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eeyoremn Fri, Jan-24-03 07:27

Thanks so much for this recipe. My husband was a bit leary of trying it (he does not follow a LC WOL) but he even enjoyed it! Tastes just like pizza. :D I'm new to this forum and I've already found so many good recipes and tips! Keep them comin'.

nicksmom Sat, Jan-25-03 10:51

OK, I tried this and was really surprised. I crisped the pepperoni and added it to the crust. It was pretty good. What shocked me was how much this tasted like pizza when I ate it cold! YUMMY!

Thanks for sharing it with us all and keeping it bumped so we newbies can find it!

victoriamy Sat, Jan-25-03 20:13

Thanks Donald for this awesome pizza recipe. My husband and I really love it and it tastes just like regular pizza to us. I saw you mentioned Taco Meat as a LC recipe here. Where is that one located? I love to make taco salads for dinner, but the mix you put in the hamburger has quite a few carbs.

DWRolfe Sat, Jan-25-03 22:40

Taco meat
Hey victoriamy--here's the link to the taco meat recipe. I really like this too...

Donald :wave:

stuu Mon, Jan-27-03 15:19

I have to say I was sceptical about this. I went out and bought the ingredients for my first attempt at cooking something 'Atkins'. This is fantastic!

I have made two so far and they really make a change to a lump of chicken or bacon & eggs.

I can't wait to try more stuff.

Thanks DW

Mahoney Wed, Jan-29-03 19:30

I'll Pile On...
When I read the ingredients, I wouldn't have expected it to come out like it did. It was great - Thanks for sharing it.

afcgirl Thu, Jan-30-03 11:47

Question re: Deep Dish Pizza Quiche
For some reason, I still am not sure what the carbs are for the deep dish pizza quiche recipe for the entire pizza, even after reading the nutritional info. The carb count had a 10 and then another number next to it, so I don't know which one to use. Is it 10 per serving? For the whole pizza? Thanks, and sorry if I am being slow or posting in the wrong place! :confused: I really want to try the recipe but I am on induction and need to be real careful with what I eat. Can you eat it on induction?


DWRolfe Thu, Jan-30-03 12:01

Carb count
It will vary a bit, depending on the toppings you use and such. I usually eat one sixth of the total pie (OK sometimes I eat a full fourth) and I figure the sixth is about 5 or 6 carbs.

Anyone else have a better idea of the count?

P.S. Kudos for being so careful during Induction. You're wise.

Donald :wave:

blondie617 Thu, Jan-30-03 14:41

Pizza Quiche
With all my recipes (and since I always make adjustments), I just add up the carbs as I add the ingredients. Then I divide by however much of the total I eat at that meal.

And Pizza Quiche is great! -- it never affects my ketosis even with all the cheese. Since I don't like anything on TV on Wednesdays and I don't get home until 8:30 p.m., every Wednesday is Pizza Quiche and Movie Night!

wangeci Thu, Jan-30-03 15:59

I figured this out once, of course my vegetable amounts very, but I do use lots of onion, Green pepper and mushrooms when I make mine

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per 1 serving
Calories 370
Calories from Fat 234

% Daily Value *
Total Fat 26g 40%
Saturated Fat 13.25g 66%
Polyunsaturated Fat 1.75g
Monounsaturated Fat 9.12g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 0mg 0%
Potassium 0mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 7.12g 2%
Dietary Fiber 1.12g 4%
Protein 25g 50%
Alcohol 0g

afcgirl Fri, Jan-31-03 11:13

Thanks for your replies!

eva123 Fri, Jan-31-03 11:25

where is this mouth-watering PizzaQuichythingie...???

hungry somebody.....somewhere far........

lkonzelman Fri, Jan-31-03 11:47

Whenever i'm not sure I go on and go to a fresh day and plug in all the ingredients. Then the daily at the top will show me all the stats and I can divide and figure out servings sizes.

Oh then when i'm done I create a new food option and plug in all the totals so I have it in the future.

Hope this is helpful.

pegva Fri, Jan-31-03 13:39

I use too, but with Recipes I use Mastercook...
Does any one else use this?
It's Cookbook software.
I keep all the great recipes that I find here in Mastercook and it has a really good nutritional count utility. :D

digwig Wed, Feb-12-03 16:34

bump :wiggle:

this one's worth bumping!

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