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MocaGirl Thu, Oct-25-01 18:29

IBS is No Fun, But Low Carbing makes it Tolerable***********
:spin: :spin: :spin:

I'VE SUFFERED from IBS for over a Year now and i MUST say it has to be one of the Worst things I've had to endure. I know that might sound dramatic but it is very true. :mad:

I have to try to be Stress Free (ha!!) and keep my emotions intact at all times.

I feel for anyone who has to live with this but the Good News is Atkin's has helped my Body by alleviating some of the symptoms of IBS. :roll: :roll:

It seems to be more under control and I don't feel so OUT OF CONTROL, ever since I took charge of my Eating, my stomach is thanking me!!!!!!!!! :wave:

Songstress Tue, Nov-06-01 12:19

Hello I have had IBS for years
Hello! I was reading your post and was interested in the fact that low-carbing has helped IBS for you. I am 21 and have had IBS since age 10 when I was diagnosed.

I just startedlow carbing 3 days ago. What does it do to help??


nsmith4366 Tue, Nov-06-01 19:51

Yes, was diagnosed with IBS about 2 years ago. Low carbing stops the cramping, constipation/diahrea, bloating & pain and gas that can come with IBS. Sounds like so much FUN huh? Certain foods really HURT me passing through my intestines, no kidding eating low carb - no problem.


MocaGirl Tue, Nov-06-01 21:20

was right Songstress about alot of the Symtoms subsiding after Low CARBING. First Off, I just wanted to say bummer for having IBS since 10 years old. That must of been hard!!!!!!!! At 23 it's hard 4 me now.

Anyhoo, since I've been on Atkin's (1 month today!) yeah, I feel a heck of alot better. I DONT wake up bloated and gassy.

I feel "empty" more often and don't have the Heartburn when I eat. It's been a Blessing Really.

Well, I hope your journey is as sucessful as mine is so far, IBS is no picnic but it can be managed through diet and healthy lifestyles!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck

Jessica :roll: :wave:

Harley Tue, Dec-11-01 14:46

just checked out a site on IBS and was a bit gobsmacked at the recommended foods/diet. Mind you Im not that surprised as these are things that were recommended to me but for me they are completelly the wrong foods. I have also heard something similar from other sufferers.
High fibre? Are they crazy? Have these people ever experienced IBS? Low carb has helped me so much, I dont understand why we know how low carb can help and high fibre can make things worse and doctors dont? Im not completely free of symptoms but dont suffer every hour of every day.
I think it's such a shame that all these people are suffering (as we have until now) and the medical profession is making them feel worse and not better. (Im not surprised here and not naive, i have been dealing wth dodgy doctors since I was12, have found 1 or 2 good ones thogh, to be fair)
Anyway, feel quite strongly about this and just wanted to share.
Feel good folks

FAM Wed, Jan-09-02 21:53

IBS, Low Carb and Dairy-FREE?
So does anyone else have IBS and an intolerance to milk? (Also, another family member is allergic to nuts). What can I eat? So many options include dairy or nuts---Thanks!

snkhoward Thu, Jan-10-02 15:27

IBS and milk intolerance
I have had IBS symptoms since I was teenager, but never really diagnosed until a year ago. I have also been lactose intolerant since I was 16.I do find that this WOE helps, sometimes more than others. Unfortunately lettuce has always been a big trigger for me. I don't have any problems with cheese or sour cream or things like that. probably because they are not high in the milk sugar lactose as milk is. If I drink a glass of out!
So maybe in moderation, you will not have the problems you think you might have with dairy products. I hope not because they sure add some flavour to this WOE. Although it seems many people blame cheese for their stalls...

