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a.j Wed, Sep-10-03 20:00

the numbers doubled!!!???
I just got back from the yearly medical and BAD NEWS! My cholesterol has gone from an acceptable number a year ago and has now doubled. The doc did not tell me the exact numbers but he said it was now dangerously high.

I am confused. I have been low carbing for a year now and except for the odd falling off the wagon around holiday times I have been pretty good.

I am a type 1 diabetic and other than the cholesterol thing am in good condition.

If anyone can give me a clue on this I would really appreciate it. I will call the doc in the next few days and get the specifics.

Cheers, AJ

Zuleikaa Thu, Sep-11-03 08:39

Are you using margarine or vegetable oil spreads? These have transfatty acids (even those which are supposed to be heart healthy) and both raise cholesterol and lower good cholesterol. You should be using only real butter and oils.

Natrushka Thu, Sep-11-03 08:44

AJ, you really need the breakdown to be sure if anything needs to be done. A rise in HDL could increase your Total Cholesterol reading, but that would be a good thing.

To set your mind at ease, high choleterol, in and of itself, has not been proven to be a good indicator of risk for CVD. However, high HDL has been proven to be protective of CVD. W/o the breakdown of the various types of cholesterol no real advice can be given.


a.j Thu, Sep-11-03 17:57

Hey thanks for the speedy replies.

Nope no transfatty stuff for me. Only real butter and extra virgin olive oil. I do eat fair amount of red meat, some fish and some chicken. The only nuts I consume are almonds (about a quarter cup per day). I eat 2 to 3 eggs for breakfast and a plenty of green salads with lunch and dinners. Old cheddar cheese about 2 ounces per day. I rarely touch any potatoes, rice, or grains. No legumes either. No peanut butter, sigh!

I am trying to get ahold of the doc for precise numbers since he only gave me one. And said that so quickly I didn't get a chance to write it down. Doctors!!! All speed demons. Next time I will book extra time to make him answer questions.

Thanks for talking to me. It is good to know someone out there understands.

Cheers, AJ

a.j Thu, Sep-11-03 18:00

Oh, I forgot to mention. I drink red wine almost every day. Probably too much on weekends. During the week, 2-3 glasses and on weekends a bottle. Do you suppose that could make a big difference? I also take Oxycodan for back pain. About 6 months now and only when I really need it.

Thanks again for your help.

Cheers, AJ

Natrushka Thu, Sep-11-03 19:42

AJ, moderate consumption of alcohol will help raise HDL :) As will consuming more mono-unsaturated fats and fatty fish. Cardio also helps, and quitting smoking (even second hand smoke) makes a huge difference.

Let us know what the breakdown is - I'm sure we can offer some advice :)


tofi Thu, Sep-11-03 20:05

Is that Oxycodan or Oxycodone, or Oxycontin? The last one is a narcotic in time-release form. I don't think one ought to be drinking any alcohol if that's the one.

Hope the doctor has better news on the numbers breakdown.

a.j Fri, Sep-12-03 13:29

Hi all! I got the copy of the lab work today. Here is the actual breakdown. Please note that these numbers are measured in MMOL/L. I may be able to convert to MG/dl but I am not too sure.

Total overall cholesterol 7.64
Trigliycerides 1.43
HDL 2.81
LDL 4.18
LDL/HDL Ratio 1.49
CHOL/HDL Ratio 2.72

I hope these numbers help. I could not get a copy of last years numbers. That would have been interesting to compare.

Thanks again for any input you can offer. I really am concerned about this.

Cheers, AJ

Iwilldoit Fri, Sep-12-03 14:04

I think your doc may revise his opinion when he takes a close look at these values. While your total cholesterol is higher than they like, a large part of it is due to your extraordinary level of HDL, which confers on you a HUGE protective factor. Your ratios in fact, are superb and perfectly in the normal limits!

a.j Fri, Sep-12-03 16:30

Tofi - You asked which of the Oxy... painkillers I am taking. I am honestly not too sure but while they do ease the back pain fairly well they don't seem to have any effect when combined with wine. Maybe they aren't that strong? I mostly use them in the mid-evening or at bedtime. NEVER when I will be required to be alert, driving, etc.

I appreciate your concern. Thanks

Lisa N Fri, Sep-12-03 17:23

I agree with Iwilldoit...with ratios like that, I wouldn't worry too much about the total. In fact, I'm a little envious. :)
One ratio that you didn't list is triglyceride to HDL ratio. Below 3 is considered excellent. Yours is 1.96!!! :thup:

I hope your doc doesn't continue to push the "your total is dangerously high" thing. Studies have yet to show any correlation at all between a high total cholesterol and cardiac events. In other words...the total doesn't mean much. It's the ratios that you need to pay attention to and yours are what would be considered optimal regardless of what the total says.

ira Sun, Sep-14-03 22:20

I too wouldn't worry about the total number, which would be 294 in the US. Your LDL, like mine, is a little high and you might want to work on trying to lower that. Perhaps you are one of those people sensitive to arachidonic acid, mostly found in red meat and egg yolks. Eat more fish, especially oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. eat more monounsaturated fats like olives and olive oil, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, almonds...I'm taking a supplement called policosanol and will have my cholesterol re checked in a few weeks...we'll see if it has any effect.. Your HDL is amazingly great!

a.j Mon, Sep-15-03 17:59

Thanks to everyone who has written back. I am not nearly spooked as I was before.

I think it is time for a new doc. (That will make it 4 changes in 3 years!!!!!) But am getting tired of the same old routine. Maybe someday I will find someone who at least will meet me halfway.

Thank goodness for this site. It has helped me tremendously in the past year.

Take care all and Happy Low Carbing!!!

Cheers, AJ

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