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Judynyc Tue, Jul-21-20 15:44

why carbs are important to your diet

Carbohydrates, or carbs, have recently gathered a bad reputation for their ability to cause weight gain, but not all carbs are unhealthy. In fact, carbs are actually essential to our diets.

Ms Arielle Tue, Jul-21-20 15:53

The subtitle says it all......

"Carbs are an essential energy source"

.......walks away shaking head.......

( and Im all for eating salads and greens but carbs are not an essential nutrient as such. Greens and vegies are an alternate source of vitamins, minerals and carbs, and fats and proteins. But carbs are not essential.)

Bonnie OFS Wed, Jul-22-20 08:17

The majority of foods are good to eat as long as you learn to have everything in moderation. Your body can get thrown out of whack if you don’t eat right. Watch for these signs that you’re eating way too many carbs.

Weasel words: moderation, eat right, too many carbs.

Those words mean nothing without context. I have t2 diabetes & am overweight, so those words mean something completely different for me than for my non-diabetic, hyperactive, skinny husband.

Tho he still eats mostly low carb because I'm the cook. :D

WereBear Wed, Jul-22-20 08:22

Carbs are not an essential nutrient. Full stop.

There's a genetic disorder in which the person does not have the enzymes to handle any kind of carb intake, which builds up in their blood and can cause all kinds of mayhem. The treatment is to not feed the child anything with carbs, a very ketogenic diet. Provided this is started early enough, the child grows up fine.

Because they don't NEED the carbs. No one does.

teaser Wed, Jul-22-20 08:33

When fat is being used for energy, it doesn’t digest completely, which allows ketones,

Lol at fat oxidation being described as a digestive process.

sheryl2020 Sun, Jul-26-20 17:38

All carbs turn into glucose and can raise blood sugar. The article said that. So eating a lot of brown rice or “healthy” whole wheat bread will do the same. And I mean who eats 1/2 cup of pasta?

Ms Arielle Sun, Jul-26-20 18:56 1/2 cup servings in my house. Teens wipe out 2-3 cups of any pasta based meals. Hence, its a rare meal.

sheryl2020 Mon, Jul-27-20 06:20

Ms. Arielle, I hear you!

gzgirl Thu, Aug-13-20 19:07

Ms. Arielle I am clapping loudly giving you a standing ovation

Bob-a-rama Thu, Aug-13-20 19:32

less than 20 carbs per day for me, most often much less

And I'm about 60 pounds lighter - and healthy. YMMV

Judynyc Fri, Aug-14-20 15:14

Not all carbs are created equal. As you all know, there are different types, whole or processed. Starchy or not.
I enjoy salad veggies with protein. I make a dressing that appeals to me and enjoy my meal.

I think that enjoying the food we eat is a huge aspect of sujccessful long term maintenance for weight loss. How can anyone go through life being so restrictive. I can't.

Bob-a-rama Fri, Aug-14-20 17:02

I can be very restrictive, and I am. It was that or stay fat.

I gave up a lot of foods that I love, but for the first time in my adult life I have a BMI that is in the normal range. On the high side of normal, but not overweight or obese.

I come from a 300 pound family and this morning I weighed 170. My parents died early from obesity diseases and my siblings who are also around 300 are unhealthy.

There are very few carbs in my diet. To stay in keto, my limit is 20, and I rarely get that many. I like life, I like moving around without needing joint replacements, and I like almost never getting sick (one mild cold every 15 years or so -- I'm 74 and on zero prescriptions).

Plus I follow the arthritis/bursitis diet and both my former arthritis and bursitis are gone - without any meds.

The good health and mobility means more than the variety of delicious foods I used to eat. I enjoy what I eat now, but it is by no means anything like a feast.

Your health is your most important asset. If you are sick, all the money in the world will only buy you a better hospital room and/or casket.

I used to live to eat, now I eat to live.


Bonnie OFS Fri, Aug-14-20 18:05

Originally Posted by Judynyc
I enjoy salad veggies with protein. I make a dressing that appeals to me and enjoy my meal.

I think that enjoying the food we eat is a huge aspect of sujccessful long term maintenance for weight loss. How can anyone go through life being so restrictive. I can't.

I refuse to eat food that I don't like - which I did when I ate horrible high-fiber foods to lose weight. But restrictive? I have to be - I'm diabetic & stick to no grain, no sugar, low carb all the way.

But - as I said - I enjoy every thing I eat! :yum:

PS - I just had a salad with tuna & homemade olive oil dressing. Very tasty! Very low carb!

WereBear Sat, Aug-15-20 04:44

Originally Posted by Bob-a-rama
I can be very restrictive, and I am. It was that or stay fat.

Like Bob, I had to make choices. It's been a whole year since I've settled on thinking that this time, I'll really keep the weight off :) And I have.

I'm on my latest version of low carb, which I started in 2003 to great success. But it turned out, I had further to go than I thought. I had to change even more.

I gave up more, and I got more.

I'm finally completing a massive wardrobe revamp. Back in 2003, I did get rid of my "upper range" of sizes, and I've never gone back. Low carb IS for life, for me. But I did spend a long time dealing with other health issues and incredible stress, and figuring all this stuff out.

Still, even with my "new normal," I kept bumping up a size. Though I had a new "range." You all know what I mean. My entire adult life was about keeping too many clothes, half of which I couldn't wear at any given time.

I've got bags and bags of barely worn stuff I'm taking to the consignment store. I'll see what she'll take and what might be worth consignment. But basically, I'm DONE. I am, at long long last, having a "normal" wardrobe experience. I bought some new clothes and now I'm not even going to work any more! (On furlough, who knows?)

It's all because I got terribly sick. The way I was eating didn't even put more weight on, but it made me go deeper into my autoimmune issues. This turned my head around and I was willing to reboot my entire eating plan. And it turned out to be radically restrictive.

Right now, it's cooked meat/seafood, dairy, eggs, stevia-sweetened chocolate, and raw fruit. I use the botanical definition of fruit, so it includes guacamole and dill pickles and tomato in small amounts. Primal kitchen condiments, spices, coconut oil. And that's IT.

But that works for me. The results, both health and weight, have been nothing short of amazing.

Because I was willing to do whatever it takes. And I enjoy my food even more than I ever did as a bingeing, overweight, frantic teen.

I have less choice in food. But more choice in everything else.

Bob-a-rama Sat, Aug-15-20 08:53

Originally Posted by Bonnie OFS
I refuse to eat food that I don't like - which I did when I ate horrible high-fiber foods to lose weight. But restrictive<...snip...>

I'm with you on that.

I have limited options, but I want to enjoy what I eat. They way I figure it is this: If it tastes bad to me, my body is telling me it is bad for me.

Too bad it doesn't work the other way because sugar tastes good but is also bad for me.


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