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goingfor60 Mon, Dec-03-01 21:22

Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies
I ventured out and purchased the Keto chocolate chip cookie mix. My first bite made me do my Homer Simpson drool (mmmmcookie) and then I said these are really really good and when I noticed that I wasnt sharing them with anyone that they must be really good.

They have this very very sweet taste and oh they are mmm good. I do have to advise that the oil used to mix the cookies is far from cheap. It required I think the measurement was 1/4 cup of Sunflower oil, I paid $5.99 for a small bottle.

The cookies are suppose to be 1.5g of effective carbs per 1 tablspoon of cookie. I didnt run it through the carb counter, I was too happy with the idea of COOKIES.


KarenB Sun, Dec-09-01 09:54

Keto Products I Have Known and Loved (maybe)
I just started using a few of the Keto products, and after raving (or ranting) about them in my journal, am posting here at Nat's urging. So blame her. :D

Keto Muffin/Pancake Mix: Okay, it's pretty good. It's not Betty Crocker, but if I'd expected that I'd have been misleading myself. Took a little more water than the directions said, but I did indeed get 6 fluffy, puffy muffins (three servings). They're rather disarmingly shiny on the surface, but that's a small price to pay for *muffins*. I had two of 'em spread with...

Twist: OMG this stuff is GREAT!!! It's imported from the Netherlands, and it's sugar-free, and it's REAL chocolate with hazelnut flavor. If you're a chocoholic, you NEED this.

Keto Cocoa: As instant cocoas go, it's not bad. Nothing comes close to the real thing made with milk and unsweetened Dutch cocoa, on a stove top--but this isn't bad. I'll buy it again.

Keto Banana Pudding Mix: This one's on closeout, so once it's gone it's gone. That won't be a big loss, IMHO. I don't own a hand mixer, which is what the directions say to use. I have a KitchenAid, and a whisk. I wasn't about to haul out the heavy guns for 1/2 cup of pudding, so I whisked it--and I know that's why it didn't get as thick as it was supposed to. The flavor was all right, not fantastic, but all right. It's clearly artificial--Jello Instant has a far more "real" taste. But, for what it is, and being that it's on closeout, I'll eat it. However, I will not mourn its passing. :D

CarboLite Baked Protein Crackers: Nasty. Just plain Nasty. They seem to turn into sponges for the last few chews and suck all the saliva out of my mouth. Flavor-wise, they're not bad--I have the ranch ones. It's that moisture-absorbing thing that bothers me. I won't buy these again.

Pure DeLite Belgian Chocolate: I had the dark yesterday, and WOW. This is CHOCOLATE. (That was my treat to myself for having tried to give blood--it was going to be my treat for being a pint low, but that didn't happen. See my journal for details. :) ) I also have the mint and orange flavors; if they're anywhere near as good as the dark, I have a new chocolate source. Pricey (1.99 each), so I won't be overindulging--but worth every precious pfennig.

I still have to try the Keto mac and cheese dinner. That might be tonight, though--so watch this space! :D

KarenB Sun, Dec-09-01 11:52

Keto Mac and Cheese
Okay, I tried it.

It's nasty. NASTY.

The texture is unpleasant, rather like stewed styrofoam. The flavor is similar. (Don't ask how I know, you'll be safer that way.) The color is one of the most disgusting I've encounted in a very long time. I knew it would be pale, as the cheese is white Cheddar--but combine that with the beige (yes, *beige*) of the "macaroni product" and it's--NASTY. The cheese flavor's not bad in and of itself, but that of the "macaroni" is oogy. (And yes, that's a technical term.)

I ate my half-cup serving, and put the other two aside for lunches. This is definitely NOT a repeat purchase.

Janjan Mon, Dec-10-01 11:52

Those chocolates are known as Ross Chocolates here in Canada.I just ordered some from and they were on sale for 1.29 each. With your exchange rate that's about 80 cents each!! I just mailed in a cheque with my order and 2 weeks later I had them. Thay have all kinds of flavours!

RamonaK Mon, Dec-24-01 11:37


Thanks for filling us in on the Keto Food Products. I was in a health food store yesterday that has a whole section dedicated to low carb. I was reading packages etc. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I am concerned about beginning anything that resembles carbs... and having it around the house. I have been doing LC for about two months and was looking for more variety.

Have you tried the pancakes? :p I am curious how they taste.

Has anyone had an experience of the LC food preparations (other than what we know about the bars) stalling them in their weight loss...???


IslandGirl Mon, Dec-24-01 13:19

Have you had a peek in the Technical LowCarbing/Tips Stalls & Plateaus Forum (click here for instant access), RamonaK?

You might find some more specific answers to your question than here in the Personal Product Reviews thread...

Hope this helps.

KarenB Tue, Dec-25-01 16:53

No pancakes, yet
RamonaK, no, I haven't made the Keto pancakes yet, only the muffins. The next time I order the mix, I plan to use it for pancakes; I'll be sure to post a review ASAP.

