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jzd0002 Tue, Mar-13-18 17:58

Looking for some meal advice.
Completely new to the low carb thing, and was looking for some advice on breakfast. No real problems with later meals, but everyone seems to do eggs for breakfast and I pretty much hate eggs. Another thing I've been told is low carb protein shakes, but anything even remotely sweet in the morning tends to turn my stomach pretty bad. Any good suggestions?

Rosebud Tue, Mar-13-18 19:17

Just remember that there is no law that says you must eat breakfast food for breakfast. ;)

Think outside the box and have another lunch, or even a smaller dinner type of meal - just whatever suits you.

I don't like eggs either - well, not more than once in every blue moon - so (intentional) leftovers from the night before feature frequently on my morning menu.

Welcome to the forum!

Ms Arielle Tue, Mar-13-18 19:50

Im with rosebud.

My kids eat dinner items for breakfast often. Cheeseburger. Stirfry. Soup.

Sausage with asparagus?

If you dont like eggs, try muffin in a minute. I add an egg to LC hot cocoa--my kids love it.

You might look down in the recipe section, under breakfast and see if something interests you.

( Breakfast is the meal I most often skip.)

cotonpal Tue, Mar-13-18 20:18

I can't eat eggs so they are never a part of my breakfast menu. I don't do protein shakes either. Almost every morning I have a burger.


Meme#1 Tue, Mar-13-18 20:29

I like to fry up a whole package of ground beef and have several cooked beef patties ready for fast breakfast or for lunch with a salad.

jeffv145 Wed, Mar-14-18 00:10

I highly recommend working on your attitude toward eggs, something I have also struggled with. I used to hate them, but I was doing them wrong. The first thing to know is that actual farm fresh eggs or quality cage free eggs are much better tasting and have better texture/color as well. Experimenting with seasonings and cheeses too. I add a small amount of garlic to them and some salt, ideally spinach and ham. They can also be used as a substitute for noodles if you stir them up with proper seasonings and sour cream/mayo mix. There are a million things you can do with eggs and they're cheap too, just a suggestion.

JEY100 Wed, Mar-14-18 04:33

Also in the skip it, have coffee with heavy cream or dinner leftovers camp.
Here are some other no egg or hidden egg ideas:

chicachyna Wed, Mar-14-18 15:15

I like to eat soup for my first meal of the day. I'll make a big pot of vegetable beef soup that will last for a few days. It's quick and easy to reheat.

Little Me Tue, Mar-20-18 08:54

How about crustless quiche? Yes there are eggs in it, but also bacon, cheese, spinach...whatever combination you can dream up, so you really don’t taste the eggs. Super easy to make, and portion out for tomorrow’s grab ‘n go breakfast.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Mar-20-18 17:27

I, too, tend to eat "dinner" foods for breakfast: steak, hotdogs (rare these days because they trigger more carby foods for me), cheeseburgers, corned beef and cabbage, ham ... you get the picture.

I made the Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolutions Rolls (which are nothing but eggs and mayo (or cottage cheese or cream cheese). Then I can add sausage or bacon and have an egg sandwich with no egg flavor.

RonnieScot Mon, Mar-26-18 11:32

I used to eat breakfast, bacon, sausage, eggs with cream and butter, mushrooms, smoked salmon, kippers or leftovers.

Then went for creamy coffee instead... then I discovered butter in coffee! Yum!
Then coconut oil and butter mixed together - even better :D

After reading Jason Fungs work and Tim Spectors book I started with black coffee instead. I feel much better with no breakfast, have lost a lot of weight and don't really get hungry till lunch time or later. Have recommended to my friends and family :thup:

BarbieJ925 Fri, Oct-19-18 13:57

Where would I find coconut cream? I've heard of coconut milk but not cream.


JEY100 Sat, Oct-20-18 02:56

Trader Joe's sells it, but you can make it yourself by chilling a can and scooping out the thickened coconut solids. Like this, but don’t add sugar.

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