Rosebud Sat, Jan-12-02 03:03

I've been here for 10 days or so and have only just now discovered this section.
I, too have IBS as does my SO who is also low carbing with me.
AS I read the posts above I could only empathise. Been there done that.
My main problem is (was?) gas, intermittent diarrhoea, gas, bloat, gas and sometimes the most appalling urgency. Did I mention Gas? MY poor old SO leans towards constipation, and pain.
In the 11 days since we've started this WOE, I've been virtually symptom free apart from a touch of constipation. Actually having one "normal" bathroom visit a day is something I hadn't done for over 10 years. :thup:
My SO has had one minor (for him) episode of pain that settled relatively quickly with 1 Colofac tab.
And of course the doctors, what do they know? Neither of us has struck one who seems to really understand how IBS works.
"Eat bran" is the usual suggestion.
This is getting a bit long-winded, sorry.
So, anyway, what I'm trying to get to is that when I was thinking about doing Atkins, I was terrified of the IBS reaction. You see in the past, my (our) IBS triggers have been high fibre vegies, cream, cheese and butter. LOL!
If only I'd known that it was the carbs I was eating, in combination with the dairy at least, that were the problem! I've had plenty of dairy with no probs (except for when I overdid the cream but that's another story...) since doing Atkins.
I searched the net for info on Atkins and IBS and straightaway found 2 entries on IBS boards who declared their IBS was all but cured since starting Atkins. That was enough for me, and here I am.
I'm delighted to read that others are also feeling better IBSwise!
I wish you all unbloated, pain free etc tummies!

Genie75 Tue, Mar-10-09 15:00

IBS for 10+ years
Just want to add my 2 cents and found it very interesting reading all your posts. I have been carb-free since '08. I am carbohydrate intolerant. Out of sheer desperation with being sick all the time from IBS, I ended up on the Paleo diet. Even on Paleo I have still struggled. What I am very puzzled by is the very thing that every one seems to say to avoid, is the only thing that helps me, and that is cheese.
And this is not a fluke. It's not just one time that it's helped me. The only way I am able to stabilize is if I eat cheese (high fat) every day, along with yogurt (lower fat), and probiotics, and a number of easy to digest supplements. But without the cheese, like Brie, or any high cream cheese, I am really unable to get well formed stools.
And I have tried every IBS-cure method there is around. And yes, yes I know. Paleo is anti-dairy. I follow everything else on Paleo except I do eat cheese and yogurt. I cannot tolerate milk though. But I don't have a problem with cheese and yogurt.
I have read in a book (fibre menace), that high fat stimulates the liver to produce bile which stimulates bowel movements. Because when I eliminated all grains from my diet, I was finding I was then struggling with constipation. Anyways, I don't know why cheese helps me. I have gone completely dairy free before, and it did not help.
I remember when I first developed IBS, often all I was able to eat was yogurt. Anything too fibrous, or rough, and I don't do very well. I seem to handle fruits well though, and and since I gave up carbs, I'm able to digest lettuce now (which I never used to be able to).

Anyways, that's my rather strange digestive system.


capmikee Tue, Mar-10-09 15:36

I have a casein intolerance, so I can't even have sour cream or butter. I do eat ghee, though, which is labeled "casein free." I also have a gluten intolerance and I'm very careful about avoiding even trace amounts.

Gone are the horrible painful cramps, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and reflux. But the gas hangs on. All day long, my stomach gurgles and I have episodes of burping and farting. Sometimes the burping is so bad I can hardly breathe. I do intermittent fasting, which helps some things, but one surprise was that on the second day of a two-day fast, the gas is still just as bad - sometimes worse! I keep wondering what's even in there??

lilozzi Fri, Jul-03-09 06:52

I can't believe how much Atkins has helped my IBS. My issue was always cramping, bloating and constipation followed by a day every few weeks running to the loo. Very uncomfortable.

I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance (when I was 8), and I stayed away from ALL dairy for many many years still having frequent IBS issues. I was actually looking online for more info on IBS early this year and stumbled across this site.

I now know that it's milk I'm allergic to, as well as grains. I'm back to eating cheese, butter and cream (delicious!) with no issues and I don't really miss the grains.

I'm regular every day now and I never thought I'd be able to say that! :D

Ocassionaly I will have a little bit of bloat, but no toilet issues which is wonderful ;)

*I can hear a little bit of me in all the posts above. Nice to know we are not alone*

mrae Mon, Oct-26-09 15:53

I to am ibs-d and was told not to eat cheese just recently cause when I eat yogurt it gives me stinky gas so my doc said I was probably lactose intolerant. I didn't think the cheese made a difference though cause I never noticed it making me run to the bathroom. Its nice to know you may not be able to handle milk or yogurt but you can handle cheese. I am new to this board and am thinking of starting the atkins way of eating to see if it will help with my urgency issues.

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