KarenB Wed, Dec-26-01 22:02

Warning, Will Robinson!
Okay, I just *seriously* dated myself. :rolleyes:

Anyway.... I wanted to warn folks that I've just ordered MORE lowcarb stuff. I won't be receiving it until well after the turn of the year, but the order's confirmed.

I'm getting more Keto pancake/muffin mix, *three* units of it in fact. At least one of those I'll use to make pancakes.

I'm also going to try the Carbolite Zero-Carb pancake mix.

Likewise, I'm attempting the Carbolite cheesecake mix. I'm a little sceptical of this one--I make darn tasty cheesecakes without spending $11. We'll see if it's worth the "convenience."

KarenB Sat, Jan-05-02 08:32

Review: Carbolite Zero-Carb Pancake Mix
Do NOT waste your money.

I repeat, do NOT waste your money.

This stuff has the same problem as the Carbolite Protein Crackers: The "Sawdust factor." I don't care *how* much Atkins no-calorie syrup you douse 'em with, they're going to taste and feel like sawdust in your mouth.

My daughter, the pancake fiend, took one bite and shook her head as she shoved the plate away. I made myself eat nearly the whole serving (2 cakes) because it was a "pride thing." I threw the rest away, including the unused mix. I wouldn't offer to sell that to anyone, it's so nasty (YMMV, of course--if you love the stuff, feel free to drive to WI and dig in my trash for the container).

I'll try the Keto mix, pancake-style, perhaps tomorrow and let you know if it's any better. As muffins, that stuff is great. We shall see about pancakes.

goingfor60 Fri, Jan-11-02 00:41

You are a crack up!
I await your next review - I thought I was the only one who hated a lot of the LC stuff. But you make me feel so much better!

Shannon :wave:

KarenB Sat, Jan-12-02 09:49

Keto Pancake Mix--YES!!!!!
All righty then.

I made pancakes with the Keto golden original mix this morning (the one I used before for muffins, with good results) and WOW! What a difference!

These were actually a little bit fluffy, instead of heavy, and soaked up a little of the syrup instead of repelling it!

Mind you, you can tell they're not Aunt Jemima's, but come on--we can't expect *perfection* when we're approximating. (However, those CarboLite abominations weren't even CLOSE to pancakes, IMO.)

One-third cup mixed with 1/4 cup water and 2Tbsp heavy cream makes three good-size pancakes. Plenty to fill me up.

Related Product:

I've ditched that nasty tasteless colored water Atkins pushes as "syrup" in favor of a no-sugar syrup from Maple Farms of Vermont. For less money, I get something with viscosity approaching that of real syrup (instead of water), flavor (instead of just color), and only 4 carbs per 1/4 cup serving. I'll live with the sorbitol for those 4 carbs: Zero carbs just wasn't worth the time and money it took for the stuff to arrive via UPS. This other one from Maple Farms I can get off the shelf at my local Sentry.

Go, go, KETO!!!!

goingfor60 Fri, Jan-25-02 18:49

Shakes Galore...
I was desparate for something new for breakfast so I ordered 5 flavors of Keto shakes... I have tasted them all and have ratings for you on each.
I think they are rather tasty considering some of the other diet shakes I have had in the past.

Banana Cream Pie - I love it, its my favorite so far!
Orangecicle - This is good it could be a little more orangy
Chocolate Fudge - Where was the fudginess but it was still a good chocolate shake
Strawberry Shortcake - This I am still undecided, I think its a filler for when I get tired of the others. Its kinda like the taste of melted strawberry sugar free jello but not as sweet and stawberryish.
Cappucino Oops I havent had them all, I'll have to report back on that one...

I mix 8oz of cold water with a splash of heavy cream and approx 3-5 ice cubes and blend in the blender on puree. They are thick and wonderful and one of these keeps me full until lunch time and then I'm not starving as I have been on days without these shakes. Try them I think they are a definate keeper :thup:

Shannon :wave:

KarenB Fri, Jan-25-02 18:55

Thanks, Shannon!
I have always been leery of "shakes" ever since my Slim-Fast and Herbalife days. Those things aren't "shakes." They're cellulose in a glass, and they're NASTY. And I won't even bother telling you what I thought of the Atkins cappucino "shake"--I took it back to the store with the receipt and got my money back. Nuff Said.

I may have to try these, though! (And get a new blender, the old one died a couple of years ago... )

smedly Fri, Jan-25-02 19:48

Personal Shake
I just made a shake out of some whey protein powder that I found at Costco. Zero carbs and sweetened with sucralose. A scoop of powder, some water, dash of whip cream and 5 frozen strawberries and I was in shake heaven!

carbavoidr Fri, Jan-25-02 20:35

Oh, My!
lolol..My goodness, I thought it was just me that thought that stuff was gross. I heard people rave about the lc bars and could not spit them out fast enough!! and the dr A products...sigh.. I appreciate his dedication...but his products are over priced and low on the quality scale. I bought the Keto Sherbet, but haven't made any yet..I am not sure about the raw egg yolk. do you think I could cook it first? then cool? has anyone tried it?

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