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waywardsis Wed, Jan-31-07 15:29

Gettin' Swanked
1 Attachment(s)
Hilary Swanked, that is:

I am getting back to the gym after a longish (several months) break, and I need the inspiration! Going to post some photos here that will keep me motivated and remind me of what I want: VISIBLE STRENGTH. I want to look how I feel on the inside: scrappy and tough, powerful and graceful, sculpted and proud.

More inspiration, this time from the awesome Linda Hamilton:

galatia Wed, Jan-31-07 15:42

Beautiful motivation. :)

waywardsis Wed, Jan-31-07 16:09

Originally Posted by galatia
Beautiful motivation. :)

Says our real-life, online motivation model herself...:thup:

My plan is to start out with two days of lifting, at least for the first week. The lifts I have planned are:

Squat (db's)
Deadlift (db's)
Seated Calf press
Lat pulldown
Chest press (pulleys)
Shoulder press (pulleys)
Assisted chin-up
Seated row
Back hyperextension

And anyone who wants to comment can do so! I welcome advice. I need advice! Thought I'd keep it to compound moves for the first few weeks or so (except calves), then add some isolation exercises when I'm feeling it. I figure I'm hitting my biceps with the chin-ups & rows, and tri's are getting in on the action somewhere too (I hope?)

I'm not sure about doing deadlifts AND hyperextensions, bc they both hit the hams. Hum.

Yup, abdominal exercises are absent here - I hate them, and if I want to get back in the habit then abs will just have to wait! I really, really hate ab work. I may pick a Pilates move and do that as a concession - I can handle doing the hundred or something at the end of my workout. We'll see. I'm taking this easy, since I usually go all gangbusters and try to do everything perfectly...then burn out.

waywardsis Tue, Feb-06-07 17:10

Day 1, Week 1
Exercise: weight, lbs/reps x sets

DB Squat: 15/8 x 2 (15 each, man my legs are out of shape)
DB straight-legged deadlift: 15/8 x 1; 15/10 x 1
Seated calf press: 20/10 x 2

Assisted chin-up: 110/8 x 2 (My weight subtract 110 lbs)
Assisted dips: 110/6 x 2

Lat pulldown: 40/10 x 1; 50/8 x2*
Chest press, pulleys: 30/10 x2
Shoulder press, pulleys: 15/8 x2
Seated row, pulleys: 40/8 x2 (called a "longpull" on the machine)

Back hyperextension: bodyweight/10 x1; bw/8 x1**

*I never know if I'm really getting my lats/back with this, since I feel it more in my biceps/upper arms. A wider grip may be needed?

**I don't know if this is redundant since I'm doing the deadlifts.

Felt GREAT during and after! Stretched, and then downed some l-glutamine and a raw egg when I got home. Dinner was several hours away and I had nothing proteiny to eat! Plus I like raw eggs. Suppose I could do protein shakes but I can't have dairy or soy. Wonder if there's egg-protein powder out there somewhere, and I could make a small coconut milk protein smoothie...or just put a couple raw eggs in a smoothie. Hmmm.

galatia Tue, Feb-06-07 18:07


Lat pulldown: I never know if I'm really getting my lats/back with this, since I feel it more in my biceps/upper arms. A wider grip may be needed?

Sit under the pulley, a neutral grip is fine, look up at the pulley, tilt your chest up by arching your back, pull down concentrating on pulling with your back, pull your shoulder blades together in the back, pull the grip down to your upper chest, pause and return to start position-- always controlled movements.

Hope that helps. :)

waywardsis Thu, Feb-08-07 14:42

That does help! I pull more with my arms, and I really want a nice, strong back.

