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skinnyRay Thu, Mar-02-06 03:45

any somersizers out there?
Hi :wave:

I have been food combining since new year 06 and i feel like i'm the only one in the world as no-one i know has a clue what i'm doing. I would love to find some SS buddies. I'm going to post this too in the buddies section but thought i'd try here as well.


skinnyRay Tue, Mar-07-06 21:02

oh sommersizers where art thou? :(

ptouch Wed, Mar-08-06 18:27

i'm here on the food combining tip. neva read the susan sommers book but i should ... the first tiem i did food combining was a year ago and i thought i was already healthy, but i never felt better. ifell off a bit and now i want to get back in to it because it really makes my stomach feel better and helps the gass problem. i'd love to chat with peple abut food combining....

kashmiere Thu, Mar-09-06 07:51

hello, i just picked up the book last week at the library and started somersizing monday. i also just read the book "fit for life, not fat for life" and it follows the same concept but explains the reasons why we should be eating the food combining way in much more detail than somers book. i must say, its only been 3 days, but i have never felt so alert and energized. i just can't wait for the meltdown!! anyways, i'd love to join and chat with you ladies

Dinahb Thu, Mar-09-06 11:26

I don't understand how it works. Can you explain it to me. I have stalled on Atkins, and would like to give it a try.

skinnyRay Thu, Mar-09-06 22:41

Hi and great to have you all onboard. :wave:

I have been following the programe for all of 2006 (started xmas eve - yes i'm insane) and initially i had an increadible result. I lost very quickly but stalled also after 4 weeks. That really is more to do with my thyroid. It is however starting to move again and i guess i was tempting fate by having the odd cheat here or there. So now i'm cheat free and the loss is slowly but surely happening again. main point is during my stall i never gained!

The basics of the program (somersizing anyway oh and montignac which i suspect somers stole it from anyway!) are that you are alowed to eat fruit, veg, and selected meats, fats and grains. sugars and high starch foods are out. Foods are divided into specific groups and you must not combine the groups.

The alowable groups are:
carbs (whole grain)

Out are:
sugars, starches, white anything, potatoes corn etc and some badly combined foods such as liver, avocado coz they have carbs and fats.

It's all about insulin release and if you are eating insulin realeasing foods then you don't include fats in your meal.

You must have fruit alone (not with any other group) and always on an empty stomach. at least 3 hours after eating or upon rising. After fruit you need to wait an hour before having another food group.

Carbs/Whole grains can be eaten with legal vegies but NO fat

Protiens are grouped with fats are ok with legal vegies

If you have eaten a carb meal you must wait 3 hours before changing to a protien meal and visa versa.

You need to drink a lot of water and are encouraged not to skip meals. There are no calories or carbs to count and you eat until you are satisfied. No piggin out though LOL

Snacks are fine as long as you don't cross into the different groups
eg if you had a carb lunch you wouldn't be able to have a piece of cheese unless it was 3 hours after.

Personally i have stayed away from the carb meals coz i am so metabolicaly resistant.

There are also some other variants with dairy. i don't drink milk so it doesn't effect me too much but it goes like this:

butter cream cheese etc are protiens coz the carbs are non existent
non fat dairy products are in the carb group
low fat is out because it's carbs with some fat

I borrow the books from the local library but i've borrowed it so many times i'm thinking i should buy it. I love the foods they are delicious and the variety is as broad as your imagination so it doesn't feel like a diet of depravation but a new way of life. :thup:

I agree with the others if nothing else my digestion is greatly improved. :)

kashmiere just to warn you that you may have headaches early on because you will be sugar detoxing. Drink lots of water and hang in there coz it's worth it.

I am looking forward to staying in touch and hearing everyone's progress.

skeeweeaka Thu, Mar-09-06 22:51

Would like to find out how it is going???

skinnyRay Fri, Mar-10-06 00:52

Hi skeeweeaka


will keep you posted ;)

one thing is i think i am definitely having yeast die off reaction. this is due to the CCNO but if i hang in there it should be over soon. have just been surfing the net finding out more about it.

kashmiere Fri, Mar-10-06 08:12

thanks for the warning, yesterday was the headache day, i couldn't stand it. but yesterday was also the 1st day i ate fruit til noon but then i didn't get to eat lunch til 2 hrs later and it just killed me. so this a.m. i brought 2 hard boiled eggs to eat at least 1 hr after my last piece of fruit. hopefully that will help with the headache factor. this is my 5th day and i already feel a little leaner. i haven't got on the scale tho, i'm not a scale watcher, it messes with my head too much. maybe once my clothes start fitting better i'll get on that scale just to keep me on track cuz i'm sure after 3-4 wks i usually get tempted to sway to the cheat side. at least by having you guys as buddies, we'll be able to keep each other accountable. good luck everyone!! :wave:

ptouch Fri, Mar-10-06 12:15

hey guys i'm doing it too startng last saturday. and i definitley feel better today. ihad a slight bingeing session last nite an di ate three bowls of soymilk and organic o's from trader joes, but atleast it was 3 horus before i went to bed.

