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mainecyn Thu, Oct-08-09 12:26

Last Cigarette 5 hours ago
I have asthma, have been a smoker since i was 13 (36 now). I went to the drs again this week and again got a bad report. I went in because I couldn't keep it under control, used my inhaler 4 times in a hour last week. He gave me one new medication, and doubled my old one. I am hoping to see improvement sometime. The dr has been telling me for years that my lungs are worse and need to quit. Guess its finally just gotten to where i feel bad enough to do it.

I was doing ok at work, keeping busy. What was the hardest part was the ride in the car. I always smoke in the car, or on the computer. I'm feel strange and keep reaching for my cigarette. Not to mention, i just want one!
I was wondering about the cigarette butts in the car this morning. Thats how sad i am, was going to dig thru the ashtray and see if there were any big enough to smoke. Embarrassed at even having the thought.

I got a cold two weeks ago, which lead to another chest infection and my lungs are horrible. Anyway, the dr has been after me for years telling me my breathing is going to be worse, he is right. I now can't smoke without coughing. I start to cough before i even inhale all the smoke in. So, i smoked the last cigarette in my pack this morning, didn't buy anymore. I know i need to quit because every cold i got last year ended up in my chest. I have one cold, and its in my chest for almost a month now.

I quit before years ago. Hoping i can do it again. Need advice, encouragement, something.

I am not using anything to help me quit, but the cravings are definitely more than i was prepared for. My husband is supportive, although he smokes and has no plans to quit. I have had two other friends quit at work, they are encouraging.

gadge Thu, Oct-08-09 13:37

Wow. That's going to be hard with your husband still smoking. when I quit 3 years ago, at first it was hardest to be around people who still smoked. Heck, it was just hard!

But totally worth it. I breathe easier, colds don't hang around for ever, I taste food more completely, I save money and the time I save NOT having to go outside somewhere and smoke a ciggy is astounding.

I don't know what to tell you; I just white knuckled my way through it. I hope you have an easier time.

Good luck!

doit4me Thu, Oct-08-09 13:51

I was going to say the same thing might be harder having a smoker in the house. Ya know what though?? You have will-power. You've proven that. Nobody said it would be easy and you have to take it one minute/hour/day at a time. Do not be afraid to talk to your Dr. if you need to and ask for help either. Just like losing weight...we all are different and we take different roads to get us to the same destination. Be good to yourself and just take it easy. I found it a little difficult in the mornings because I would smoke with coffee. I had to re-learn after 20 years what to do with my other hand while drinking coffee LOL chew gum. buy sugar free popsicles. whatever you think might help. Stay busy. The ashtry thing...been there done that :lol: so have many others even though they don't admit it lol
I would ask Brian to smoke outside too.

You can do this woman!! I am here to cheer you on! :cheer:

NixCarbos Thu, Oct-08-09 15:27

One step at a time and be ever vigilant. Have something on hand to keep your hands busy when you are around your trigger activities.

Krystin Thu, Oct-08-09 15:37

Hi mainecym.. I so understand where you are.. and I know I am not the only one.. I quit smoking for 1 year and 9 months and started over agin at these past x-mas holiday.. well I quit again on septmeber 21st 2009.. it's not been long time and still is hard.. and like you said the car is the most hardest place for me too.. I chew gum in the car.. I buy the biggest dentynn cinamon gums and I just chew.. and I know it will be harder then the last time i quit.. it seems to get harder every time I quit.. so I decided to quit once and for all.. I know you can do it too.. you will be also free of the pumps within 1 year (3 months for me.. but it is different for every person..) Please, don't start again.. you have made the best decision for you, your health and for your family!! Keep posting we can all help each other.. ;)

Krystin Thu, Oct-08-09 15:42

BTW - my boyfirend stills smoke too. but only in one room of the house.. and he keeps the window opens all the times and the door closed.. it was hard at first, sometimes it smells nice an other times it is grows... but he also wants to help me with this.. Having quit kind of helps him too.. he slows down a lot when he spends his weekend with me.. He might smokes more during the week with his construction buddies but definitly has slowed down a lot at the house and it is helping him to realise he will have to quit too.. he realised that he wants to quit.. hope this helps a tinny bit more..

