sure a minimum of style helps communicate this content to the audience. But then when it's all style and no substance, like Jillian's, I'd rather watch an actual movie instead.
“I don’t understand. Like, why would anyone think this is a good idea?” Michaels, 44, said in a video for Women’s Health, and she goes on to imitate a keto creator. “‘You know what we need to do? All fat and animal protein!’ No! Bad plan. For a million reasons.”

Euh, like, wut? Keto ain't "all fat and animal protein", it's just low-carb, although "all fat and animal protein", AKA meat, is also keto and low-carb. Bad plan for a million reasons? Mkay, name just one.

In the clip, she says keto "helps significantly to manage your insulin levels (then summarizes how that's a good thing)". That's not a reason for keto to be a bad plan. It's a reason for keto to be a good plan. Try again. She then says "if you're not eating a bunch of processed carbs and processed won't have insulin levels that go through the roof". Euh, that's keto. Try again. She says "the foods that we eat are protein, fat and carbs...when you're not eating one of those, you're literally starving yourselves". It's the only part of the whole phrase that isn't nonsense. Cuz she talks about aging, telomeres, epigenomes, "the foods that we eat, our cells, are literally protein, fat and carbs...starving yourselves...and disabling it to function properly". I mean, wut? Anyways, it's nonsense so I can't figure out if it's a reason for good or bad. Euh, try again? Then she goes "ketoe bad cuz...calorie management...calorie restriction...less oxidative stress...better for more energy". I mean, wut? Calorie restriction gives more energy?!? I MEAN WUT? "High-fat diets shorten your telomeres at an accelerated pace". Da hell did she get that from, huh? Euh, Ima call BS, so not a reason. Try again. Never mind, stop trying, just stop.

Come to think of it, forget what I said about style. She ain't got any of that either, it's all over the place. I mean, where do I start?

WereBear Thu, Jan-10-19 08:08

Originally Posted by M Levac
To me, what matters is the content, not the style, though I'm sure a minimum of style helps communicate this content to the audience. But then when it's all style and no substance, like Jillian's, I'd rather watch an actual movie instead.

I am the same way, but this is a rare attitude.

I've spent a couple of decades now learning some of the science and being able to hunt down sources who know more about a subject; and whether I should trust what they say, or not.

When people know very little, or only feel comfortable with not having their beliefs challenged, Jillian's rant would feel "right" and have a lot of plausibility.

I once did it "her way" and it worked for a few years, but it was a LOT of exercise and a LOT of gram counting and hunger. And when I passed 40, it stopped working at all.

Calianna Thu, Jan-10-19 08:20

She's 44 now - she's been pushing carbs, carbs, carbs, and hours of grueling exercise daily for how many years now? I'm assuming since long before ever being on BL - so we're talking decades, right?

Unless she has some kind of super-magical genetics that will not allow her to ever gain weight, and not allow her blood sugar to go out of control on all those carbs, it's going to catch up with her eventually. I give her another 10 years, at the most, before it creeps up on her, and that's only if she's actually able to keep up her current level of physical activity in an aging body. Actually, as she gets older, she's going to need to increase her physical activity, while decreasing her food intake in order to avoid losing muscle and gaining fat on all those carbs, because she's already at the age where it's a battle to avoid muscle loss.

For that matter, if she were to have an accident or illness that kept her invalid or mostly sedentary for months, she'd see just how great CICO actually works - She'd not only lose muscle from inactivity, she'd need to nearly starve herself to death in order to avoid gaining weight, because all those carbs "for energy" would have nowhere to go other than fat cells.

WereBear Thu, Jan-10-19 08:26

Originally Posted by Calianna
For that matter, if she were to have an accident or illness that kept her invalid or mostly sedentary for months, she'd see just how great CICO actually works - She'd not only lose muscle from inactivity, she'd need to nearly starve herself to death in order to avoid gaining weight, because all those carbs "for energy" would have nowhere to go other than fat cells.

That is what "upset my apple cart." I had a relatively simple procedure but definitely couldn't exercise for a month; and by that time, the landslide had begun.

tess9132 Thu, Jan-10-19 08:45

Unless she has some kind of super-magical genetics that will not allow her to ever gain weight, and not allow her blood sugar to go out of control on all those carbs, it's going to catch up with her eventually.
And I'm a mean enough person to look forward to that day. :lol:

GRB5111 Thu, Jan-10-19 09:49

I should know better to bother with anything coming from People Magazine. Celebrity click bait with no substance, we are exposed to a lot of these messages today, if we choose to be. Next message from this media source will be the health benefits of keto, as this piece will be long forgotten, and keto is hot. Gotta do what you can to sell information and clicks, it's a competitive world out there . . .

Meme#1 Thu, Jan-10-19 09:58

If it makes anybody feel better, I think she's already had a facelift at 44. A couple of years ago I saw her on a show and her face looked like a train wreck but in this video the skin on her face looked smooth. That doesn't happen by accident....
I think it's from being 0 fat all of these years!

JEY100 Thu, Jan-10-19 10:55

:lol: :lol: :wave:

Maybe mad because Biggest Loser had one book at our local Costco....
and Keto Living had its own separate, featured and signed table with at least 15 Keto Cookbooks.

LCer4Life Thu, Jan-10-19 11:31

For publicity. Everyone is looking her up now. 🤪

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