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thud123 Tue, Dec-29-20 09:13

90 Day Good Habit Workshop - All are Welcome (Episode 4)
90 Day Good Habit Workshop - Join at any time!

Outline: Pick one good habit, diet or health related, and practice it every day for 90 days. Post your data, observations, difficulties, questions or insights frequently if possible.

Before joining this thread, please take as much time as needed to define your practice. Formulate and communicate your habit you are working on in your introductory post. Keep it brief. It may be helpful to restate it each time you post or periodically, so others understand what you are working on. Others are here to help you and you to help them.

The point of the workshop is to grow your mind, not necessarily shrink your body. Find something you'd like to change and develop a specific practice to address that change - it may work, it might not - the idea is to learn now to practice. Practice changes your mind. A changed mind can display new and interesting behaviors.

This thread is open to revisions or clarification to the above. Another set of eyes and minds may see something we have not considered.

Part 1 is found here.
Part 2 is found here.
Part 3 is found here

Here is a handy calculator to figure out the end date of your 90 days.

Thanks for joining and Wishing you the best of health!

thud123 Tue, Dec-29-20 09:20

I plan on doing DDF for Quarter 1 2021 - I have some of the materials downloaded and will review and be ready Monday Jan 4, 2021 to start and post the plan. From what I've read so far I'm in store for lots of finger pricks and spreadsheets - sounds like a fun practice!

What i'd like to come away with is tying how hungry I feel with Blood Glucose readings - The BG readings, if my understanding is correct are an indication of when you can eat - for one - and then i guess to see what happens after eating (lots of measurements)

Happy New Year all - Come practice something useful for a significant time period - it can be helpful to help change your mind about something you're interested in.

lowjax Tue, Dec-29-20 10:05

Woo-hoo! Look at the shiny new digs! It's a great start for a new year.

No snacking at all last night.

Timeline: Dec 7th - March 7th
Habit: Eating Less than 200 calories after 7:00 PM
Exception: Eating Dinner if delayed due to schedule/conflict

X=Met Habit Objective
O=Off Track

XXXXXXX (12/7 - 12/13)
XXXXXXX (12/14 - 12/20)
XXXXXXX (12/21 - 12/27)
X (12/28 - 01/04)


Froka Tue, Dec-29-20 10:58

Happy new thread time! We got rid of all of the carby foods from our house yesterday and began eating keto in earnest today. The house only has good on-plan foods (meat, green veggies, healthy fats), we kicked our fast food habit, and we don't work in an office anymore so office temptations are gone. Plus Gary Taubes' new book came out today and I'm audiobooking that at the moment.

So: no fast food yesterday. I was over on carbs, but expect not to be today. We will see.


Fast food habit days successful: 59/90 (started 11/01/20, ends 01/31/21)
Carb habit days successful: 12/90 (started 12/10/20, ends 03/09/21)

My carb habit:
Keep carbs to 100g or less daily.

My fast food habit:
No restaurants/fast food for 90 days, with the exception of date nights with my husband. (It must be an actual date, we can’t just go out to dinner to go out to dinner.)

Froka Wed, Dec-30-20 09:36

4g carbs yesterday and no fast food or restaurants. Feeling good today- I drank plenty of salty broth; hoping to stave off the keto flu.


Fast food habit days successful: 60/90 (started 11/01/20, ends 01/31/21)
Carb habit days successful: 13/90 (started 12/10/20, ends 03/09/21)

My carb habit:
Keep carbs to 100g or less daily.

My fast food habit:
No restaurants/fast food for 90 days, with the exception of date nights with my husband. (It must be an actual date, we can’t just go out to dinner to go out to dinner.)

lowjax Wed, Dec-30-20 10:25

Awesome job Jess! Nice job getting rolling with Low Carb again! Keep up the great work!

Just a bit of cheese last night for a snack. We ate a very early dinner last night, so I did have 1 oz of cheese for a snack.

No snacking at all last night.

Timeline: Dec 7th - March 7th
Habit: Eating Less than 200 calories after 7:00 PM
Exception: Eating Dinner if delayed due to schedule/conflict

X=Met Habit Objective
O=Off Track

XXXXXXX (12/07 - 12/13)
XXXXXXX (12/14 - 12/20)
XXXXXXX (12/21 - 12/27)
XX (12/28 - 01/04)


lowjax Thu, Dec-31-20 10:36

No snacking last night.

Timeline: Dec 7th - March 7th
Habit: Eating Less than 200 calories after 7:00 PM
Exception: Eating Dinner if delayed due to schedule/conflict

X=Met Habit Objective
O=Off Track

XXXXXXX (12/07 - 12/13)
XXXXXXX (12/14 - 12/20)
XXXXXXX (12/21 - 12/27)
XXX (12/28 - 01/04)


Froka Thu, Dec-31-20 10:48

Way to go, Jeff!

3g carbs yesterday, no fast food or restaurants. I did the bone broth right this time and avoided any semblance of the keto flu (I drank more than recommended since I am larger than your average person, and I started drinking salted bone broth first thing in the morning Day 1 and have continued with it since.)


Fast food habit days successful: 61/90 (started 11/01/20, ends 01/31/21)
Carb habit days successful: 14/90 (started 12/10/20, ends 03/09/21)

My carb habit:
Keep carbs to 100g or less daily.