BTW - do you have an opinion about the Slow Burn method? I'm not doing anything fancy right now, just wondering.

waywardsis Tue, Feb-13-07 16:28

Day 1, Week 1 revisited
Since I only went once last week and then got hit with a stupid cold, I am counting that as a warm-up and this week is Week 1.

weight/reps x set/s

Db Squat: 15/10 x 2
Db deadlift: 15/10 x 2
Calf press, seated: 25/12 x 2 (increase weight next time)

Assisted chin up: 110/10 x 1; 110/8 x 1
Assisted dip: 110/8 x 2

Lat pull-down: 50/6 x 2 (followed G's advice, and I did feel it more in my back)
Chest press, pulleys: 40/8 x 1; 40/6 x 1
Shoulder press, pulleys: 15/9 x 1; 15/8 x 1
Seated high row: 50/10 x 1; 70/10 x 1 (this machine does a lot of work for you, I think)

Back hyperextension: bw/10 x 2

And a nice long stretch session afterwards, followed by a hit of l-glutamine. Stocked up again today and am going to take it 2-3x daily, for gut healing as well as muscle recovery after working out.

Still feel like I'm hitting my biceps a lot during this workout (chin ups, lat pd's and rows) so I may replace the lat pd's with something else bc the bi's get tired!

galatia Tue, Feb-13-07 17:47

Sorry the lat pulldown advice didn't help enough. If you try the lat pulldowns again, start the movement by flexing your back and keep it flexed throughout the movement. Lighten the weight until you learn to pull with your back more. Of course your biceps are going to be involved, but like with all back movements, you have to think of your arms and hands as hooks that hold the weight so your back can move it. :)

lisaz8605 Tue, Feb-13-07 18:13

Originally Posted by waywardsis
You're hardcore ;) I am impressed with your push-up abilities! Do you find them hard on your wrists at all? I think I may have one bum wrist :(

Hey Waywardsis, I know what you mean about the wrist thing, but what I found is that I need to be on cushioned pads when I do it and that helps. When I tried to do push-ups on the flat part of a BOSU ball it killed my wrists! So I had to nix that right away. I also do yoga on my own cushy mat for the same reasons. I've never been able to do stuff on hard floor or even just regular carpeting. I have a suggestion on something for you to try... If you have a stick of some kind (at the gym we have the weighted kind) and a BOSU ball (looks like a half sphere) you can grasp the bar (balanced on the ball) and do push-ups at an angle. This way you're gripping, not placing your palms flat and aggravating your wrists. Would that help? Another thought is to use a railing somewhere at an angle. We have some at our gym as well (that go around the perimiter of the stretching areas) that I use to hold on to when doing certain ab work and also to stretch and such. Oh yeah, the other similar concept would be those heavy "handle" objects I've you know the ones I mean? Basically I'm thinking anything to allow you to grip versus just press. Let me know if that helps!

Demi Thu, Feb-15-07 09:45

Some great looking workouts there :)

Originally Posted by waywardsis
WTG! Your workouts look great. Think I'll check out that book

Thanks! ... and yes, you should. I really recommend NROL.

Originally Posted by waywardsis
My wrist has troubles as well, esp if I do push-ups or certain yoga poses. Not sure what to do about that...are there exercises that can strengthen wrists? Or good supports?

There are some exercises that can help. My wrists have always been on the 'weak' side and my gym instructor once told me that these might help to strengthen them:

Wrist curl:
Reverse wrist curl:

However, I do think that the wrist wraps that galatia mentioned in my gym log, might also be a good solution.

waywardsis Tue, Feb-27-07 20:08

Fell behind tracking...
but not working out. Since I did the same wo last week, I won't bother putting it in.

DB Squat: 20x10x1;8x1
DB Deadlift: 20x10x2
Calf press (seated): 35x10x2

Assist. Chin Up: 110x10x1;8x1
Assist. Dip: 110x10x1;6x1

Straight-arm pushdown: 40x10x2
Rear Delt thingy (on pec dec): 30x6x2

Chest press (pulleys): 40x10x1;8x1
Shoulder press (pulleys): 15x12x1;10x1

Back hyperextension: BWx10x2

I have a fit test scheduled for next Monday. I get one every three months as part of my gym membership. We shall see where I am, fit-wise! Yikes.

I am resisting the urge to tweak and fiddle with my workout. I always want to, because I feel like somewhere out there is the perfect workout and if I just look hard enough, I will find it.

galatia Wed, Feb-28-07 08:28


I am resisting the urge to tweak and fiddle with my workout. I always want to, because I feel like somewhere out there is the perfect workout and if I just look hard enough, I will find it.

