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4beans4me Mon, Feb-21-05 11:04

Note: Most of the food items in the database already have the fiber subtracted from the carbohydrate count like most labels. Clcick here for more dteails.

Typos on the Edit Settings page. :)

tamarian Mon, Feb-21-05 11:14

Originally Posted by 4beans4me
Typos on the Edit Settings page. :)

Fixed. And it needed updating as well, since the whole PECC thing changed :)


treefrog Fri, Feb-25-05 08:44

I noticed that on the Health Statistics, after you enter in data, the area where you can look at your results and edit data, the columns for LDL and HDL are swapped.

The number I entered in for HDL ends up in the LDL column, and the entered data for LDL ends up in the HDL column.


tamarian Fri, Feb-25-05 09:11

Originally Posted by treefrog
I noticed that on the Health Statistics, after you enter in data, the area where you can look at your results and edit data, the columns for LDL and HDL are swapped.

The number I entered in for HDL ends up in the LDL column, and the entered data for LDL ends up in the HDL column.


Yes, the column labels where in the wrong order. Should be fine now :)


BadgerGirl Mon, Feb-28-05 06:08

Hi Wa'il,

I am not sure if this is a "bug" or a feature request: Why can't I save a stated portion size when I add a custom food or add an item to My Favorites? For example, I added Splenda as a custom food and rather than save my setting of 1 gram (which is the size of one packet), it saved it as 1 ounce, making it 25.5 grams of carb. Last week I entered a custom 5.5 ounce can of V8 but it is saved as a one-ounce serving, so I have to adjust it every time.

I do realize that my default settings are for ounces, but does that mean I can't override those settings when I save custom foods and favorites? It would be so much easier if saving something saved the exact settings I used when I clicked the save button.

Does that make sense?

tamarian Mon, Feb-28-05 06:18

Originally Posted by BadgerGirl
Hi Wa'il,

I am not sure if this is a "bug" or a feature request: Why can't I save a stated portion size when I add a custom food or add an item to My Favorites? For example, I added Splenda as a custom food and rather than save my setting of 1 gram (which is the size of one packet), it saved it as 1 ounce, making it 25.5 grams of carb. Last week I entered a custom 5.5 ounce can of V8 but it is saved as a one-ounce serving, so I have to adjust it every time.

I do realize that my default settings are for ounces, but does that mean I can't override those settings when I save custom foods and favorites? It would be so much easier if saving something saved the exact settings I used when I clicked the save button.

Does that make sense?

Sounds like you might want to use the custom size form.

On the custom food page:

There's a link that says "custom size". Click it to enter your custom size, such as 1 packet, 5 grams, etc.


BadgerGirl Mon, Feb-28-05 06:41

Originally Posted by tamarian
Sounds like you might want to use the custom size form.

Wow, you're fast!

I'd already tried the custom page, but it didn't seem to work.
Here's what I entered:

And here's how it was saved.

Am I missing something?

tamarian Mon, Feb-28-05 07:04

Originally Posted by BadgerGirl
Am I missing something?

No, you did all the right steps. All you hav to do now is select the packet serving from the drop-down list. It's there in the menu.


BadgerGirl Mon, Feb-28-05 07:26

Originally Posted by tamarian
All you hav to do now is select the packet serving from the drop-down list. It's there in the menu.

Silly me. Sorry to have wasted your time! :blush:

tamarian Mon, Feb-28-05 07:30

Originally Posted by BadgerGirl
Silly me. Sorry to have wasted your time! :blush:

Don't worry about it :)

It's a new tool with many options that require a learning curve. Hopefully in no time we'll have many members become experts and help other new memberss figure it out :)


BadgerGirl Mon, Feb-28-05 07:32

Originally Posted by tamarian
Hopefully in no time we'll have many members become experts and help other new memberss figure it out :)

Very true. I should re-read all the pages in this post and the feature request one. It's hard to keep up, but there is a lot of information there and many of my questions have probably already been asked.

Dodger Wed, Mar-02-05 16:48

Can't fix a mistake
It seems that I erroneously entered my Feb 28 2005 weight as Mar 28 2005. I only see it in the monthly view; it does not appear in the list of my weights, so I cannot delete it.

tamarian Wed, Mar-02-05 16:59

Originally Posted by Dodger
It seems that I erroneously entered my Feb 28 2005 weight as Mar 28 2005. I only see it in the monthly view; it does not appear in the list of my weights, so I cannot delete it.

Hmm, I can't say any weight entry on March 28. Did you refresh the browser on the montly page?


Dodger Wed, Mar-02-05 20:12

Originally Posted by tamarian
Hmm, I can't say any weight entry on March 28. Did you refresh the browser on the montly page?

I've done numerous refreshes, logged off and on, turned the computer off and on and it still shows. I've tried it with Firefox and IE Explorer and it's still there. I'm trying to include a screen shot. Dang, looks like the screen shot didn't work.

tamarian Wed, Mar-02-05 20:26

Originally Posted by Dodger
I've done numerous refreshes, logged off and on, turned the computer off and on and it still shows. I've tried it with Firefox and IE Explorer and it's still there. I'm trying to include a screen shot. Dang, looks like the screen shot didn't work.

That's strange, as I can't find the entry in the database. Send me a PM with your password, and I'll login as you and see what might be going on.


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