My fast food habit:
No restaurants/fast food for 90 days, with the exception of date nights with my husband. (It must be an actual date, we can’t just go out to dinner to go out to dinner.)

lowjax Fri, Jan-01-21 07:54

Nice job, Jess! Way to get off to a fantastic start!

I came the closest to going over with my snacking last night. We were up until about 1:00 this morning and I grabbed a few bites of some snacks that were on the kitchen table w/out thinking. I made some bacon wrapped pickles stuffed with cream cheese and Mexican blend cheeses and then fried in the air fryer. Oooh so good!

Timeline: Dec 7th - March 7th
Habit: Eating Less than 200 calories after 7:00 PM
Exception: Eating Dinner if delayed due to schedule/conflict

X=Met Habit Objective
O=Off Track

XXXXXXX (12/07 - 12/13)
XXXXXXX (12/14 - 12/20)
XXXXXXX (12/21 - 12/27)
XXXX (12/28 - 01/04)


Froka Fri, Jan-01-21 11:17

Nice job keeping up with your snacking goal, Jeff! And Happy New Year to all.

6g carbs yesterday, no fast food or restaurants.


Fast food habit days successful: 62/90 (started 11/01/20, ends 01/31/21)
Carb habit days successful: 15/90 (started 12/10/20, ends 03/09/21)

My carb habit:
Keep carbs to 100g or less daily.

My fast food habit:
No restaurants/fast food for 90 days, with the exception of date nights with my husband. (It must be an actual date, we can’t just go out to dinner to go out to dinner.)

LostAgain Fri, Jan-01-21 20:28

Yay Jess and Jeff. Thud, love the using yourself as a science subject.

I introduce to you all my white whale: waking up early. I've tried many times to no avail. But I think I'm ready to give it another go. I owe it to myself to commit to doing it for 90 days and REALLY give it a chance.

The rules: waking up every day at 6am including weekends.

I immediately regret this decision :lol:

Froka Fri, Jan-01-21 22:04

Originally Posted by LostAgain
Yay Jess and Jeff. Thud, love the using yourself as a science subject.

I introduce to you all my white whale: waking up early. I've tried many times to no avail. But I think I'm ready to give it another go. I owe it to myself to commit to doing it for 90 days and REALLY give it a chance.

The rules: waking up every day at 6am including weekends.

I immediately regret this decision :lol:

Hi Manda! Welcome :cheer:

I am an insufferable morning person and chronic early riser. Good luck to you on your goal, you can do it! Not that you asked for any advice, but I have found that placing my alarm clock/cell phone across the room, so that I have to get up and turn it off, has worked well for me. Buuuut I'm also a natural morning person, so take that with a grain of salt.

You got this!

Kristine Sat, Jan-02-21 05:22

Hi all. I'm back. This challenge was helpful to me to establish other good habits. I'm disorganized by nature, and to learn to BE organized, we scatterbrains need reminders, routines, sticky notes all over the place, to-do lists, etc. :daze: Camaraderie and accountability are also very helpful.

I know we're just supposed to pick one habit, but mine will be twofold: protein prioritization, and daily strength training workouts. I won't bore you with the details; more in my journal here.

My aim is for about 100 g protein per day and a P:E ratio of 1.0 or so, although I won't force-feed myself and I won't consider it a 'cheat' if I have a higher-fat or higher-carb 'normal' LC meal here and there. I have food in the freezer that I don't want to waste.

Start date: Dec 30
End date: Mar 30
Yesterday: 2/2
Successful protein goal days: 3/3
Successful workout days: 3/3

Happy New Year, folks, and best of luck building your new habits. :thup:

LostAgain Sat, Jan-02-21 06:59

DAY 1 of waking up at 6am: off to a good start!
Jess, I am capable of walking my dog and going back to bed, lol. That's when you know it's bad.
As in my weight loss journey I need to rewire a part of my brain and dig deep to understand my patterns. I associate waking with anxiety and sleeping with peace. Being awake meant feeling things like depression strongly, and it led me to prefer being asleep to being aware.

Now that I feel mentally quite healthy is the perfect time to rework my relationship with sleep. My strategy is to allow for plenty of time so that I can have a peaceful morning, no chaos.

I have made a morning list and a night list to help me flow step by step even if I'm groggy. Today I'm going to work on designating outfits down to the shoes and scarves, so I'm not making any decisions in the AM. It all seems excessive, but to solve a problem that has plagued me my entire life I need every little help I can give myself.

This morning my alarm woke me gently (river sounds and sunrise simulation). I went through my list as though it was a work day, and now I'm journaling.

Changes for tomorrow: set up a backup alarm of the startling kind for 6:15am. Remove meditation from the morning list, only do at bedtime. It made me kind of sleepy.

Froka Sat, Jan-02-21 08:48

Welcome back Kristine!

Manda, nice job getting up on time! :cheer:

3g of carbs yesterday and no fast food or restaurants.

Fast food habit days successful: 63/90 (started 11/01/20, ends 01/31/21)
Carb habit days successful: 16/90 (started 12/10/20, ends 03/09/21)


My carb habit:
Keep carbs to 100g or less daily.

My fast food habit:
No restaurants/fast food for 90 days, with the exception of date nights with my husband. (It must be an actual date, we can’t just go out to dinner to go out to dinner.)

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