Here's what I think: If I don't like what I'm doing, I change it. Your muscles only care about getting the fire worked out of them, however you choose to do it is fine. Some exercises I love, some I feel are a waste of my time in comparison. It's very frustrating to finish your work out and not be happy with how it went and how you feel. I try new stuff all the time. Some stuff I keep, some I toss, and try again later. What feels "funky" now might be what "lights my fire" later on. Find stuff you like and change things around as much as you like. You'll settle in to how you like to do things....but do it your way and love it! :)

I came here to say thank-you for the compliment on my new picture. :)

waywardsis Fri, Apr-06-07 19:58

Okay, I have neglected my gym log...but not the gym!! Been going regularly and am loving it. I've changed my workout to the following:

Back squats - in the cage, with 45lb bar. I will be adding weight next week, woo hoo! I do deep squats and have been a bit scared to add weight, I don't know why.

Assisted chin-ups - I do one set narrow grip, one set wide grip. My goal in life is to do one unassisted. Then my goal will be to do two, etc. For now I take 110lbs off my weight but next week I'm dropping it to 95lbs.

Longpull, 50lbs

Seated Calf Press, 60lbs (may change to standing bc seated is a bit hard on my ankles)

BB Straight-leg Deadlift, 40lbs

BB Upright Row, 35lbs

Pushups (girlie ones for now)

DB Shoulder Press, 15lbs (I really struggle with this one)

BB Curls, 25lbs

Assisted Triceps Dip

I'm really enjoying this workout, and am seeing definition in my shoulders! My only "tweak" areas are the calf presses and the deadlifts - I hurt my back once doing these. I want something that hits the hamstrings though, and I do like the additional back workout I get. Hmm.

BF works out with me, but he likes the machines. He spends much of his time doing ab work and refuses to believe that abs are like any other muscle; for him, the more he does the better. Since he has a bodyfat % somewhere in the negatives I imagine he could do one quick set of sit-ups and get a six-pack, but no doubt he'll attribute the abs to his vigilance. Ah, mind yer own workout, Tracy.

galatia Tue, Apr-17-07 08:17

Question - what, if anything, do you do for abs? I asked some friends with amazing abs, and this is what they do. I'm going to start doing them. :)

Doing HIIT will really help too.

Thanks for the compliment. :)
I'm glad you like the RDL.

waywardsis Wed, Apr-18-07 10:21

OMG - those twists look deadly! But more fun than any other ab move I've seen. I hate crunches, actually I hate all ab work. It's so BORING. I don't mind the hanging knee lifts, but my arms tire out before my abs do and I get frustrated! I will try these today. The BF will love these too.

Here's where I'm at this week so far:

Back squat - still the bar. Add weight! I worry about my back too much.

Assisted chin-up: taking off 95lbs, 10 less than last week

Longpull: 50lbs, but I hit 12 reps so will increase weight today

Seated Calf Press: 70lbs (up 10lbs) I have to do these standing. Used to do them in a squat machine thingy, with padded bars on the shoulders, but the weight I was pressing (once I got over 100lbs) was too hard on my shoulders and I got a hickey from the pads! How naughty. So perhaps I'll drag a step bench into the squat cage with me and do 'em there, or in the Smith machine.

Romanian Deaadlift: 45lbs - at the time, I feel like I could do heavier but the next day my hamstrings are SORE. Still, I can hit 12 reps so should increase - today I'll go 50lbs. Taking it slow.

Upright Rows: 35lbs (still at 10 reps)

Girlie push-ups

Shoulder Press: 15lbs (have increased my reps on this)

Curls: 25lbs (increased reps)

Assisted Tricep dip: still taking off 110, but reps increased

I can't wait to see improvements today! I increase at least one move each time I go (either reps or weight). I really want to fiddle around with this, bc I love trying new moves, but will hold steady for now. Really, the perfect workout for me would be to have a bunch of different ones made up on paper, stick them in a bowl, and every time I hit the gym I close my eyes and pluck one, then see what I'll be doing that day.


Good news: the BF is finally adding some leg work to his routine, bc he doesn't want to look like a "buck chicken", in his words. He's a tall, thin guy and needs to balance upper/lower, cuz he's got some skinny legs!

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