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anu Tue, Jul-06-04 05:16

hello all you experienced people
Hi everyone. I joined this forum today hoping to interact with others who have been on the atkins and found success.
I have an underactive thyroid and have been on medication for the last 8-9 yrs. My weight goes up and down (down with a great deal of exercise) Is there anyone else with hypothyroidism out there who has found success with Atkins? I'd love to hear from them.

Aubby Wed, Jul-07-04 07:39

hello :)
Morning ANU, i also have a underactive thyroid since i was 5 and iam now 38 , i have always been over weight since a young child , always sluggish feeling, i started atkins april 19 and i seem to be doing well ! I have lost weight and feel very good , i went for all my blood work this morning so we'll see next week how that went and i also will weigh in at the doc's, the past few weeks i seem to be on a stall , but iam going to stick with this way of life ! if you like to chat some more , message me .. take care and good luck !

anu Tue, Jul-13-04 22:50

Hi again
Thanks Aubby. It was very nice to know that there is hope for us hypothyroids!
Today is my tenth day on Atkins. In the first week I dropped 3 kilos but I've seem to hit a road block thereafter. I suspect that the initial kilos were mostly water since the swelling I used to have has almost disappeared. I hope I can get a move on again soon.
I'm a little confused on the veggies front.....I really can't stomach raw cabbage and spinach. Can one have cooked veggies that include stuff like onions, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower etc?
Hoping to hear from you soon,

anu Wed, Jul-14-04 00:02

Hi again
Thanks Aubby. It was very nice to know that there is hope for us hypothyroids!
Today is my tenth day on Atkins. In the first week I dropped 3 kilos but I've seem to hit a road block thereafter. I suspect that the initial kilos were mostly water since the swelling I used to have has almost disappeared. I hope I can get a move on again soon.
I'm a little confused on the veggies front.....I really can't stomach raw cabbage and spinach. Can one have cooked veggies that include stuff like onions, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower etc?
Hoping to hear from you soon,

Aubby Wed, Jul-14-04 04:26

HI Anu, I eat a,lot of cooked veggies, cauliflower, beans , spinach , etc all with a dash of butter and spices , tastes GREAT!i love oninons and mushrooms fried of course lol , i dont use alot of onions casue i find there little higer in carb's, i have also hit a road block after 3mths on atkins, but iam staying strong , nothong seems to budge on the scale but I am still happy for my progress so far, Anu i use to be a junkfood junkie , so this way of life is fine for me i dont really mniss the junk anymore , tomorrow i go to the dr's to see how my blood work went etc should be intersting if my thryiod levels are differant etc , well have a great day, and stick with it :) take care

anu Fri, Jul-16-04 00:33

Hi again
Hi Aubby,
A zillion thanks for the veggie's such a relief to know that I can have some. And sure, I'll tone down the onions.
I hope your Dr.'s visit went OK and all the numbers that should be down are down and the one that should be up are up.
One more piece of advice pls......I've come to a stop on 3.5 kgs on the 12th day of you think it's OK to do induction for a couple more weeks?
Thanks again and take care

Aubby Fri, Jul-16-04 03:23

morning Anu, I have quite a bit to lose still so Iam staying on induction for another month or so, i believe each person is differant depening on how much they have to lose and how fast they loose it ? i have lost 2pounds a week ,Dr said 26 in total (not bad ) but i did weigh more at his office than i do at home , my thyroid levels were good , iron was low , so back for more tests again lol also i complained over leg cramps at nite etc since i started this new way of life so hes checking magnesimum, calicium etc also i do take vitimans every day , but maybe i need more etc (we'll see ) i told him i havent lost in 6weeks maybe more, he said stick with IT !!so now Iam of the weekend and will travel to visist my family , have a great day and take care bye bye :) :wave:

anu Sat, Jul-17-04 04:48

Hi Aubby,
You are truly great the way you unfailingly reply to all my posts. Thanks very very much.
I wont bug you with anymore queries this time. This is just to say-- have a fabulous weekend with your family.
Take care, Anu

vandi68 Sat, Jul-17-04 06:34

hypothyroid too
Hi Anu,
Welcome to the post. I have thyroid problems too but am seeming to lose pretty steady. I have only been on atkins for about 5 weeks but feel better than I did when I first started on my thyroid med. I am waking up much better and have level energy throughout the day. So I am happy with that and the weightloss is just a wonderful side effect! :agree: You will be able to lose, too. I think we just have to stick with it a little longer than the average person. Good luck.

bevbme Sat, Jul-17-04 08:03

Welcome good luck on your journey. to good health.

Aubby Sat, Jul-17-04 18:01

hello , and Anu you are not bugging me, i love coming here ,how is your weekend going? and have you lost any more ? I have been quite good since visitng my family, everyone had icecream and i stayed strong (YES) i have eaten a lot though, but more meat and veggies and salads so we'll see when i step on the scales when i return home (tomorrow ) well hope to talk soon with you again... take care

Aubby Sat, Jul-17-04 18:03

hi there vandi 68 and bevbme , i hope you are both doing well !:)

anu Sun, Jul-18-04 23:23

Hi Aubby, vandi68 and bevbme
Hi to all you lovely people, :wave:
I really love this folks are so supportive!! :agree:
Yes Aubby, I have a nice relaxed weekend too, though I only had Sunday off.
I've just completed week 2 of induction. My total gain (or loss?) was 4 kilos (8.8 lbs). I thik I'll stay on induction for a while longer.
Isn't it funny how the doctors scales always read higher than the the scales at home? This happens to me too and I really feel like screaming....nooo I'm not that heavy!
Have you noticed any changes with your hair? Drier, thinner, rat tail-ish? Any remedies?
Bye now and take care.

Aubby Mon, Jul-19-04 16:23

Hellooo Anu , well congrad's on the 4 kilos WOW thats awesome !I had a great time with my family, Iam never off weeekends so this was a treat :) I just got home from work and now its time to EAT , haha over hair loss , before atkins maybe 5 years ago i noticed my hair to be thinnning a itty bitty bit haha i think over having thyroid ?? DR never mentioned much over it , and now today is my 3month mark on atkins i really see no differance , i have read a lot of posts that relate to people losing hair from being on low carb, i do take vitimin b , c , d, well Anu take care hope to hear from you soon ! :) bye

anu Mon, Aug-02-04 05:22

Hi Aubby,
Long time no hear...I hope thing are well with you.
I've been out of town for a few days on work for my office, so I've also not kept in touch. What progress your end?
After my initial success, I've just managed to drop half a lousy kilo...I'm hoping that atleast the downward trend doesn't reverse itself!
Bye for now and take care,

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