skinnyray - what about water. i read how u should drink 15 minutes before a meal, and wait 2 hours after ameal to drink water.

ptouch Fri, Mar-10-06 20:04

skinny ray what is the CCNO you were mentioning? and the yeast die off? why do i have a sugar craving after lunch, i've been doing good at not eating a dessert or chocolate afer lunch this week. but all last week i was indulging in chocolate after lunch, and it gave me gass. this week my gass is under control because i haven't been doing this, i just eat my protein veggie lunch, and then be done... today i ate granola after 3 hours after lunch, and i know granola has high sugar and is not good for you, but i crave these carbs. . i will wait to eat protein for dinner. a

do you guys mix proteins togteher, like shrimp and fish in one meal, or eggs and fish together

or whataabout soy and fish?

skeeweeaka Sun, Mar-12-06 01:09

Well did well today with my combining... I feel much better when I eat carbs as opposed to strict low carb...

ptouch Mon, Mar-13-06 14:34

cereal and soymilk gives me gass. this isn't a good food combo

skinnyRay Mon, Mar-13-06 17:16

Hi to all, i was surprised to see all your posts
i was away having a good time this w/e. We have a festival on at the moment and it's been great (except very easy to get tempted)

I'll try my best to answer all your questions but keep in mind that i am not an expert and I am only new to this myself.

it sounds like you are doing well. I think you did well and wise to have your egg.
if i can make a suggetion I would recommend you try to only have 1 serve of fruit and then have protien for breaky. The reason for this is that if you have too many carbs then you are still going to crave carbs.

It sounds to me that you are overdoing it but there is a way to combat your carb cravings. Protien, protien protien. Did i mention protien. :D If you are hungy go for protien and the cravings will stop but you have to stop feeding them. It takes time to retrain the body.

I had really bad carb cravings so to combat this i incorporated the south beach idea of 2 weeks without any carbs in the form of processed carbs, fruit and starches. What i found is that after the 1st day or 2 I didn't want carbs but i kept that up for 2 weeks. Lots of protien and salads or vegies.
If i needed a snack i'd have a boiled egg, some celery or some cheese etc.
Try this and then as i suggested to kashmiere just have 1 serve of fruit for breaky and see how you go. Add carbs gradually and see how you go. I am only just after 11 weeks finding I can have a carb breakfast without craving carbs too much but i only do that 1-2 times a week. Slowly slowly i say.

A word on carbs. The type of carbs is very important. Low glycemic and whole grain. Forget white anything and sugar is NOT your friend.

If i need a bit of chocolate I up the protien.

Fish is great.

Soy is debatable as there are lots of studies to show it can work against the thyroid which is my problem. I went onto soy about 10 years ago and interestingly that's about the time my thyroid slowed down. *raises eyebrows* :) If you are having soy and cereal make sure it is fat free. I just gave up on cereal coz it seems to make me crave carbs too much anyway. I am going to get some soon but i'll stick to rice milk or cows milk. (fat free of course)

CCNO is coconut oil. I buy a pure virgin coldpressed oil. I take it before a protien meal and I am experimenting with the dose as I have had an adverse reaction (yeast die off)

Re combining protien I have read somewhere that this is not a good idea and so i try to stick to one thing at a time. I guess you could experiment and note if it makes a difference.

I really recomend you keep a daily food journal. I have done this and still am and it helps immensley. (sp?)

Hi skeeweeaka - sounds like you too are doing well. You are wise to go with what works for you.

cheers for now

remember that the best friend you can get is yourself.

kashmiere Tue, Mar-14-06 07:50

hello everyone, i must've been busy myself, i haven't posted in a while. well, i still haven't touched the scale, but i did try on a pair of jeans this a.m. that i put on 2 wks ago and they fit much better, still snug, but i didn't have to lay on the bed and squeeze into them like before :lol: it's working, it's working, it's working!!!! i finally found a plan that works!!! my hubby was out of town for over a week and i started this woe when he left. i picked him up at the airport last night and right away he said "gee, honey, did you lose some weight? you look great!!" i just know that whatever i'm doing, it's working, i started exercising at least 5x week, i cut way back on splenda, maybe 1-2 packets a day, i'm still having fruit in the a.m., but its low glycemic and then about 2 hrs later, i'll eat 2 hard boiled eggs, then salad and protein for lunch, maybe a hard boiled egg after work, then salad, veggies and protein for dinner. i also have a level 1 desert in the evening too! for some reason i feel i need desert. maybe like you said skinnyray, the fruit in a.m. still has me craving desert. i'll cut back and see what happens tomorrow. all i know is i feel much better, sleep way better and my clothes are finally starting to fit better.

how is everyone else doing?

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