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eva123 Sat, Jan-18-03 06:52

Low Carber in Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Hey people.

I am a Frenchie in Amsterdam since 1998. I lived in London before and in my last trip last week, found that this Low carb stuff has grown there...unless I never paid attention before

Never really considered Low carb until last month. Cannot say it is widespread here...
Just closing off my INDUCTION.. and getting ready to start my new WOL.
So yes, not much to do or follow here in the Netherlands but.... easy to adapt it all I think. :)
Let me know of your favorite shops, restaurants or problems in the regions.
We might be able to help one another.... :wave:
I saw a post for Holland but given that the date said January 2001, I thought it best to start a new one..... :agree:

I buy my "cheap" meat from dirk Van den Broek, especially when they have offers

I do believe it is easy to accomodate because of the wide range of places. Not specifically for Low Carbers, but menus have a lot to offer. Has anyone found nice restaurants? :q:

I went ot a nice SouthAmerican one 1 days ago (I'd just started considering the WOE) and had a gorgeous (yes) entrecôte... just for me...hmm

:q: Would anyone know of a place for Nuts in the city or surroundings?.. (i am looking for a range other than CHOCOLATE COVERED ALMONDS!! Mixed RAISINS and nuts!!!!) Come on, there must be something....

If it is only support you are after, well, let's chat too. It is great to share (I believe that, people!!!)

eva123 Sun, Jan-19-03 01:54

Atkins products
<b> Do you know of any Atkin's products suppliers in Holland..?</b>

eva123 Fri, Jan-24-03 02:59

<b>Atkins products</b>
Just checked, and there are none.

Can only be ordered over the web unfortunately. Not that I'd all my shopping there but it would certainly help me to get some snacks to munch on from time to time...for diversity.
We have no porks rinds here or other goodies the Americans have managed to introduced in their supermarket shelves. be continued I guess.......

Cannot believe there is not much presence from Holland on this site....

:confused: am I all alone..?

Tarrawack Sat, Jan-25-03 17:37


I'm doing Atkins in Friesland - so you're not alone here !!

I'm British - ex South Africa - on contract here with my

I've been doing lowcarb since early December and its
quite difficult to get things for me as we're in a very
small village.

Not been losing a great deal but very happy with the
way of eating - never hungry !!

Let me know if you want to get in contact.
Good luck

eva123 Tue, Jan-28-03 02:26

Hiya Val!!

I was so sure I responded to your thread but notice there is nothing..........brain waves not quite how they should be...

So how come you never really lost anything on these nutritional habits? Perhaps you are not really following a plan... are you?

There is not much either in terms of low carb here in the big city, but be assured that it is only a matter of adjusting existing poducts. Also, for anyone following aparticular plan/regime, it would be difficult to properly count the carbs in all the foods.

How long have you been in Holland? Friesland...

What are your favorite places for food shoping then..?

willeke Wed, Jan-29-03 15:43

Hi girls, foreigners in the Netherlands! I am Dutch and live in Ireland <g>. I am a member of a Dutch mailinglist for Atkins, though and they have plenty of tips for everything. But the problem is of course that all is in Dutch..

If you want you could give me specific questions, then I can ask them - but if your Dutch is good enough, you could of course take a look at

BTW I did Atkins in the Netherlands in the seventies and it worked fine! You just have to get used to what you can and cannot have, but I can assure you the shops have more choice than they have here in the country in Ireland!

Good luck
en groetjes

eva123 Thu, Jan-30-03 05:30

Thank you Willeke!

how is the WOE agreeing with you then? is it a success story?
You are right about adapting, it is just a matter of finding the right stuff.


willeke Thu, Jan-30-03 16:22

Hi Eva,
yes, this WOL is a succes for me. I did Atkins twice before and it was a miracle, the weight went and stayed away - until I got tranquillizers because of a death in the family and gained 20 pounds back in two weeks and couldn't cope with that. This was in the seventies.
At the end of the eighties, begin nineties I did it again, and I didn't even have scales then, but it worked like a charm. Again I kept it off till something dramatic happened, and I wasn't able to say no to the food people kept giving me.
This is the third and last time now. It works a LOT slower than before, but I'm a lot older, too, of course - I'm 53 now. Sill, I feel so much better and am slowly losing weight again, too.

