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kanne140 Mon, Apr-15-02 16:32

College Girl returns for round 3
I'm 19, almost 20, a soph ~ the University of Iowa, living in a sorority house. Can you imagine how many pounds I've packed on?? :(

Since living in the house, I've gained nearly 20 lbs. We're talking sweets GALORE, carbs GALORE is more like it. Well they all landed on my hips and thighs, the usual place and now have sadly headed toward my butt, something they have never done. :mad:

So, I've successfully managed to lose weight before on atkins and am officially back for round 3!! -- I hate the ridicule I get for this diet, constantly hear about health risks here and there -- I keep reading positive material, so I'm going to try this again. Summer is quickly approaching, I DRED going home and trying to put on those summer clothes again.

Do any of you have some QUICK snack options? I got the whole eggs and meat routine down -- but during the day, I enjoy a little something but never know what I can run to, especially on induction! If any of you go to Iowa, or are in college and have any tips they would be appreciated!!!! :wave:

thank you so much! Wish me luck! Any tips are APPRECIATED~!

Miss Model Wed, Aug-18-04 07:45

Low carb sorority girl
Hey, I can TOTALLY relate to you.. hahah, sorry, had to throw in "totally" just for the carnal reaction associated with sorority girls. Needless to say, I am one. My first year in the house was a total blast, and when I came home that summer, my scale showed every bit of fun I'd had in the previous semesters. So my mom and I began Atkins that summer, and when I returned in Fall my Sophomore year, not only was I 10-15 lbs lighter, but I looked AMAZING if I do say so myself. At first I recieved really nice comments from the girls, telling me I looked amazing, yatta yatta yatta. But after awhile I think people were A. Jealous of my will power to turn down the HIGH carb meals we were served, and cook something for myself, or B. Just B*&^%$#. Anyhow, rumors sprung up that I had an eating disorder, and people began to tell me how bad my diet was, while they drank keg beer and ate Subway everyday. Hm. Regardless, I found itwas very easy to maintain the LC WOL. My roomate and I had a small fridge in our room, so I could keep string cheese, LC salad dressing, tuna, mayo, jerkey, celery, lunch meats, etc.. there for snack food. It was also really cool, because my mom, who totally supports and loves me would send me care packages full of Atkins Advantage bars, almonds, jerkey, soy nuts, sugar free chocolates (Delite bars YUMMM) and sugar free koolade mixes- you name it. All the girls thought it was "so weird" that I was getting healthy packages, while they were getting Fudge:) Anyhow, I'm not going back this semester, but instead going to Paris for the Fall. I'm WAY excited, but I think passing up the pastery shops there is going to prove to be a lot harder than passing up a Frat Keg :) What sorority are you in? I'd love to know some details! I'm a Pi Phi.

sbd4me Wed, Aug-18-04 14:35

I also am a sorority girl and gained some weight once moving into the house. It was so hard because there are not many choices and the cooks I swear are like grandmothers and try to stuff you full of carbs! lol But when I came home for the summer I instantly lost 5 lbs just from eating normally instead of all the crap that they serve at the house. I also started SBD and have never been happier. Luckily I am living out of the house next year so I will be able to stick to this wol.

Justin_UGR Wed, Aug-18-04 17:08

Btw Your 22 Lol

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