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surfnmom Mon, Dec-01-08 18:05

Help Hot flashes are driving me nuts
This is no joke, I am have them about every half hour around the clock and this has been going on for months. back in feb. I did go to doctor and he put me on the harmones but i could not take them and after a few months of trying a few different ones and working with the doctor, gave up and got off the darn things. had a surprise tom in august and the hot flashes started back up with a vengence . Any sugestions on something I can buy over the counter to get some releaf and be able to sleep and think again would be great.

tiashanty Mon, Dec-01-08 18:15

I think you are smart not to take the hormones the doctor prescribed. I almost had a nervous breakdown taking them. I've been having hot flashes for almost 9 years now. The best advice I can give you is to dress in layers so you can take off clothes when they hit. Keep your home cooler too..that seems to help me. I've tried all kinds of things over the counter and nothing seemed to help me...just made someone else richer. Oh, and coffee, tea and pop seems to make my hot flashes worse. Hope they ease soon.

surfnmom Mon, Dec-01-08 19:04

9 years Wow, put me in the nut house. Yes the coffee does make them come on. plus sugar and artifical sweeteners, cause them too. Yes I live in t shirts and have a hoody handy after the hot flash when I get cold. I just wish they would stop. Golden years my butt LOL

Judynyc Mon, Dec-01-08 19:26

I have been taking Estroven for a few years now. I swear it helps me a lot. Its over the counter and contains no hormones. I take the energy one in the moring and the PM one at night. I get it at my local health food store and also at

Because its not drugs, it takes a few weeks at least, before you see any differences.
Have you given up caffeine and sweetners?

Didy Mon, Dec-01-08 20:12

Have you tried Evening Primrose Oil and/or natural progesterone cream? I sure hope you can find some relief! How maddening!!

neo_crone Tue, Dec-02-08 04:02

I had hot flushes like that when I first started the Big Change. It drove me nuts too. If its any comfort, they lessened in frequency after about three months, and then went away completely for six months or so. Then they came back, and I'm still having them a dozen times a day and night, five years later. Nothing I took, or abstained from, seemed to give any relief. Now I just accept them as part of my life, and get on with it. In fact, given that its currently winter where I live, it can be a positive thing; its much cheaper to have a hot flush than to turn up the central heating :lol:

surfnmom Tue, Dec-02-08 07:10

Thanks so much for all the replies

Judy giving up the sweeteners and I try to limit my coffee to 3 cups when I wake up.

neo thats what I did 6 months hot flash free, then boom had a tom from hell, had not done that since feb. Now no toms again but the continuous hot flashes.

Going to the store to day and will read labels and start trying something.

HerbNurse Tue, Dec-02-08 08:03

I too have been struggling with hot flashes for almost 10 years.

Seems like LC diet and lots of exercise especially cardio seems to help me the most. Any kind of caffeine or alcohol makes them raise their ugly head with a vengeance.

Dressing in layers is a great suggestion. I am constantly taking my hoodie off throughout the day and then putting it back on. My house temp in the winter stays at 65 degrees and at night DH and I set the heater at 60. He likes to sleep under the big comforter with house temp very low......ME TOO THANK GOD!


surfnmom Tue, Dec-02-08 09:19

Well all I can say is who ever said menopose was the best years in a womens life, needs to be shot. I would much rather have tom once a month then deal with this. Am I bitter, Yep LOL Gee 9 years 10 years, So when Im 60 and getting to old to give a darn the maybe it will all go away. LOL Got to go out this morning and it is cold, well time it so when the flash hits I'll run and warm up my truck lol

Judynyc Tue, Dec-02-08 09:22

I hit menopause officially at 54 yrs. I still had flashes but they began to diminish as I took the Estroven and I got my weight down. I haven't had a hot flash in quite a long while. I'm 58 yrs old now.

Sorry you re having such a hard time with it.:(

surfnmom Tue, Dec-02-08 09:51

Judy getting ready to hit the store, will post later with what product I decide to try.

neo_crone Tue, Dec-02-08 09:53

My house temp in the winter stays at 65 degrees and at night DH and I set the heater at 60. He likes to sleep under the big comforter with house temp very low
I'd love the house to be that cool. My DH claims he is only comfortable when the house is 80 degrees or more. We have thermostat wars all winter.

Locarb4mee Tue, Dec-02-08 10:36

I love my bio-identical hormone therapy. Suffered for years with hot flashes, night sweats, itchiness, insomnia, dryness, lack of libido. Then I read a book by Suzanne Somers and soon thereafter, found this doctor: Hormone Balance . I can't say enough good things about how these treatments have made me feel. It's like I'm 23 again, in every way. I really encourage any perimenopausal or post menopausal woman to look into BHRT.

Nancy LC Tue, Dec-02-08 11:18

I don't have them yet but if I do I intend to try the things recommended by Doctor McCleary in his book The Brain Trust Program that are supposed to help with menopause symptoms. He has a blog there at that site that talks about menopause, and other things.

Mrs. Skip Sun, Jan-25-09 16:23

I second the vote for bio-identical hormones! These are hormones that are made from plants, in the exact form your body manufactures on its own. They are NOT the synthetic hormones which are made from pregnant mares' urine and other artificial stuff to our bodies.

The hot flashes come because your body is responding to the sudden loss of hormones as we get close to menopause. Our bodies just can't keep making the hormones at the levels we have been used to all of our lives. But the bio-identicals helps to replace the lost hormones to a level where you are more comfortable and the hot flashing stops.

Once I am all the way through menopause, will I continue to take the bio-identicals? Probably! I just feel so much better now that I am on them, as I used to feel 10 or 15 years ago, before the tiredness and brain fog and all sorts of things began. Now I can sleep soundly at night, no hot flashes, I can think clearly, and I just have a feeling of well-being. :)

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