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Bobi-p Sat, Oct-22-05 20:39

Yes, I am using Opera 8.5. The newer version is not out of Beta yet. After the error message, it does eventually display the page and links. Thanks for your reply.

Absinthe62 Sun, Jan-01-06 08:32

OK, I haven't read all 9 pages of the thread so this may be a duplicate bug.

I spent considerable time entering the nutrition data for a custom food only to have the program tell me the calorie level was incorrect and the item had hidden carbs. (It displayed some long formula for calculating calories.) There was no option for editing the entry and when I used the 'back' button on the browser, all the info was gone. My only choice is to re-enter the data from scratch.

Could you provide some way of editing a mistake instead of having to re-enter all that data?

Many thanks.

spiroll Thu, Jan-12-06 18:37


A glitch I've noticed is that after a search for the word sugar completes, the page is stretched out so that I have to scroll over...I imagine because one of the listings in there has such a lengthy description. It's happened with other search terms, but I can't remember what they were. It isn't totally bothersome since I can just scroll, but thought you'd want to know.

Firefox 1.0.5 browser
1152x864 screen resolution

Thanks! (PS: I really like my P.L.A.N. It's an awesome feature.)

sondacop Fri, Jan-13-06 07:40

I love this program it is so useful, but I don't know how to record "recorded bf". My scale at home gives me body fat and I would like to plug in the results.

Dodger Fri, Jan-13-06 10:11


Select 'Progress and Charts' from the left hand menu in the My P.L.A.N. page. Then select the 'Measurements' section from the horizontal selections. There is a place there to enter 'Recorded Body fat'.

Tina_S Mon, Jan-16-06 03:05

I have tried and tried, but it simply won't let me enter my weight so that it can generate a weight chart. It keeps telling me there is no weight information, but I can't find any way of entering the numbers.
Please help.

Dodger Mon, Jan-16-06 10:37


On the first My P.L.A.N. page is 'Add/Edit weight information'. Clikc on that to go to where you enter your weight.

latia6 Sat, Jan-28-06 00:28

problem with the weight stats
I edited my weight and I have 3 entries when I see MY PLAN page, but in my card (on top of the messages) I wrote, it says a different weight and progress 0%.
What is that i am doing wrong?
Also how do I add a nice chart on my signature to see the progress?

Rosebud Sat, Jan-28-06 01:08

Originally Posted by latia6
I edited my weight and I have 3 entries when I see MY PLAN page, but in my card (on top of the messages) I wrote, it says a different weight and progress 0%.
What is that i am doing wrong?
Also how do I add a nice chart on my signature to see the progress?

The stats on top of the messages are accessed via "User CP" at the left of the green menu bar above the posts. Click on "Edit profile" once you are there, and you will see where to make changes. Don't forget to click "save changes" at the bottom. ;)

To add a chart or ticker to your signature, go to
When you reach the last page, copy the info from the box that says bbCode and paste it into your signature.

HTH :)


RickinTN Sat, Feb-04-06 08:59

Says fiber instead of Net Carbs
Hi Guys! When I post my meny to my journal, instead of saying PECC or Net Carbs, it says fiber. Can you change it to where it will say PECC or Net Carbs. It would be awesome!

Saccharine Thu, Feb-16-06 12:32

I have been daily entering my weight into the "edit weight stats" page. this worked normally for a few days. yesterday and today i entered my current weight, clicked "go" and after the page refreshed, the graph does not change. i also try editing my current weight on the bottom of the page, and i click "save changes," and the graph does not change. It will not show dates past feb 14, or record a reduction in weight. thanks for your help!

Saccharine Thu, Feb-16-06 12:33

net carbs/Pecc
Hey Rickin- you can change that under "settings" on the left hand side of the page. :)

Bobi-p Thu, Feb-16-06 15:54

If you reload your page, the chart will show the changes.

Saccharine Fri, Feb-17-06 14:28

No, unfortunately, it's still showing errors. It won't graph the data entered for the past 3 days, and the last marked day reflects a pound difference than what was acutally entered. it's weird.

tamarian Fri, Feb-17-06 16:53

Originally Posted by Saccharine
No, unfortunately, it's still showing errors. It won't graph the data entered for the past 3 days, and the last marked day reflects a pound difference than what was acutally entered. it's weird.

What weight and dates were entered, and how they differ from what is shown?
Just to check if we see a different graph than what shows on your browser.

Saccharine Sat, Feb-18-06 17:59

Hello again-
It turns out i havent analyzed the graph well enough. the date on the x axis is just kinda far to the right, and it made me think everythign was a day off. problem solved. i'm sorry. :)

FlwrLover1 Wed, Feb-22-06 13:25

I'm noticing on my posts that my current weight is incorrect (has me at 168 or 169, instead of 165) and it's also saying that I've only been doing the low carb diet thing for 3 days instead of the 8 days that it's actually been.

