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Gilly07 Fri, Feb-26-16 23:51

Anybody using a Ketonix?

I have just ordered a Ketonix as I am fed up with not knowing how I am going with Ketosis (I like to keep track of how I am going as it keeps me on track) it is a breath analyser that can be used over and over again. There is a website for it if you want to check it out.

kirkor Sun, Feb-28-16 10:25

I'm interested to see how you like it. I've seen people who like theirs but others who just kinda stop using it for various reasons. I think possibly we're still one step away from the right technology.
Those darn blood strips are just so expensive, a Ketonix basicall pays for itself in not too long a time.

But I mean, if you're tracking your carbs, you're going to know if you're in ketosis because it's a metabolic certainty after a certain point.

thud123 Fri, Apr-15-16 11:37

I just subscribed to this thread after a search. Cool, someone else using one. Mine arrived yesterday. I charged it up and tested this morning. I have some observations I'll share later and maybe a few pictures.

Also planing on doing some testing against urine strips. I want to see how far things move side by side testing after using diuretics and drinking lots of water.

My goal is to one, have an easy accurate measurement against daily "net carb guess" on my food. Spot checking has me some times 20 percent low on estimate and two, have a dang bit of fun!

thud123 Sun, Apr-17-16 07:31

First hint! I took the mouth piece off and put it back on, just checking things out. If you are having trouble blowing thru this thing or think you head is about to explode, check to see that the two, tiny, tiny holes line up:

He's a picture of the unit after giving it some instruction on how to look bad ass in front of the camera ;)

Lesliean Mon, Apr-18-16 07:08

I use it, blood testing, and ketostik year three keto. First one quit working after about a year and a half so they do eventually stop registering positive.

I like it. Cheapest way to register I'm positive. Doesn't tell me whether I drop out of keto overnight. Only blood testing registers that but otherwise a reliable and accurate testing method.

thud123 Mon, Apr-18-16 08:20

Thanks Lesliean for the info and experience. I'm mostly using this for fun and it is interesting. I'm grabbing readings After waking and PM before my last meal for baselines. I plan on doing a fast this week and track that a little more aggressively, perhaps AM, after work, 6PM then before sleeping.

here's some of the software now on OSX - the cool thing about the new rev (both blue and red) is that you can change values where the colours change if you are measuring without software. Cheers!

thud123 Sat, Apr-30-16 08:16

A little more time on the meter. It's interesting and kind of obvious that the meter and strips can be out of sync. I've been fasting for 80 hours so no carbs. The volume of urine affects the concentration. I drink a lot of water and still take low does diuretics.

The meter isn't as convenient as a strip as it takes time to warm up, needs periodic calibration and takes some discipline to "blow the same way" each time. However, the software's ability to track data is cool.

I would like to do an experiment where I did a "sucrose" fast for one day AFTER I've fasted for 72 hours on water/broth - then fast another day or two after that to see how the acetone in the breath recovers. I would X amount of sucrose and water at hours X thru out the day and take Ketonix measurements prior to the ingestion.

I have not had sugar, wheat or potatoes the last 7 months since I've been experimenting with LC/IF. I wonder what ingesting just sugar water would be like for one day. In my mind it would be gross :)

Just some thoughts above and here's all the data I've collected so far. I usually measure on waking and perhaps once after I get home from work in afternoon before dinner if I eat.

If you've read this far and are interested here's where I'm tracking my Net Carb (estimate) and activity levels daily - both subjective - spot checking has seen me off (low) by 20 percent ;)

thud123 Tue, Jun-07-16 08:12

here's the conversion chart from the manual for mmol/L I think

thud123 Tue, Jul-12-16 17:18

Thought I'd revisit this thread and post some data. I've been keeping above 55 (random number by me, I think it's the threashold for what is called "optimal ketoisis" but I could be way off. Also comparing it to pee sticks.

I plan on fasting for 72 hours from a few hours ago. I'll try to get a reading then and post. I suspect it will be higher than 80 but maybe not by alot. I have a lot of fat that can be used so I will not be starving.

GRB5111 Tue, Jul-12-16 19:33

Looks like you're consistently in the sweet spot, Thud. Keep us posted as you go through your fast.

thud123 Wed, Jul-13-16 08:20

Thanks Rob, I seem to be able to keep this zone by consistanly under 20 net carbs, narrower eating windows (5 hrs when it happens) and lately some very vigorous activity periodically. 3 variables but most likely the carb capping.

I'm currious to what 72 hrs fasting will do. It is suggested in the manual that it should indicate your upper range. I appear to be bumping into or over 70 periodically.

"6.5. HowtofindyourpersonalNutritionalKetosisRange.

To personalize your KETONIX requires carrying out a water fast. You can carry out a water fast for one day to find out your low edge value (When you are in Ketosis). If you need to find your upper edge you can water fast for an additional three days.

Before you perform this a water fast you must get clearance from your
doctor. If you do not want to fast or your doctor advises against water fasting you should use the Nutritional preconfigured setting in the software.

Carry out the below process:

1. Low Edge: Water fast for 24 hours and then take a measurement. This value is your Low Edge (Generally around 40).

2. Upper Edge: Water fast for an additional 72 hours and then take a measurement.
This value is your Upper Edge (Generally around 70).

TIP 13: Fasting may have your level of ketosis elevated for a number of days after the fast is ended. You should continue a LCHF/Ketogenic diet after the fasting period."

thud123 Thu, Jul-14-16 05:14

~36hr Ketonix 75 - Walmart Strips ~70mg/dL

Bintang Thu, Jul-14-16 08:14

I've been using the Ketonix for about 2 weeks but I haven't done any 'fasting calibrations' yet. My measurements have averaged around 60 within a range of 45 to 70, except for one occasion when I tested the effect of alcohol by drinking a single glass of italian merlot. This is shown in the chart below by the spike to a reading of 85 on 6July. The Ketonix manual explains the following about the effect of alcohol:

Acetone is a byproduct of the breakdown of alcohol and can result in a positive measurement. Whilst your body is processing alcohol ketosis will be put on hold until it is gone. We recommend not to drink prior to carrying out a measurement.

inflammabl Thu, Jul-14-16 17:14

Whilst your body is processing alcohol ketosis will be put on hold until it is gone

I don't think that is quite right. The body doesn't discretely switch from one fuel source to another. It may favor fat vs. BHOB vs. Ethanol vs. protein vs. carbs vs. Acetone but it's not like it "decides" not to burn fat or something. A good example is the Phinney an Volek study which showed carb infused bicyclists raised their ketones from <0.05 to 0.46 through exercise. The only way to increase ketones is to burn fat so these carbed up athletes were burning fat.

Bintang Thu, Jul-14-16 19:18

Originally Posted by inflammabl
I don't think that is quite right. The body doesn't discretely switch from one fuel source to another.

Maybe, but the main point the manual is trying to make is that if you drink alcohol prior to using the ketonix you will get misleading results until the alcohol is gone from your system.

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