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LarryAJ Sun, Jul-01-07 20:37

This, That and PP Chat for July '07
"Holy Lobsters!! Bawdy!! I nearly forgot to start the new "chat" thread for the month." said Dobbin. Since I could pass for an old nag, Dobbin seemed to fit the context. :D

Good to see you posting more. I have been trying to get back "on-line" since a storm killed my computer. Almost there.

Have any of you heard of "Life Line Screening", where they come in and give you four tests for cardiac function? A friend did it and when I got an ad in the mail I thought I would try it. The do a sonagrams looking for blockage or aneurysms of the abdominal aorta and of the carotid artery (in the neck). A bone density check, also sonar, of your heel. And a “peripheral arterial disease screen” that looks at the difference in blood pressure in each ankle and wrist. I will get the results in two to three weeks.

They also offered a blood lipid test that gave you the results in about five minutes from a drop of blood from a finger prick, not unlike the one for blood sugar tests. My results were;
Triglycerides = 57
HDL = 69
LDL = 109
non-HDL = 121 (Has to be LDL plus IDL)
TotC = 190
C- reactive protein = 1.69 mg/L (all others in mg/dL)

Need to quit and go to bed.
See you all later,

CindySue48 Mon, Jul-02-07 17:56

Hey Larry and everyone!! Happy July!!

The tests sound good if free, but I don't think I'd pay for the tests. I had the PVD test and after was told it wasn't very accurate? Of course the doc that told me that was convinced I had PVD but the test said no! How does bone density get in there?

I've got a very busy 6 weeks coming up, but at least I get to go on vaca after!

LarryAJ Mon, Jul-02-07 20:11

Originally Posted by CindySue48
Hey Larry and everyone!! Happy July!!
Hey back at 'cha, CindySue. :)
Originally Posted by CindySue48
The tests sound good if free, but I don't think I'd pay for the tests.
Unfortunately, they were $200.00. I mostly did them because the friend had it done. He has been Type II for six years and overweight for some 20 so he has had plenty of time to have some plac build up but the test were OK.
Originally Posted by CindySue48
I had the PVD test and after was told it wasn't very accurate? Of course the doc that told me that was convinced I had PVD but the test said no! How does bone density get in there?
Yea, I think the PVD test is just a "gross" level test rather than diffinative. The bone density is done by Ultrasound of the heel looking for abnormal bone mass density. Done automatically by a machine you set your foot in.
Originally Posted by CindySue48
I've got a very busy 6 weeks coming up, but at least I get to go on vaca after!
Enjoy your vacation when it comes.

I was in a hurry last night when I made the first post . . . . . AND not much different tonight. So will say "Hello" to all the rest. Let's see some posts on what is going on in your life. I will "bore" you later with my report. :D

lisaz8605 Mon, Jul-02-07 20:44

Happy July and July 4th everyone! I'm heading to bed for tonight but I'll keep my upbeat short and sweet...

Tonight, I heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time. I wasn't even sure what I was hearing, but my CNM was smiling widely and so pleased to hear this at the end of 12 weeks. She said everything looks good, so I'm heading into the second trimester feeling really upbeat and hopeful...and with the exception of the chocolate chip cookie or two, very healthy and eating well!

I'll write again soon. :)

jkmfrog Mon, Jul-02-07 20:49

Hello Everyone!

Still busy with work. Went to DC this past weekend and made some awful choices about food. Completely emotional eating for a multitude of reasons. Felling pretty crappy today as can be expected. As usual with these infrequent forays into carbby eating - most things did not live up to the hype - possibly with the exception of the homemade bread and the cherry vanilla creme brule at the Tabard Inn. If that was my olny slip I'd liley have been fine today but I went way overboard on eating from roadside stands and typically carby american road food. bleh.

Did some reading today on emotional eating: "time heals, food does not heal" (emotions that is). I am recovering with some good low carb food: eggs, bacon, local cheese, fennel salami, grilled wild caught salmon and veggies fom the farmers market, and a fresh organic peach and practicing forgiveness on myself.

One of our major bills is headed for its final stages in the Legislature this week, but my work for the session is far from over. Everyone is showing their weariness (me included). Of all times this is when I need my low carb energy the most!! lol.

Looking forward to the rest of the month. Have several fun events planned including travel to Northern California to visit with some old friends, the DF's niece's birthday party and a lobster dinner birthday party for another friend.

Try4Me Tue, Jul-03-07 08:57

Happy July everyone!!

Larry, hope you get things hooked up soon. I am without my laptop and I miss it!!

Lisa, that is wonderful news. I know you are thrilled! have a lot going on right now! Wow! What an interesting job!

CindySue, just keep your sights on the vacation and you will make it!!

I am doing well. Lots of home improvement projects going on right now. Inside and outside. Just finished up my civil service of jury duty. No cases, I just had to go in for seven days and listen for my number and wait about 4 hours. Oh well, my time is mine in the summer.

Staying the course in PP. I love this plan for life!

Have a Happy 4th of July!!

CindySue48 Wed, Jul-04-07 09:11

Originally Posted by LarryAJ
He has been Type II for six years and overweight for some 20 so he has had plenty of time to have some plac build up but the test were OK.

My sister has been 30-40 pounds overweight her whole life, and diagnosed with diabetes almost 20 yrs ago. Recently she had to have a stent placed in her carotid as a result of radiation therapy done almost 20 yrs earlier. During her work-up she had NO evidence of any plaque build up, either in her carotids or her coronaries. She'll be 66 August 1st. She has NEVER eaten a decent diet, and is currently on 2 meds (max dose on 1, close to max on the second) for diabetes as well as 2 meds for high BP. Her BP is fairly well controlled, but her BSs are still elevated and not even close to "normal".