I'm really not concerned about it for right this minute, but just didn't want 3 weeks to pass and it still to be saying that I'm at that weight/time on Low Carb. How do I go about fixing this? I do have weights listed for each day as well as some other info for each day of the last week. I'm not sure why it's not registering it all.


lendag Wed, Feb-22-06 15:24

Hi everyone ...I need some help please..when I use the food list I put the food in I am looking for and click on search it says The page cannot be displayed...can someone please help

misha_v Thu, Feb-23-06 03:59

Post/report bugs here
I just noticed that when I tried to create a custom food measured in teaspoons, it only posted 100 gram servings, way above the 2 gram serving I needed to count. I am guessing that 100 grams is the default and the program is unable to recognize anything less than that.

liddie01 Thu, Apr-06-06 17:38

my weight chart goes from 120-123.5, but i weigh 220, so I am not on it,lol

tamarian Thu, Apr-06-06 21:22

Originally Posted by liddie01
my weight chart goes from 120-123.5, but i weigh 220, so I am not on it,lol

Click refresh on your browser.


liddie01 Fri, Apr-07-06 04:30

Its good today, I wish I fit on the other chart though, maybe someday,lol

santabarb Wed, May-17-06 15:25

I entered my breakfast and lunch, but only breakfast shows up. In general, I do not find this set up very intuitive--more like it was designed by an engineer or computer geek. I keep having to hunt around to find pages. It would be great if there were little menus on each page so I can quickly find that page to calculate on, or that page that lists my menu du jour. Can Macintosh Apple type icons be added on?

tamarian Wed, May-17-06 16:03

Originally Posted by santabarb
I entered my breakfast and lunch, but only breakfast shows up. In general, I do not find this set up very intuitive--

You may have entered the lunch on a different date. Check the monthly view to see if it was placed elsewhere.

more like it was designed by an engineer or computer geek.

That's correct :) Any professional HMI design help wold be greatly appreciated.

I keep having to hunt around to find pages. It would be great if there were little menus on each page so I can quickly find that page to calculate on, or that page that lists my menu du jour. Can Macintosh Apple type icons be added on?

Not sure I understand. The menu exists on ever page, on the left side.


santabarb Wed, May-17-06 23:36

I wish I could help, but I don't know what HMI means.
What I am trying to say is that visual cues are fabulous.The more the better!
Anyway, I'm just getting my feet wet, since this is the first time I've attempted to use a high-tech, mathematically based nutritional analysis program. But if I keep slogging along hunting and pecking, I will lose my enthusiasm because I can do it faster with paper and pencil. My low computer skills are obviously a detriment here, which is why I put people who have a clue on pedestals!! At any rate, probably once I get an archive of 'favourites' going, it'll save a great deal of time. I'll examine the menu on the left side more carefully,

Time2Try Mon, Oct-16-06 19:29

I am trying to go into "Select a Food Category" and choose my foods. The first page will come up in the category that I chose but no matter which category I have chosen, page 2 comes up showing me shortening, and the rest of the pages continue with the shortening theme.

I have already refreshed, but that didn't change anything.

Joanna ;)

tamarian Mon, Oct-16-06 21:22

Originally Posted by Time2Try
I am trying to go into "Select a Food Category" and choose my foods. The first page will come up in the category that I chose but no matter which category I have chosen, page 2 comes up showing me shortening, and the rest of the pages continue with the shortening theme.

I have already refreshed, but that didn't change anything.

Joanna ;)

Give me the sequence of clicks you used, in as much details as possible.


Time2Try Tue, Oct-17-06 19:26

Okay here goes. After reading your instructions tonight I went to the top of the screen and clicked on the "My Plan" shortcut. And then clicked on "Daily Entry" on the left side of the screen. From the "Select From Food Category" pull down menu under the "Quick Selection" window, I opened the pull down and selected "Beef Products" and then clicked on the browse button next to it. The first page it took me to started with "Beef, variety meats and by-products, suet, raw". Then I went above that and clicked on the 2 of Page 1 of 15. The top entry was "Shortening frying (heavy duty), beef tallow and cottonseed. Clicking on 3 also brought up shortening entries, but when I clicked on 1 again it now started with "Salt, Table".

Now I clicked on the back arrow until it brought me back to the window with the "Select From Food Category" list. This time I chose Sausage & Luncheon Meats". The first window started with "Oscar Mayer, sandwich spread (pork, chicken, beef). Page 2 of Page 1 of 5 started with the shortening entry again.

These steps were done today, so it has now happened 2 days in a row and my computer was signed off between sessions.


tamarian Tue, Oct-17-06 20:41

Joanna, thanks for the details. I now see the bug :)


alyssa719 Fri, Oct-20-06 11:05

I'm trying to figure out why when I go to the "recorded BF" tab under "Progress & Charts", the second graph is labeled "Recorded LBM vs BF, Aug-2006 - Dec-1969"?? I wasn't even alive in 1969!! So is the chart displaying the right thing (Aug-Oct 2006) and the label is just off or is it all off?

Oh, and my "calculated BF" always comes up as a red X box, when I hit show picture, it doesn't change.


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