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Chrissy54 Wed, Jun-14-17 03:59

Maybe this is not the right diet for me!

So, I've never been a huge pizza, bread or rice person. I'm starting to wonder if this diet is the one for me. I did eat fast food. Burgers and fries. I did pizza sometimes. I did eat too much candy. Occasionally had ice cream. Occasionally had a real coke, mostly unsweetened tea with Splenda. Sometimes having pastas. Saying this, cutting out the things I ate occasionally, will I lose? I'm frustrated. I lost, water weight I'm sure, 8 pounds in 2 weeks. It's mostly back!! Yes I cheated. Had the waffle at Waffle House. And it's been hell since. Also, had no sugar added yogurt, accounted it in my carbs. Please help before I give up... again!!!

elisagirl Wed, Jun-14-17 05:03

I'd say stick to your plan and give it a good run and chance. I've been on Atkins for almost two months now. All of a sudden the past week I now know what people who love the diet are talking about. I'm losing weight yes..but the biggest change is I have no cravings and can go long periods of time without eating..effortlessly. All of a sudden it will be 4:00 and I realized I missed lunch. Or while dining out, I don't feel like ordering sides and salads..things i always did before.
I've been in ketosis..but i feel it is just now really working and it just took my body time.

bluesinger Wed, Jun-14-17 06:38

Originally Posted by elisagirl
I'd say stick to your plan and give it a good run and chance. I've been on Atkins for almost two months now. All of a sudden the past week I now know what people who love the diet are talking about. I'm losing weight yes..but the biggest change is I have no cravings and can go long periods of time without eating..effortlessly. All of a sudden it will be 4:00 and I realized I missed lunch. Or while dining out, I don't feel like ordering sides and salads..things i always did before.
I've been in ketosis..but i feel it is just now really working and it just took my body time.

Brilliant! This is WOE is not something you can just jump on and off because it's about chemistry. Imagine you've built this necklace by stringing together moments eating low carb, each link in the chain built staying OnPlan. Eating OffPlan breaks the chain. Then you have to start over again to rebuild from scratch.

Almost every BODY can benefit from LC eating. But if you can't commit to sticking with it, you could be right. All "diets" work. Until they don't.

cotonpal Wed, Jun-14-17 06:47

You've been following this way of eating for 2 weeks, you've already eaten off plan and you are ready to conclude that this way of eating is not for you. You are free to eat any way you please but in order to give this way of eating a fair chance you have to stick with it for more than 2 weeks and be scrupulous with your compliance.


YNot Wed, Jun-14-17 13:59

Also - if you cheated, you probably gained back all the WATER you lost - get back into ketosis and get rid of that water, and you might find you actually are down a little real weight. After all, you are no where near my size, so I wouldn't expect that you'd lose more than a pound or so a week. Which means you'll GET there if you stick with it - and the urge to cheat will go away, if you can stay the course for a few weeks~
edited to add - I really don't think that whole 8 pounds is water - I hold onto exactly 7 pounds of water when I eat carbs, and I weigh 100 pounds more than you!

Stirky Wed, Jun-14-17 23:52

Stick at it and give it a good go before you give up completely. We've all been there in the past! Believe me. It's the first time I'm trying low carb and I'm finding great so far, wish I'd done it years ago! We can do this :)

JEY100 Thu, Jun-15-17 04:17

You asked for a simple plan in your introduction post, we gave you a few ideas that members like, but you haven't been following them. "Atkinsish" doesn't work..that is not the right diet for anyone. Because this diet works differently, "a waffle" or two stops Fat-burning. You could have had bacon and eggs at the Waffle House, and stayed on a LC diet. Yogurt is also not a LC food for induction. There are simple bright lines rules to a LC diet, and the diet will work if you follow them.

cotonpal Thu, Jun-15-17 04:46

You can't make it up as you go along and expect the same results as if you followed the program. Atkin's plan has both science and clinical experience behind it. If you want the results follow the plan.


Rosebud Thu, Jun-15-17 05:14

Dear Chrissy, yes, this IS the right plan for you!

But as all of these good peopls have said, you have to actually follow it, and follow it properly. Give it a fair go, as we say here in Oz, and you'll be laughing. Oops, I'm trying to turn you into an Aussie! :D Cheers, matey.

thud123 Thu, Jun-15-17 05:24

Originally Posted by Chrissy54
"Maybe this is not the right diet for me!"

You may be right. What other diets are you considering, or, may I ask, why are you on a diet at all? IIRC you said that you were an alcohol addict. If you have one thing to pick to work on, do that first. It is my opinion that what you learn there you can apply to your eating when you are ready.

Do the next thing you can to the best of your ability Chrissy. You will do well. Relax :)

esw Fri, Jun-16-17 02:57

Hope something finally clicks for you Chrissy54 and you find a path that works for you. Many roads lead to Rome. :)

zoogirl Fri, Jun-16-17 06:42

Hey Chrissy, I read your post and the comments you received, it might sound like tough love, 'cause it is. I have done my share, well OK more than my share of whining, but the bottom line is this is not magic, it is a WOE, it can be a bit confusing at first, STOP, TAKE YOUR TIME, READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW, and guess what you WILL see results, it takes planning, no one said it was going to be easy, but worth it, it is. So, one day at a time, one small success after another and before you know it, you will be giving advise and feeling in control and strong. Best of Luck to you, please, give it a FAIR chance before you toss it aside, somehow I think you, like the rest of us have already tried and failed at other plans.

Have a successful day, drop by my journal sometime, I love company, ttyl

Lulumae Fri, Jun-16-17 06:46

Hi, I sort of see what you mean but if you really cut carbs down to under 50gr a day (which is quite a lot for a low carb diet) you will notice a difference. Carbs aren't just in pizza and bread but in potatoes and cakes and waffles and ice cream and fruit and yoghurt, even when there's not much added sugar, as they often add starch powder, thickened sauces, salad dressings (which often have sugar added), sodas, and so an and so forth. I guess we wouldn't have put weight on if we were eating a non-fattening diet all along. Personally, I have managed to stay away from pizza and pasta and bread and stuff but latterly I started to crave French fries and a certain type of chocolate covered ice cream bar. I never was that bothered about fries and ice cream. It's weird. But I need to get past that or the weight will start creeping back. If you really get with the plan and stick at it for a few months, you'll definitely lose a fair bit of weight. Sticking with it after that is another challenge, but it's worth it!!! As Elie says, many roads lead to Rome but many more lead some place else! And somewhere we don't want to go (back) to. So stick with it, it's worth it.

Chrissy54 Fri, Jun-16-17 07:28

Thanks for all the input. Maybe atkinish isn't the right description of what plan I'm doing. Basically, I'm cutting out all sugars, aside from blackberries ( and just a few), starches and of course rice and taters. I'm also keeping a watchful eye on thickners. I'm eating meats, not fried, low carb dressing, cottage cheese, diet sodas, only one per day, etc. I understand the concept. I did cheat and I did pay for it and I'm not doing it again until I lose a considerable amount of weight. Or, like my recovery program teaches, not cheating today. Thanks y'all.

slwloser Mon, Jun-19-17 16:04

Hang in there!! Take it day by day. For most on this forum, carbohydrates are addictive. Abstaining as much as possible is really important.

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