Close to all of my family members on my mom's side are diabetic....probably about 95% of my generation, and quite a few in my kid's generation. Yet there is NO heart disease anywhere. I had one aunt that died about 10 yrs ago that had cardiomyopathy due to a viral infection. Other than that 1 aunt, there are no other relatives with heart disease.

Apparently in my family we're susceptible to diabetes, but not to heart disease.

CindySue48 Wed, Jul-04-07 09:22

Originally Posted by lisaz8605
Tonight, I heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time.
That is so cool!! Keep taking care of yourself and before you know it you'll have your baby in your arms!! (do you know if it's a girl or boy?)

MamaSara6 Wed, Jul-04-07 10:26

Hi Everyone! Happy 4th of July! Mind if I join your little group?

As I said in another post on this PP forum, I've just finished reading PPLP and I'm trying to get into the whole PP mindset. I'm having trouble getting protein at every meal/snack. Like yesterday, I was in a hurry and wanted something simple, so I just had LC coleslaw. No protein there. Do y'all have suggestions for easy/quick protein?

Thanks a lot! :wave:

LarryAJ Wed, Jul-04-07 13:09

Originally Posted by MamaSara6
Hi Everyone! Happy 4th of July! Mind if I join your little group?
Thanks a lot! :wave:
HI, Sara, PLEASE do join us. The more the merrier! ;)
Originally Posted by MamaSara6
As I said in another post on this PP forum, I've just finished reading PPLP and I'm trying to get into the whole PP mindset. I'm having trouble getting protein at every meal/snack. Like yesterday, I was in a hurry and wanted something simple, so I just had LC coleslaw. No protein there. Do y'all have suggestions for easy/quick protein?
I am sure there are better suggestions, but hard boiled eggs would/should be first on the list. Then there are the "guy foods" like pickled herring. I love the Vita brand and buy the "in wine sauce" variety as they are in small pieces so I can eat one or as many as I feel like.

You are now going to get my "You need to get and read PP also." lecture. :D If you look at my posts, especially those in this section of the board, you find that I have often said that BOTH books are really necessary to fully grasp the Drs. Eades diet. PP and PPLP approach the plan from different angles. Moreover one will explain some part of the plan better than the other. So please get and read (and reread) both. :agree:

I am going across the street for supper and fireworks. Hope everyone else has (or had) a safe and great 4th.

MamaSara6 Wed, Jul-04-07 17:51

Thanks, Larry. I'll be a good girl and get PP soon. I wondered if I needed to read it too.

I'll starting over tomorrow :blush: since DH made all the burgers with buns and I had apple crisp, too.

jkmfrog Wed, Jul-04-07 19:33

cold meats or cheese is great with slaw. I for one cannot eat cole slaw without a plain hamburger...sometimes I cook up a bunch and keep them in the freezer for an easy breakfast or snack.

honestly I don't see anything wrong with not having protein at every snack - although most times I do. Sometimes I like things like raw pepper strips with pesto spread on them - very little protein but qyite yummy as a snack. The fat in the cole slaw (if using mayo) can be quite satisfying. olives are another favorite snack of mine.

Getting enough protein is not a problem for me at other meals however so skiping that as a snack is not an issue in my overall protein consumption.

How is everyone's fourth? I worked a 16 hour day yesterday and spent much of today staring blankly into space and napping. ugh. too tired to even go to the store (, or cook, so I ate some odd stuff (bacon, almond butter, raw carrot) until the DF took me out for thai curry. Looking forward to the weekend!

ruthla Thu, Jul-05-07 13:16

Whoops! I didn't realize you guys started a new thread every month. I was wondering why nobody posted to the old thread in several days. (is there a "duh" smilie here?)

Today I was supposed to go get my liver/gallbladder ultrasound done again. In the past, I had fatty liver and gallbladder sludge, then just a fatty liver but a clear gb after doing a liver/gb flush, now I was hoping to see my liver nice and clear and healthy after a month of LC.

Well, I got directions off the internet instead of caling them for directions, and I got lost going there. Then I got lost coming home. All while fasting and cranky and snapping at my 5yo in the back seat.

I'm still cranky and irritable right now, even though I've eaten. My head was splitting earlier, but after having a nap I feel a tiny bit better.

I weighed myself this afternoon and I'm the exact same weight as last week! :( I'm hoping it was just water retention or something related to having fasted this morning (like not having been able to poop without eating breakfast) - I'm planning to weigh myself again tomorrow morning before "counting" that weigh-in.

ruthla Thu, Jul-05-07 13:29

Aww, DD just brought me "the little rodent who lived in a shoe"- our hamster peeking out of an old shoe! At least I hope it's an old shoe, and not one that DD1 is planning to wear again when she comes home from camp. :lol:

lisaz8605 Thu, Jul-05-07 19:44

HI everyone...this will be a "drive-by" update since I'm still on the go and have much to do tonight. Wednesday we had a party and I cooked like a maniac...before and during the party. I made fresh coleslaw (and Mom did German potato salad) and I did baked beans and tomato salad and pasta salad (with Dreamfields, shhhh, heh) and fresh watermelon and of course sausage and peppers, dogs, burgers and ribs. LOTS of cooking and tons of clean-up, as you can imagine. And then we went right into a client meeting (showing them their wedding pics for the first time before they go online). We just got done a little while ago and I'm ready to drop but I need to go through Mom's bills and prepare for our trip to her house tomorrow (again, another 2 1/2 hour road trip one-way). The only good news is I think this might be the last time we'll have to go for quite some time. I'll check in again as soon as I can!

P.S. CindySue I don't know what gender the baby is yet...should find out somewhere between 19-20 weeks (I'm only in week 13 right now)! :)

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