Now I know better than ever before that I must not eat sugar or white flour etc and I will just not accept it from anyone anymore.

As I said before, if you have specific questions about Dutch products I may be able to help you. I envy you, you can always get a herring when you feel like it!!!!

groetjes terug
en sneeuwt het daar al?

eva123 Fri, Jan-31-03 11:42


Yes, it is somehow snowing these last few days!!!

Do you by any chance know what I could get as a substitute for flour? i want to make some puffs (little pastries fried in oil) but I am a bit lost as to what I could get here for that?

I bought some protein white powder thingie from the health shop (I see it is actually used to thicken things like yoghourts, soups...) and will try my luck on that......


willeke Fri, Jan-31-03 12:02

Hi Eva,
most people use half protein powder, half soy flour (sojameel in NL) as substitue for flour in recipes. You will have to experiment a bit to find out what you like or not, but e.g. a cheese pancake is wonderful!

let me know how you go!

Tarrawack Fri, Jan-31-03 14:43

Hi EVA123

Thanks for your reply and sorry not to get back to you sooner.

In answer to your questions - yes I am following a diet -
the Atkins plan - to the letter - and have been on induction
for 7 weeks now.

My problem seems to stem from an underactive (hypo) thyroid problem which a UK doctor refused to treat me for. I am now
awaiting tests from a doc over here and hope that I can start treament soon to address the problem.

Favourite places for shopping ? I LOVE AHein and shop there either in Sneek or Harlingen - as you say its a question of adapting to the foods that are available. Other than that I shop at the local Kooistra or Co-op. We live in a very small village near the 'Kop Aflsluitdijk'.

We have been in Friesland twice - for 1 month in Feb 2000 - we then lived in Vlissingen for a year and we have been back here
for about 8 months. Love it here - people are friendlier and we love village life compared to any town. Miss my UK newspapers but I do get once a week and thats a real treat.
Thanks for replying

eva123 Sat, Feb-01-03 11:43

Thanks Willeke for the tip!! Will experiment this week....
Cheese pancakes?
I will search for that recipe in the "RECIPE" section on this forum!!! Sounds delicious (greedy me~~)

eva123 Sat, Feb-01-03 11:46

Hey Val!!!
How come you have been on induction for sooooo long?.
Do you feel you are losing more this way?
Are you resistant to slight changes in your carbs count?

I hope the doc' finds something for you. Wonder why the UK one refused to treat you?
How is this affecting your life?


nele Sun, Feb-02-03 11:51


it's great to finally find some dutch speaking people on the forum. I live in belgium (west-vlaanderen). I don't know if you have the stores 'delhaize - de leeuw' in the netherlands. But there i found some bacon crisps from filler's.
Je moet wel wat gewoon raken aan de smaak. Maar ze zijn lekker als je eens iets knapperigs wilt!
I have been trying to visit the website 'atkinsisgezond' but the link isn't working at the moment.
I will try later.

Veel groetjes,


P.S. Kom je soms in de chatroom?

eva123 Sun, Feb-02-03 11:59

Hello Nele
(sorry....sorry... hoor... ik spreek geen nederlands...)

I have never seen nor heard of 'delhaize - de leeuw' but will sure try and have a look. Especially for the bacon crisps which might actually be our response to the "oh-so-talked-about"!!! pork rinds....

I also tried and get access to the site suggested by Willeke with no luck. Maybe later...

Yes, I am often on the forum. It is amazing what you learn and the response people always have for you. If there is no response, it is simply a word of encouragement.

Much valued..

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