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RawNut Wed, Sep-14-11 22:52

Why low carb/paleo/primal makes you fat and sick eventually

jmh Wed, Sep-14-11 22:58

Not unbelievable to me. The guy trolls the paleo blogs making false accusations about various paleo/primal dudes taking drugs and so on. I can't figure out why he feels the need to attack others - surely if his way of life so fab, it will attracts thousands and prove him right. The guy's not worth bothering with. I do wonder how he manages to afford the bananas he eats though. Given the price of them in Australia where he lives he must be worth a bit.

RawNut Wed, Sep-14-11 23:13

So he's a troll is he. I tried raw veganism. Not only did it ruin my teeth but I was constantly hungry and felt weak all the time. I bet this guy hasn't tried low carb for himself. Anyway, I trust my own experiences.

Edit: I just listened to Jimmy Moore's interview with him. He says that the word for a carbohydrate deficiency is hypoglycemia. Guess what. I was never MORE hypoglycemic than when I was a raw vegan. Now my blood glucose is always steady. Funny isn't it?

Thomas1492 Wed, Sep-14-11 23:46

RawNut I have been watching DurianRider for a while now,watching some of his videos and listening to his interview on Jimmy Moore's show..What I have realized is he and some others are fanatics..You cannot have a sensible discussion with a fanatic..They will go to any lengths,and make any statement no matter how crude,disgusting,immoral,or just plain WRONG,to try and advance their agenda!! It is like trying to understand a suicide bomber!! They are right,you are wrong,and there is no room for discussion...The good news is they are the fringe element,and other than the few fanatics who also think like them,everyone else knows they are crazy...The only thing these people have going for them is their youth and current fitness level...Many of them advise eating up to 30lbs a DAY of Bananas!!I want to see DurianRider and the rest 20 years from today!!I want to see if he can maintain his health and weight over the next twenty years...If he can,and has no health issues,then he has impressed me and I will give him respect for his lifestyle,but until then,I think he's a certified nutter!! :)

RawNut Thu, Sep-15-11 00:36

It seems to be like a religion to them. You're right about youth being the only thing going for them. Have you seen some of the older ones? Something about a 6' tall man weighing 100 lbs doesn't seem very healthy. Even though they eat carbs, they're on a calorie restricted diet simply because it's so hard to get enough calories on it. That's the only reason they lose weight and it's a miserable way to do it. That's probably why they're so angry. :)

howlovely Thu, Sep-15-11 02:05

Really. Eating a raw vegan diet would make me the most pissed off person in the world. I was born and raised on a hippie commune and so I have seen a lot of people (up close and personal) who have followed these kinds of diets. None of them had serenity in their lives. A great many of them had a nice flabby gut too. The only thing they got out of being a raw vegan, was their belief that somehow they were better than anyone else. They constantly talked about their raw vegan diet like they were the greatest, most amazing person in the universe because they followed such a "pure" eating plan. It was SO obnoxious, especially since none of them looked very good and the food they ate was GROSS. I have never seen someone try so hard to make junk food subsitutes out of raw vegan food.

WereBear Thu, Sep-15-11 04:12

Another thing about such diets; they become The Entire World. Thinking about it, tracking it down, talking about it with others; that is their life.

I think that feeds the fanaticism. Gee, if it's so great, why do you have to try so hard?

costello22 Thu, Sep-15-11 07:55

He starts by calling Loren Cordain fat. I wish I were fat like Loren Cordain. :(

Later he says people get fat on meat. He says it's so obvious that you can ask anyone. Ask your next door neighbor. Ask any fat person. Then he says those fat people certainly aren't vegan. Actually I gained 50 pounds in 4 years eating a vegan diet.

Angeline Thu, Sep-15-11 11:16

You guys are all spot on in your comments. He might as well be in the middle of the street, dirty and disheveled, ranting to the top of his voice, that the end is coming. Really, he's just a lunatic, and has all the credibility of one. He's a fruit-cake, pun intended. Keep mentioning his name and him or one of his supporter is bound to come here and start spewing nonsense. That should be entertaining.

I remember that when Denise Minger came out with her exposé of the China Study, he and his sidekick trolled all the forums and blogs that discussed her article and cut-and-pasted a couple of foaming-at-the-mouth, nearly incomprehensible rants on each one. It was kinda hilarious. And more than a little demented.

Regarding your point, Costello, that he claims eating meat makes you fat, check this before-and-after picture. And no, the pictures aren't out of chronological order This poor kid drunk the kool-aid and went raw vegan. Thankfully, he came to his senses, before permanent harm was done.