LMMS Fri, Oct-09-09 13:39


Congratulations!!!! It is super hard to make the decision to quit smoking. I smoked since I was about 16. It was "cool" at that time but I think everyone else that thought it was cool stopped but I didn't. I just kept smoking and smoking for 22 years. One day I woke up and said that is it! I am done. I hate the smell, the stigma, the everything. So I quit, but like you, I was thinking about it all the time. I had the "patch" years ago. It didn't work and I didn't want a "gimmick" because I always hear of people that quit for good never used anything like nicotine gum or candy. Well I was lost because I felt like I could pick up a cigarette in a second. I went to my book store and went to the self help isle thinking there has to be something like self hypnotism. Might be crazy but I was looking for anything to stop the cravings.

I found a book called The Easyway to quit smoking by Allen Carr. I picked it up and thought at least I wouldn't be reading it while smoking. I never wanted a cigarette again after reading it. I can't describe the book but it helped me so much. I probably could have quit without reading it but it made it easier.

Now the smell makes me gag. My husband smoked but when I quit he smoked outside because he didn't want to trigger me to smoke again. I was just glad because the smell made me sick. He quit 4 months later. Now it has been over 2 years. I always hear of people relapsing and that scares me but I can honestly say that I really have no cravings. It is so strange to be a non smoker now because I always had a cigarette in my hand.

You could try the book but I think you are doing well. If your DH could smoke outside it might help you. Also, there are the "triggers" you get. Some always smoke with coffee or driving or after eating. Finding different things to do during those times might help. Gum always makes me want to eat so I never did that but the cravings really did stop fast and they came in "waves" and I would say to myself, it will pass.

But you took the first step and it is hard!!! Most of my friends that smoke say they will never quit because they enjoy it. Well in Chicago a pack of cigarettes is 10 bucks. Nothing to enjoy there. LOL. I have a step father with emphysema and he still smokes and won't ever quit. You are really taking charge of your life. That is something to be really proud of.

Good luck!!!


smitch007 Tue, Oct-13-09 08:00

You quit is YOURS! ... Smitch007...4000 days smoke free

mainecyn Sat, Oct-17-09 11:05

Thank you for all the support guys. I have been smoke free for 9 days now. It is a little easier today, than it was before. I still want that cigarette in my car, while watching a movie at home, or with my coffee/coke zero. I am doing better on my breaks at work, or after meals. Brian still smokes in the bedroom, window open, and we have one of those expensive filter systems that keeps it in the room etc. I used to crave smoking so much I wanted to attack him and steal his cigarette or I'd run to the kitchen for snacks. The eating is getting a little easier, not constant. I still snack and/or eat to much, but its getting better. I have been eating to much fruit, crave that sweet.

I also enjoyed my smoking, it was all mine. I know its strange, it was a bad habit, so was hiding in my bed and eating a Hershey bar or ice cream, but I loved it! It was mine, all mine, i could slow down and just have a moment along, stress relief etc. I miss that part of me, its been with me so long. I feel that i've lost part of me. i know i can "relapse" the habit with something healthy, but have yet to find it.

Kisal Sat, Oct-17-09 12:38

Congratulations on your quit! :clap: :clap: :clap: :yay: :yay: :yay: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

You can do it! It does get easier as time goes by. Never forget that, since you have breathing problems, you are going to have to quit sooner or later. Believe it or not, you're through the worst part already, so don't give up that success! :) :thup:

See if it helps you to take 3 very deep breaths when you crave a cig. Take the deepest breaths you can manage. I also found it helpful to start an exercise program. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous. I began by going on a walk on my lunch hour. I didn't power walk, but I walked as fast as I was able. I just wanted to get my blood circulating. ;)

smitch007 Sat, Oct-17-09 14:35

Go to for instant part it is free..It has a gadget that keepstrack of your stats.. Smitch007

LMMS Sat, Oct-17-09 15:06

your are doing great. Be proud of yourself!! It only gets better now!!!!!!!!!


cnmLisa Sat, Oct-17-09 18:20

Would brian consider NOT smoking in the house?

Congrats on 9 days!

PilotGal Sat, Oct-17-09 18:22

i wish you sooooooooooooooo much strength and support.
bless you for trying to stop. :thup:

Lisa N Sat, Oct-17-09 18:48

Congats on making it this far! Keep day at a time. Heck..sometimes you need to just take it one minute at a time. The longer you are nicotine free, the easier it gets to stay that way. :)

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