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MizSteaks Thu, Jul-31-03 08:22

Has Getting Older Affected Your Memory?
I find that names and numbers are harder to remember now than they were 10 or 20 years ago. :rolleyes: Anybody else have that problem?
If do you handle it? I need suggestions!

Has anybody noticed an improvement in memory since low carbing? THAT'S what I really want to know!!

rustpot Thu, Jul-31-03 08:34

Now why did I come in here?

rustpot Thu, Jul-31-03 09:05

It used to be said that it was carbohydrate that helped memory but a recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that ALL TYPES of food energy, not just carbohydrates, appear to enhance memory performance in healthy older adults

The effects of carbohydrates on cognition have been well- established by researchers, but "this is the first study to show that pure dietary protein and fat also improve memory,''says the author Randall Kaplan.

He is with the University of Toronto's Department of Nutritional Sciences and a researcher at the Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care.

Until now, it was believed by scientists that increases in blood glucose levels explained the beneficial impact of carbohydrates on memory in elderly people.

In the present study, however, people performed better on memory tests after consuming carbohydrate, fat and protein drinks of equal calories compared to a placebo with no food energy, regardless of the drinks' effects on blood glucose levels.

The positive results occurred in verbal recall tests administered 15 minutes after the participants -- 11 males and 11 females, aged 61 to 79 -- consumed each type of drink.

'Other memory tests involving attention and non-verbal tasks showed variable effects, he says, suggesting that specific types of food energy enhance specific aspects of brain function.

According to the researchers, further research is necessary to unravel the unique connections between each nutrient and brain region involved in memory.

If you have had your fill of protein and fat, (reminds me I must get some gas forthe barby) there is always the supplement route.

I cannot vouch for any of these but merely report them:

Ginkgo Biloba:

A powerful antioxidant best known for its ability to enhance circulation throughout the body and brain. It has the capacity to squeeze through the narrowest of blood vessels to increase the supply of oxygen to the heart, brain, and other parts of the body.

Huperzine A:

A compound harvested from the club moss Huperzia serrata, and a popular brain supporting nutrient. Huperzine A helps maintain levels of acetylcholine, a brain nutrient that plays a major role in cognitive function.It is suiggested that by promoting healthy acetylcholine levels,memory health is maximized. In addition, huperzine A supports the nervous system's role in transmitting information from cell to cell.

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid):

An Omega-3 fatty acid, DHA is a major building block of brain and retinal tissue that plays a role in blood clotting, blood vessel dilation, and the inflammation response.


An extract of the Periwinkle plant, vinpocetine has demonstrated its ability to enhance blood circulation and oxygen utilization in the brain, and help reduce blood clotting. It is used as a cognitive supporter, and may also have antioxidant properties.

Has anyone seen my car keys? :confused:

RoseTattoo Thu, Jul-31-03 09:12

Miz, this is a matter near and dear to my heart, because every female relative of mine over the agoe of 70 has had Alzheimer's or vascular dementia--for at least THREE GENERATIONS!!! Needless to say, every time I forget a name or lose my keys, I go into a panic. :cry:

So in my personal quest to avoid this happening to me (I'm now 53), I've tried all sorts of informal "clinical trials" on myself. Gingko, ginseng, exercise, low fat eating, etc.

GUESS WHAT WORKS???? (sorry to shout, but this is exciting).

Answer: This very WOE. The difference has been remarkable, not just in my memory, but in my overall cognitive abilities.

I no longer feel as if my brain is slogging through pea soup.

Chris Rob Thu, Jul-31-03 09:29

have to agree with you, contrary to popular belief, this diet is doing quite a lot of reverseing of the aging symptoms. My daughter who is a genetic scientist sugested that the 'old brain' would get foggier with out the carbs...I may well prove her wrong!

MizSteaks Thu, Jul-31-03 20:14

That's some really interesting material you have in your post. Is this from a book, a website or what? I would love to follow up and read some more by this fellow.
BTW...I've missed you the past few days! :) You were doing a good job of excercising my two brain cells making me try to keep up with you! LOL! Please don't be a stranger!

RoseTattoo, I am so sorry your family seems to have to suffer more than most with such a horrid problem. I'm afraid I was merely interested in the everyday..'where's my keys'...'what's his name' type of memory problem. :( Sorry to say, I did not even think past that, and for that, I am so sorry.
Bottom line though is whether this WOE is going to have an impact on the brain in such a way that memory is improved, irrespective of the severity of memory loss. Let's hope that our gut instincts are right on! I seriously doubt that it will do any harm!

chrisee, I hope your daughter will take an interest in how this WOE impacts genetics! How exciting to have a scientist in the family observing the healthy benefits you're reaping! That should change her mind seeing the improvements in you if she happens to be one of those 'Atkins is going to kill you' type medical people.

Sweet dreams everybody!

rustpot Fri, Aug-01-03 03:31

It is amazing what a search engine on the internet will throw up. I am a great fan of GOOGLE.

MizSteaks Fri, Aug-01-03 09:58

Rusty, I use Google all the time, but, for some reason do not trust the medical stuff I find on the Internet. Wonder why that is? Maybe it has to do with getting myself all worked up over a symptom I research and then discover that it was not the problem at all. :)
I read the first 5 pages of your journal last night and I was not at all surprised to find myself laughing out loud quite often. As I suspected, I should call myself 'Grasshopper' in your presence!

I was so hoping that somebody would have some suggestions for this memory thing besides the normal 'go through the alphabet adding the vowels to each letter' hopes something will 'click'. :(

Be healthy,

ALEKA Sat, Aug-02-03 09:43

Isn't there anyone over 60 on this thread??? Yep I have had plenty of memory problems--usually names but also I misplace things and swear we have a ghost in the house hiding things from me. HA!!!!! To be able to laugh at oneself sure helps keep you from getting real frustrated with yourself. Hope you all have a great weekend. Aleka

BKM Fri, Aug-08-03 11:56

I am a writer (technical) and I forget WORDS! My doctor told me that it wasn't a sign of Alzheimer's, that it's just brain-overload -- but I find this really frustrating! And it's getting worse....

I'll forget a very ordinary word (such as server) -- primarily when I'm discussing something with a developer -- the big, complicated terms seem to stay with me, it's just a blank when it comes to something simple! It sure makes me feel dumb.....

ALEKA Fri, Aug-08-03 12:36

BKM---- :laugh: ---

ALEKA Fri, Aug-08-03 12:41

BKM--Sorry about that--I'm not computer literate yet but keep hanging in there--I have to laugh at myself or else I get really frustrated too. The Doctor said the same to me and said try to ignore it because if you focus on it it just gets worse. Not sure if that is the truth--but sounds good. There is an herb or oriental med that people take that is supposed to help---ginko biloba--I think and they say it helps. You can get it from walmart--etc. non- prescription. May try it later, but right now could just about fill myself up on the pills I'm taking. Well anyway--have a good day!!! A LC one!!! Aleka

Chris Rob Fri, Aug-08-03 13:27

Who else runs through evey name in their family before reaching the right one, or worse yet runs through every name and still can't come up with eldest son's name! sad really!!!

BKM Fri, Aug-08-03 13:36

gee, I've done that since my early 30s ... have to run down the list of my kids until I hit the right one! Particularly when I was upset!

ALEKA Fri, Aug-08-03 13:38

You're a riot BKM!!! You too Chris Rob!!! There are a lot of us out there with this problem!!! Aleka

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