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MuscleHead Wed, Oct-19-11 06:30

Progress Chart
Hi I really enjoy this site and is keeping me on track with my goals. The Weight progress Chart is not updating the graph. I am currently on a MacBook but I have also done it from a Dell windows. Thanks
I FIGURED IT OUT FROM PREVIOUS POSTS no need to answer thanks :)

RuthannP Sat, Feb-18-12 12:36

My January stats are showing up in December
and my February stats are showing up in January (on the chart)

LaZigeuner Sun, Feb-19-12 20:56

Hi there! I have 2 things going on with my "Recorded BF" graph.

1) Along the bottom where the months are, I have the following labeled, in this order: Nov----Dec----Dec-----Jan----Feb.

2) No matter how often I refresh, the graph does not include all my BF records.

Thank you! :)

ETA: all the other charts, except the WHR chart, have a Jan----Jan going on. Weird.

BeefCart Sun, Feb-26-12 15:06

Hi there, first post and I hate to even complain about anything on this wonderful, helpful site.
I made a custom food in my plan. It's blue cheese dressing, mostly fat, and the "Caloric Composition" circle is mostly yellow showing protein. It should be mostly green, right?
Maybe I set something incorrectly.

Just thought I'd point it out.

Kisal Sun, Feb-26-12 15:40

That's been happening for a long time. I'm not sure whether Tamarin has had time to try to fix it.

At any rate, I don't pay any attention to the circles. I just go by the numbers in the Daily Entry log. :)

Lucysmom Sun, Mar-04-12 11:15

Cannot enter my weight.

Kisal Mon, Mar-05-12 16:34

Where are you trying to enter it? I see it in your Stats, that show in the upper right corner of your posts. Are you trying to enter it into My P.L.A.N.? The two weight entries are separate, so you have to do them individually.

Remember to scroll to the bottom of the page after you enter it and click on "Save".

On My PLAN, refreshing the page after you enter it often helps. :)

sollyb Tue, Mar-13-12 09:58

Lipid numbers do not show correctly?
I've removed my original post content because I think I found the error, and it was my error.

LaZigeuner Wed, Apr-25-12 21:49


My journal export link doesn't work from the add/edit foods page, although it does work from the view only page.

Thanks :)

Gypsybyrd Mon, Jul-02-12 05:30

July 1 not showing up in Monthly View
July 1 is not showing in the "monthly view" of MYPLAN. It shows up if I look at the "daily entry" view. The same thing happened with April 1 (which, like July 1, fell on a Sunday).

zksocky Wed, Feb-06-13 23:55

Weight not getting updated wt stats dont get displayed properly. I go to the weight plan area and it saves changes but it doesnt show up.

TChice Sun, Mar-17-13 18:10

Originally Posted by zksocky wt stats dont get displayed properly. I go to the weight plan area and it saves changes but it doesnt show up.

If you want to change the stats that show here in the forums (upper right on any of your comments) then you need to go to User CP then on the left, click on Edit Profile. If you update your current weight there, it will update out here.

alexperkin Fri, May-10-13 08:09

deleting items
is there no way to delete items from you daily food list. The only way would be to put a zero in for servings.

Rosebud Fri, May-10-13 18:34

Originally Posted by alexperkin
is there no way to delete items from you daily food list. The only way would be to put a zero in for servings.

From the "Some Basic MyPLAN Info and FAQs" sticky thread:
I added the wrong thing for one of my meals. How do I remove it?
Mark the box at the right side of the food item, then select delete from this day’s entries from the drop down menu, and click submit.

JAnn Mon, Aug-26-13 12:04

Favorites list
Is there any way to delete an item from the Favorites list when it is past the 50 items and doesn't show up?


justjava Thu, Mar-06-14 12:30

Hi- entered one cup raw kale and it was listed as 13.4 carbs, but on the Atkins site it is listed as 6.7 - both not net carbs- maybe I entered something incorrectly, but I have checked twice

justjava Thu, Mar-06-14 12:33

Nevermind it's me not you- I put 2 cups....Sorry

bike2work Mon, Mar-24-14 14:35

I dunno. Maybe the error is on my part. Never mind.

ribroast Thu, May-15-14 17:56

Just signed up yesterday so the My P.L.A.N tool is new to me. Everything is going fine untill I go to make a recipe. I need to make a couple of custom ingredients. First one was Almond flour, that went fine, so I've done it once with no problem. Next one is Stevia, the wonderfully bitter sweetener. Serving size is 1 tsp or .5 G. Also the carb count is .5 carbs. I am getting the "Please enter the amount in numbers without additional characters." error. I also tried 1/2 G etc. I have alot of recipes that I want to enter to make it easy to log, so this one is a trial run.

Gypsybyrd Sun, Jun-01-14 19:27

Just an FYI ... when the first day of the month is on Sunday, the summary of food entries does not show up in "Month View."

pivoine Sun, Jul-20-14 04:10

i'm using a mac and google chrome, I can select an activity but I cannot add it - there is no add button.

eljohnw Sun, Jul-27-14 08:51

Entered my weight several time allready. but the stats in the post are not updating. Still say the progress weight is some number I never put in. Please help.

Rosebud Sun, Jul-27-14 18:53

Originally Posted by eljohnw
Entered my weight several time allready. but the stats in the post are not updating. Still say the progress weight is some number I never put in. Please help.

The stats that show in your posts are changed by going to UserCP (on the green line above the posts) and clicking on Edit Profile. Don't forget to click Save Changes at the bottom when you have finished (that's my usual problem :D).

eljohnw Tue, Jul-29-14 06:14

Thanks Rosebud. Ellen

K1SM3T Thu, Jan-08-15 06:48

When I enter 1 large egg it gives me .6g carbs but when I enter 2 large eggs, scrambled it says 2.7g. What does it think I'm adding to the eggs to raise the carbs? Shouldn't it be 1.2g carbs?

Rosebud Thu, Jan-08-15 07:15

Originally Posted by K1SM3T
When I enter 1 large egg it gives me .6g carbs but when I enter 2 large eggs, scrambled it says 2.7g. What does it think I'm adding to the eggs to raise the carbs? Shouldn't it be 1.2g carbs?

When you enter "scrambled eggs", the system thinks you have added a tablespoon or whatever of milk to your eggs. So if I am adding eggs, no matter how I cook them, I simply add eggs and the fat (if I am using any) I used to cook them. :)

Roobinsky Mon, Jan-12-15 06:44

Weight chart
My weight chart seems to be stuck in december2014. How do I get my last two entries to show up? Thank you!

doreen T Thu, Jan-15-15 09:26

Originally Posted by Roobinsky
My weight chart seems to be stuck in december2014. How do I get my last two entries to show up? Thank you!

For some reason, the weight chart/graph doesn't always update automatically when you enter new data for one or even several days. This can be solved by clicking your browser's refresh/reload button.


scrapgirl Mon, Jan-26-15 17:58

Search iPad
When entering daily meals, item search feature doesn't seem to work on iPad mini (chrome browser).

Himadri Tue, Aug-18-15 05:58

Hi, When entering updated measurements this AM, I cannot seem to get the new measurements all to save. I have tried multiple times, I have exited the page and refreshed, and still when I hit the "save" button, only 3 of the entered measurements save, the rest delete themselves. Any ideas? First time this has happened, been recording measurements regularly since January 15, 2015 without issue.

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