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BabyJJ Wed, Aug-28-02 18:54

Hi, i was thinking of starting a thread for pp from Singapore who's on Atkins so tat we can exchange ideas abt wat food is permissible while eating out and on induction and where to find LC products, ketostix here and so on.. :)

Juliegilla Wed, Oct-09-02 23:58

I'm in Singapore too!
Hi BabyJJ

This is the first time I've posted on this board, although I've been reading it for a while.

I started Atkins 3 weeks ago, and thought was the only one in Singapore trying to follow it!

I'm British but have been working here in Singapore for about a year now.

I find eating out in the food courts here a bit of trial - I tend to just buy 2 meals (because it's quite cheap) and discard the rice/noodles element of each.

Would certainly be interested hearing about any ideas you've got for a support group.

sweetjane Sun, Nov-24-02 21:00

Me Singaporean now livign in japan. I'm going back to SG in Jan 2003 & i'm wondering if they sell low carb products in the healthstores now in sg?

Juliegilla Sun, Nov-24-02 21:22

Hi there, good to be in touch with you.

I've found a limited range of low carbohydrate foods available in on of the more 'expat' orientated supermarkets here - Jasons.

I've been able to get a few low-carb items (bread for example) there. I also found Crystal Light in another supermarket here - Cold Storage

You can of course get the diabetic foods (chocolate mostly) in some of the health food stores, although I've not bought any personally.

There is no provision (that I've found anyway) in restaurants here for low carb eating though.


sweetjane Sun, Nov-24-02 23:30

Hello There!

Thanks for the info! How abt Splenda have u seen it in SG yet? Here in Japan the Foreign BUyers Club does carry it but only sell by the case so alot of foreign women like me share the purchase but most of them r living in Tokyo & i'm on another island which make sharing quite difficult. They have make pancakes, cheesecakes, waffles with low carb flour substitutes & Splenda. I heard it was really delicious hee hee. I'm also a yahoo member of lowcarbinjapan. MOstly foreign wives married to japanese really. Sometimes we look for local alternatives.

Yes it's kinda difficult to low carb if u eat out alot huh? I'm a housewife so that's no problem. the only problem is cheating!I'm on my 8th day of induction, the weight loss is not substantial & i've only myself to blame really!! but i do feel lighter, firmer & perkier which is good.

Oh u know the health chain store GNC? I juz received a reply email, they got some low carb products like drinks & bars. will check it out when i return. i'm positively raiding the supermarkets once i get back!

Juliegilla Sun, Nov-24-02 23:38

Excellent, thanks Kelly, I'll have a look in GNC!


sweetjane Sun, Dec-01-02 06:15

Hi Julie

So did u find any good low carb stuff in GNC? let me know!


Quiet Man Wed, Dec-11-02 19:23

Hello From Canada
I was in Singapore last year on vacation and just love your country.Good luck on your low carb ventures

Quiet Man

sweetjane Sun, Dec-15-02 06:37

Hello Quiet Man

Oh u like sg? Cool! U have a favourite place?What food do u like? I havent been to Canada b4 hope to go there some day.


mushroom Mon, Jan-13-03 09:05

Hi all,

I'm another Singaporean doing the low-carb WOE. Failed once but determined to pick myself up and try again! :)

I'm not sure if this thread is still active..But anyway,just to let you guys know Splenda is available in Singapore! I got a box(100 mini-packets) for around $9 from Liberty Supermarket at Jurong Point(Near Boon Lay MRT). There's another branch at Plaza Singapura, but I'm not too sure if they sell it. I will drop by and check it out when I pass by in the future!

GNC carries a number of low-carb protein bars and whey protein. But the prices can be pretty steep...especially the protein bars. If you decide to have them regularly,maybe you can ask the salesperson for those that are going to expire soon as they are much cheaper! Don't freak out yet...I had a few before and they are still edible..I think :D

Hope these information helps!

Btw,Kelly,which part of Japan are you in right now? I was at Tsuruoka some time ago!

sweetjane Mon, Jan-13-03 19:58

Hello Mushroom!
Splenda in sg???yippee! i actually order splenda from netrition & after adding in shipping cost it cost more than
S$9! yeah i heard not many low carb stuff in sg.

i'm from fukuoka kyushu (the southern island). actually i'm coming back for CNY 25jan to 18feb. definately am checking out liberty & gnc stores man!


mushroom Mon, Jan-13-03 21:12

I'm still wondering how did you manage low carbing in japan! Meat is pretty expensive there right? I remembered spending quite a bit on groceries while I'm there..

While you are in Singapore,try not to other food stuff/supplements from the internet. Somehow...I never received my orders! Perhaps the custom is too strict..Anyone else experienced the same headache?

CNY...another headache!All the goodies...yummie! But then again, I wouldn't trade my waistline just for some satisfaction again! :nono:

sweetjane Mon, Jan-13-03 21:52

well i've been on & off the diet. the problem with me is when i see my weight drop, i get tempted to try normal food again!

yes meat can be expensive but actually it can be cheap too! it depends on where u buy them from. meat from famous department stores in the city tend to be more. supas in the suburbs r cheaper. there r supas that r known for their low prices.

the netrition site is safe & they work fast!! i got my order within the week. Yes perhaps singapore customs r very strict on what u can import, it's best u check with the customs b4 buying those low carb thingies! we were able to order vitamins,shakes, chocolate bars with no problems.

generally speaking those low carb pastas,chocolate bars etc can be a letdown. & since they r expensive it's best to find other alternatives!!


mushroom Tue, Jan-14-03 00:04

I wish I had checked out these supas while I was there. My diet was mainly pasta and canned mackeral(Bought from 100 yen stores) then!

I think it's better to stick to real food since most are these bars and shakes are expensive and some taste really weird..and most importantly,they contain hidden carbs! I haven't tried low-carb pasta though. I don't see any in Singapore as yet. All I can see is Breadtalk(A famous chain bakery) opening store after store..everywhere here.

sweetjane Tue, Jan-14-03 02:58

oohhh breadtalk huh? yeah some of the bread very nice lah. i miss char siew bao in singapore(HK style). the japanese bao taste like shit!! If i can mass produce char siew bao like what it's suppose to taste like i think good business for me here hahahaha

oh not suppose to talk abt high carb here!?!

yeah can understand the canned mackeral thing, last time when my father went to japan in early 1990s, he brought along many cup noodles for his training trip!

did u try horsemeat while u r here? taste good actually. serve with special soy sauce & grated ginger. but i think is only a specialty in kyushu region & nagoya. initially i very squeamish abt eating horse but now used to it. dun eat often lah. once in a blue moon really.

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