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Syrah Sun, Apr-17-11 19:56

Nail fungus?
I've had toenail fungus for years. I've tried all kinds of OTC stuff, as well as prescription meds (the lacquer and the oral). Nothing has worked.

This morning, it seemed to me that the fungus may be getting better. I've been low carbing for 10 months. I'm not sure yet, but I think it's not as bad as it was.

Has anyone had their nail fungus disappear after going low carb? (Keeping my fingers -- and toes -- crossed! )

emilyedna Sun, Apr-17-11 20:38

Not even the oral medication worked? Oh no! I have a single mutant toenail that has been harboring a mushroom for over a decade. The oral antifungal medication finally lost its patent a couple of years ago, which put it within my price range. So I started taking it, and the nail almost grew out completely...Hooray! But then I stopped the medicine to get pregnant. I restarted it recently and I hope to finally get to take the medicine for a full course - I thought it was guaranteed to work?

I have heard that sugar intake is related to fungal overgrowth, but I am not sure if LC alone could keep it at bay. My facts are a little sketchy here, but isn't it related to candida? And restricting sugar is prescribed for eliminating candida overgrowth? (Again, this could be way off base. I haven't researched this.)

Mine is so persistent that it would probably take napalm to get rid of it. It has managed to start up again since I have been on LC. Yours may not be such a survivor. Good luck!

amandawald Mon, Apr-18-11 00:17

coconut oil or oil of oregano might help with toenail fungus
Hi again,

Just editing my recent post to add this link:

There's a whole lot of information on that site as to natural cures for toenail fungus.

I had it on my very littlest left-hand toenail (it kind of peeks under the other toes and I didn't even notice it had become discoloured). I got some of the nail varnish stuff and was very diligent. I also treated all my toes - between and around and under the toenails as far as I could - with coconut oil. This seems to have been a good way to keep it at bay, but, unfortunately, it has now gotten underneath my big right-hand toe. Again, I thought it was something else. I have this odd itchy spot - nothing visible at all at this place - on the instep of my right foot and it would get itchy at night in bed. I was using the toenail of my right foot to scratch it, to get some relief. So, when this right-foot toenail got a pale patch on it, I thought it was just from the scratching and thought nothing of it: I thought I had got rid of the toenail fungus...

So, now I am trying the nail varnish and coconut oil treatment again. My other toes all look fine and pink and healthy, so I am sure the regular coconut oil treatment has done them good.

I shall also start using an anti-fungal rinse in the wash that my socks go in, too.

This coconut oil is popular on and I have seen it recommended on this site, too:

I haven't used it myself as I can only order small, light items from and still take advantage of the low international shipping costs. But if you want to try it - it may well work against the fungal problem internally, too, if you want to try eating it as well.

I shall definitely do some more research on the Oil of Oregano!!! But I might buy some via a UK or German retailer as one of my orders seems to have been held by the German customs. I placed the order four weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived!!!


Warren D Mon, Apr-18-11 00:48

Just how low carb is your low carb? I have never had nail fungus but quite small amounts of carbs give me candida problems. I have found the best thing for me was to cut way down on any carbs to an almost "zero carb" diet. I still eat plenty of vegetables but only those with very few carbs in like the leafy stuff. It might sound a bit severe but if it worked you can gradually re-introduce some foods with a higher carb content to see what your limit is.

bike2work Mon, Apr-18-11 11:41

I've been hearing radio commercials for laser treatment. It's supposed to work immediately (but it still takes time to grow out the old nail). I'd call a dermatologist and see if they offer this. It sounds a lot faster and easier than anything else for nail fungus.

bkloots Fri, Apr-22-11 10:44

Interesting I should click over here today.

I've recently noticed a significant abatement of big-toenail fungus, which I've been tolerating for years. I hope that's true. In my case, it would be a lengthy period of low-carb eating plus regular ingestion of coconut oil (not topical) that could be favorable factors.

Don't know, but hope the trend continues.

Syrah Fri, Apr-22-11 13:11

Originally Posted by bkloots
Interesting I should click over here today.

I've recently noticed a significant abatement of big-toenail fungus, which I've been tolerating for years. I hope that's true. In my case, it would be a lengthy period of low-carb eating plus regular ingestion of coconut oil (not topical) that could be favorable factors.

Don't know, but hope the trend continues.

Like I say, it's been 10 months ... maybe it is getting better! I hope so, and for you too. I've been slacking off the coconut oil lately. Must get back to that routine!

I tried the oral cure a year ago -- the one that you take for a week, then three weeks off, and repeat twice more. The fungus improved, but then revved its engines again a few months later. Frustrating.

As for the laser treatment, I don't think that's in the budget. So, like you, Barb, I continue to tolerate it.

heirloom10 Fri, Apr-22-11 13:24

hey people, i have a feeling that msm may be a big part of curing candida. it restores ph balance in your body which makes an environ candida can't live in. msm is naturally in untreated drinking water and since most don't get that it makes sense that you need to supplement... but i recommend looking it up for yourself. ps you can also put tea tree oil on your nail fungus.

Syrah Fri, Apr-22-11 14:55

MSM as in Methylsulfonylmethane?

heirloom10 Fri, Apr-22-11 14:58

Originally Posted by Syrah
MSM as in Methylsulfonylmethane?

yes that is it.

heirloom10 Tue, Apr-26-11 09:30

also, this is the post where i found out about msm, which may be of interest.

SilverEm Fri, Apr-29-11 18:49

I have read good reports of using tea tree oil, and also hydrogen peroxide. Must be put on daily, or more often, and used diligently until fungus is gone.

Only cotton socks, sunshine on the feet, the usual advice, as with athlete's foot.


Atrsy Sun, May-01-11 07:45

LBest thinkg for tonail fungus is Vicks. Just smear it all over your tonails and put on socks and go to bed. In a few days you will actually start to see a difference. It is amazing to see. It really works.

Syrah Mon, May-02-11 10:10

Originally Posted by Atrsy
LBest thinkg for tonail fungus is Vicks. Just smear it all over your tonails and put on socks and go to bed. In a few days you will actually start to see a difference. It is amazing to see. It really works.

And breathe easier too! LOL, That's right, I remember reading about Vicks a long time ago. Never tried it tho'.

Now, a few weeks later, I do think the toenails are clearing up. But thanks for all the backup rememdies -- may have to try them, and I have more in my arsenal now.

LWolfe89 Mon, Jun-20-11 19:37

Hi Syrah. I'm pretty new here, so I hope you don't mind if I reply on the thread that you have started. A friend of mine is also suffering from toenail fungus. I'm not sure if going low-carb can help eliminate the problem but, my friend settled with natural remedies. From what I hear tea tree oil, crushed garlic clove, or thyme can help address toenail fungus. You might also want to try using cider vinegar on your infected nail/s. Heat the vinegar until it is lukewarm and then you can soak your feet in the solution for at least half an hour everyday. My friend is also using a cream called ZeroFungus along with these natural remedies. I hope that helps.

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