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TomX Sat, Dec-14-02 12:36

2 Year Anniversary
I quit two years ago and haven't looked back. I came across this board and realized that I quit in December two years ago. I often enjoyed smoking back then, but the second I gave them up I really came to enjoy fresh air and the energy boost. I quit cold turkey. A friend of mine really helped out when I first started. I was going crazy for a cigarette and was going to go out and buy a pack and he said, "Why are going to do that you're a non-smoker?" That's when it hit me. I had been a non-smoker for about two days and that had come to mean something to me. I really didn't want to be in the smoker's camp anymore. I didn't want to smell like cigs, I wanted to widen my sex appeal to more women ;) , and my health concerns were nagging at me. So every time I wanted a cigarette I'd think, "that's ludicrous! I'm not a smoker." In a nutshell, it became a status thing. I just couldn't give up non-smoker status. I'm not usually very status-conscious, but this was one area of my life where I was. It helped me to stay on track remembering that I was a non-smoker. That was my impetus to give them up.


Atriana Sat, Dec-14-02 19:00

Congratulations on those 2 smoke free years!
I am only about 26 hours into my quit, so reading about your success was very helpful to me. I will just sit here tonight saying "That's ludicrous, I'm not a smoker" over and over until I truly believe it.

TomX Sun, Dec-15-02 07:51

Hi Atriana,

26 hours qualifies as a non-smoker for me. Congratulations! The first three days are always the worst, but once you get past them you really feel like a non-smoker. Anyway, I'm glad to hear my story was helpful. Good luck.


Atriana Sun, Dec-15-02 07:57

Still saying " That's lucicrous, I'm a non smoker", over and over. Hopefully I will believe it soon.

TomX Sun, Dec-15-02 12:47

Oh, I think another thing I did when I finally successfully quit (I had tried many other times) was I tried not to focus on the quitting so much. I convinced myself I was a non-smoker and then I preoccupied myself with things I love to do. I played a lot of guitar because I enjoy it, I took a friend to a national park nearby and climbed around, I went out to eat in smoke free restaurants (California). The inevitable cravings would remind me that I wanted a cigarette, but I tried to get back to the enjoyment of whatever my preoccupation was. In essence, I tried not to make quitting smokes my preoccupation because that would make think I was a smoker and I wasn't. I was still a non-smoker and nobody could say I wasn't. I may have been a non-smoker for 10 hours, but I was still a non-smoker. Keep up the good work. Your heart is rejoicing right now.


Atriana Sun, Dec-15-02 16:24

Thanks TomX - can't seem not to focus on it. It is overwhelming - maybe this is just the normal state of a nicotine addict at about 40 hours into nicotine withdrawal. *(I've always managed to try this with NRT, never cold turkey) OK, I know I'm not supposed to focus on it, but saying "That's ludicrous" seems to help.

TomX Sun, Dec-15-02 17:21

I don't think there's a right way or wrong way to quit smoking. You have to find the key to keeping your will on the program. If it's saying, "That is absolutely absurd! I don't smoke. What was I thinking?" to keep your will on track then run with it. That was my ticket. By the way, just so you know, I was a heavy smoker, even smokers thought I was a heavy smoker. So it wasn't a walk in the park for me.


TomX Sun, Dec-15-02 17:46

By the way, if you're at the 40 hours point you're on the down slope of the withdrawal hill. For me at least, once I got passed the first two days I had some momentum. The third day was still hell, but once I got past it I felt a lot better and I was able to get on with life a little easier. You'll still have cravings, but you won't feel totally overwhelmed. Keep it up, Atriana.

All the best,


Atriana Sun, Dec-15-02 18:40

Actually it is now at the 45 hour mark, it seems to come in waves, right now it is not too bad. Thinking about trying to get to sleep early - if I can sleep through some of this it could only help.
Thanks for all your advice, Tom!

TomX Mon, Dec-16-02 10:29

My bad writing
I think induction has made me a little light headed because I notice my writing has a lot more mistakes than usual. Anyway, I'm glad you're doing so well, Atriana. Keep it up and soon you'll be climbing a hill saying, "Wow, this would have been torture for me six months ago."


Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 10:40

Thanks Tom!
The clock is at 2 Days 14 Hours 38 Minutes , so officially I am halfway into my 3rd day. I am crabby and can't focus but otherwise doing well. Maybe I will learn how to say "That's ludicrous" in several languages just for fun.

TomX Mon, Dec-16-02 20:12

LOL. Well hmm, maybe I should take that phrase and start my own infomercial. The Tomx guide to quitting smoking through the patented absolutely ludicrous non-smoking system. Anyway, it sounds like you're getting past the physical addiction, but just remember you can't rest on your laurels. You're still going to be battling your old habits and more cravings. Nevertheless, I think you'll find that your willpower will have some extra muscle now and I'm sure your doctor will be thrilled to learn you've joined the non-smoker tribe.


Atriana Mon, Dec-16-02 23:44

An infomercial - hmm, this could work - and if you order now you get a bonus CD with the mega hit "You Can't Rest on your Laurels" performed by the Physical Addictions!!!

Sadly, my mind was one of the first things to go. :)

I have chosen not to smoke for 3 Days 3 Hours 43 Minutes 29 Seconds.

catspaw Tue, Dec-17-02 00:13


Good for you! I, too was a heavy smoker (about 3 pax/day). I quit for Father's Day after a series of halfhearted attempts. I didn't try the ludicrous thing, although I must admit it has a lot of appeal. :p

If you've made it to your third day you are doing absolutely fabulous! Keep it up- the rewards are worth it.


Atriana Tue, Dec-17-02 00:25

Thanks catspaw! It always helps to hear about other people who have done it. I was wondering what you were doing up so late until I noticed you are in Japan. I've been so brain fogged lately - I hope this goes away soon.

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