This was originally found on the 30bananas a day forum that Mr. Fruitcake Durianrider rules with an iron fist. No dissension allowed! Too bad he wasn't born earlier, he and Hitler could have been great friends. Funny how fanatics cannot tolerate any sort of dissension. I'm sure they have a good excuse for that, involving the word virtuous or something like that.

Edited to Add : Haroud posted a progress report. From what I remember reading at the time, and from Haroud's comments, it's clear to me that the cult leaders and 30bad sycophants were mostly concerned about damage-control for a situation that clearly showed their precious diet to be a failure.
Everyone else was concerned for a young man who was throwing away his dreams. No one cared then or now that he eats paleo/primal/LC or whatever. I think that says everything that needs to be said about Durianrider and his sycophants.

WereBear Thu, Sep-15-11 11:45

Hitler... was a vegetarian.

Thomas1492 Thu, Sep-15-11 13:15

Originally Posted by WereBear
Hitler... was a vegetarian.

WOW that just kinda kills the "meat makes you angry" argument.. :D
An angry vegetarian!!!

*bookish* Thu, Sep-15-11 16:56

The picture he put up of a "Weston A. Price meal...meat and blood" rang my memory bell for crazy foods. Because I saw it once on This Is Why You're Fat (for real). Turns out the "blood" is actually hot sauce. Maybe he took the cheeky name it was given a touch too literally?


RawNut Fri, Sep-16-11 12:12

I remember people who'd come to the RV forum I was a member of and say they weren't losing weight. Every time, they were accused of not doing the diet. Why would anyone join a forum to get help and then lie? There was a thread about Victoria Boutenko and how she'd gained weight. If I had been able to eat every 20 minutes like I wanted to I probably would have gained weight too.

This poor lady had been on the diet for 2.5 years:

Hi Doug and everyone, I had been following Doug's 80/10/10 raw vegan diet for two and a half years when I got my cholesterol and lipids checked. Unfortunately, my total cholesterol had gone up quite a bit (174 to 246). My LDL was higher (though happily not the oxidized kind), and my triglycerides were a lot higher. My HDL had gone down. This was compared to my levels on a moderately low fat, plant-centered, mostly vegan diet that I was eating previously (I was reading Joel Fuhrman's works and eating as he recommends). So I reluctantly gave up eating 811rv, thinking it wasn't good for my health. I read a lot of studies that implicate fructose in raising triglycerides and uric acid, and I figured that I was one of the sensitive ones. For a while I ate a low fat, cooked vegan diet and cut way down on fruit. I also experimented with a raw diet that had higher fat and less fruit. But I have really missed eating 811rv. I don't enjoy eating cooked food at this point. After the thrill of eating lots of avocados and macadamia nuts wore off, I didn't enjoy the high fat raw way either. I just love fruit! Anyway, my main question is has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts about living with high LDL and triglycerides? I don't have any other risk factors for heart disease, and as long as I don't develop diabetes, I think I might be willing to live with my lipids this high. But I'm concerned that maybe this is a marker for other problems that my body might be having with lots of fructose. I'd love any advice. Thanks! --Sweet Fruit Lover

She's told everything except the truth - Vegan or not, a diet of 80% carbs and 10% fat will do that!

Thomas1492 Fri, Sep-16-11 12:32

That's such a shame RawNut..I read the comments and I hope she has found a WOE that has brought her lipid levels down...She keeps emphasizing how much she loves fruit tho,well I love rice and gravy but see where it got me..:(

paleodude Sat, Sep-17-11 23:20

Originally Posted by howlovely
Really. Eating a raw vegan diet would make me the most pissed off person in the world. I was born and raised on a hippie commune and so I have seen a lot of people (up close and personal) who have followed these kinds of diets. None of them had serenity in their lives. A great many of them had a nice flabby gut too. The only thing they got out of being a raw vegan, was their belief that somehow they were better than anyone else. They constantly talked about their raw vegan diet like they were the greatest, most amazing person in the universe because they followed such a "pure" eating plan. It was SO obnoxious, especially since none of them looked very good and the food they ate was GROSS. I have never seen someone try so hard to make junk food subsitutes out of raw vegan food.

When I was a low fat vegetarian mostly vegan following the McDougal Plan I almost lost my job. I was always pissed of getting into arguments with co-workers, yelling at my kids when they were in their early teens, getting into arguments with my mother. A co-worker once suggested I see a doctor about getting on Zoloft. I still think it has permanently affected my relationship with my family. My kids are now 29 and 30 years old but we just aren't that close. One lives 2 miles away but I see her maybe twice a year.

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