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bkloots Wed, Jan-07-15 15:32

Maintainers, do you count calories?
Perhaps this question is answered in other threads here. Please direct me.

I came here with the question because of a conversation over at Newbies, and also because I devoutly want to believe that calorie counting is not the final solution for me personally.

I want to believe that when I finally groove my swing, low-carb-wise, I'll have a menu for life without starvation levels of calories. And by that I mean the classic recommended 1200 (or even 1500) for little old ladies like me.

Please give me your take on calories from your maintenance perspective.


Enomarb Sat, Jan-10-15 06:37

I don't count calories, but I have noticed that I eat less now than I did when I first started LC.

I think this is a YMMV issue.

There is a poster over in the CAD/CALP threads names Patricia who has lost 200 lbs- a combination of LC and calorie counting. She has said that the addition of calorie reduction/portion control made a difference for her for the second 100 lbs.


bkloots Sat, Jan-10-15 09:09

Thanks, E. I do think I'm eating less, if the leftovers indicate anything. One of these days, I'll get back to keeping a food diary for a while and get a new baseline.

Judynyc Sat, Jan-10-15 09:25

While I don't count calories, I'm aware of them as I have a tendency to overeat. Portion control is a big deal to me. I also don't actually count carbs...I count my servings of fruit and starch per day.
So far, that's been working for me for 9 years. But, I also never did go towards attaining a weight that wasn't sustainable for my body and my soul. That one thing has made my maintenance doable.

Hope this helps, Barbara! :wave:

bkloots Sat, Jan-10-15 10:10

Thanks, Judy. Yes that "sustainable" thing is very important. I'm not ready to admit that the weight I am right now (150-ish) actually is my sustainable weight. However, my Fitday record going back a long time says sustainable may be about 140-145. Not too far away! So I'm aiming for 132. :lol:

Judynyc Sat, Jan-10-15 10:14

Originally Posted by bkloots
Thanks, Judy. Yes that "sustainable" thing is very important. I'm not ready to admit that the weight I am right now (150-ish) actually is my sustainable weight. However, my Fitday record going back a long time says sustainable may be about 140-145. Not too far away! So I'm aiming for 132. :lol:

I love your sense of humor about all this. :lol: Of course, keep going after your ultimate goal....if it makes you happy!
Me? No thanks, too much stress and pressure. I also decided that to go too low would mean more facial wrinkles than I already have. I chose my face over my ass. :D

Bob-a-rama Sat, Jan-10-15 10:38

I don't count every single calorie, but from 14 years of maintenance I know when I'm in the ball park of under 1500 per day. I can also see by the scale when I'm eating too much.

Kristine Sat, Jan-10-15 15:06

Sometimes I track my intake, so yes, sometimes. But if your question was, "do you LIMIT your calories?" That'd be a big huge NO. When I track, it's after I've eaten to satiety, weighing and measuring whatever I've had. I've lost weight on 3000-4000 calories per day and maintained on way less.

livinright Sat, Jan-10-15 15:08

I don't count calories or carbs. (Don't even track them anymore) I do weigh regularly and if I see that the scale is trending upward, I cut back on the higher carb veggies and fruits and/or reduce my portions a bit.

This is my second trip to goal. I knew that my body could get to and maintain this weight with little effort. So this time around I mostly ate what I would eat at maintenance and let my body get there in it's own sweet time.

The difference this time around in maintaining is that I'm no longer delusional about my body's ability to handle just a little of "off plan" foods.

I would go back to tracking my intake if I needed to but I know I could never stick to a ridiculously low calorie intake, just because I can't deal with being hungry.......makes me want to eat every piece of crap food in sight.

I probably average 2500-3000 calories a day right now, maybe more since I haven't tracked anything in months. It seems to be working OK and keeping me within 3 pounds of goal.

Maori Sun, Mar-01-15 06:51

Great info.. I also tend to periodically check my daily calorie count (carbs is still my main focus) as i am continuously learning portion control. Hoping this will help as i am about to move from OWL to pre-maintenance.

ojoj Sun, Mar-01-15 07:05

I never count calories, just carbs. I never eat anything with more than 5g of carbs, dont eat until lunchtime and stick to under ... 25g a day - that said, I've eating like this for so long, I dont actually count them or weight my food. I just know. I'm rarely hungry and dont think about food

Jo xxx

inflammabl Sun, Mar-01-15 07:31

Originally Posted by livinright
I probably average 2500-3000 calories a day right now, maybe more since I haven't tracked anything in months. It seems to be working OK and keeping me within 3 pounds of goal.

What are your rules for eating? I have rules. Sometimes I'll switch rules just to see if they make a difference. One might be ultra-low carb (no hard cheese, no nuts, etc.) or no nitrates, no processed foods, no coffee, or low salt, etc.

Whofan Sun, Mar-01-15 09:53

I'm too impatient to count and weigh anything. I've learned that I can maintain without being hungry on butter, eggs, meat, fish, poultry, non-starchy veg, a little fruit and a very little cheese. Whenever the scale has gone up it's because of extra fruit and cheese plus often the addition of wine, nuts, and too much 90% chocolate. Oh, and yes, the occasional dive into the crappola that exists in my workplace. One time I gained back 6lbs and forced myself to do a calorie and carb count. That was an eye-opener - way too many carbs and calories - due to constant snacking on cheese, grapes and, to my shame, my co-workers Hersey's kisses and M&Ms. I didn't need to continue counting, just quit snacking and cut out the crap.

If, like me, you are the sort of person who is happy with plain, simple low carb meals (e.g. steak and salad) it probably isn't necessary to count calories. But if you love to cook and experiment with complex recipes then counting might be more necessary, if only to keep track of multiple ingredients.

I would highly recommend keeping a food diary, though. It's wonderful for accountability and, whenever you gain back a few pounds, it's a great resource to flip back through the pages and remind yourself what you were eating when you were at your happiest and lowest weight.

Nicekitty Sun, Mar-01-15 22:40

Both of my sisters (hitting 60 this year), have maintained at 128 and 135 for about 5 years now on low-carb diets. I know one doesn't keep track of anything, and I think the other only counts carbs. And both of them were ALWAYS heavier than me, usually in the 150-165 range, so this situation feels really weird to me, and of course I can't let them get away with being skinnier than me! :D So it certainly is doable for women, even post-menopausal, who've never held at that weight.

bkloots Mon, Mar-02-15 08:47

Hello, everyone. I see that this thread has revived. It's still a topic of ongoing interest to me, although I have settled on my own conclusion for now: forget counting calories. :lol:

From time to time, I track a day on Fitday. You can check out the link below. For the most part, however, I just eat the usual LC foods I like, and let the calories take care of themselves. I don't snack, I don't binge, I don't overeat. I don't eat sugar. Oh, I've learned to live comfortably with a lot of "don'ts." That alone is an achievement.

The scales remain at "150-sh" week after week. However, as I have faithfully performed my three weight workouts each week, plus light cardio on the alternate days, I can feel my body changing. Tighter and lighter. Yesterday I pulled on a pair of pants I haven't worn for years, and they fit fine.

I'm calling myself a Maintainer. I'm where I want to be in the way of eating and exercise habits, if not in the size of my pants (I still own two smaller sizes). If my body adjusts itself downward in time, that would be fine. But my obsession will be MAINTAINING. That's more than fine.

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