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WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 15:17

Liposomal C - in real time!
Just got my package of Liposomal C.

This is supposed to be wonderful stuff which gives us the benefits of high dose vitamin C without the stomach upsets. Supposedly the equivalent of IV vitamin C - wow!

I have every reason to believe the terrible stress of 2013 has depleted my adrenals. Research and my genius friend PJ says it does wonders.

I'm ready for wonders!

The little packet says take on an empty stomach. Check. With some water. Check. Don't eat for 15 minutes. I'm a lowcarber, I'm fine.

I'm supposed to feel it pretty quick. So here goes.

WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 15:23

Hey, not bad!

As a research fiend with the whole of the Internet at my disposal, it's kind of funny that 80% of the stuff out there is WOW, 10% is "it didn't do nothing" and 10% is "you can make it yourself!"

So I count myself fortunate that a kind soul described the best way to take it: squeeze the packet into your mouth and wash it down.

So I did. Not bad at all. I think the people complaining about the taste in the reviews (on iHerb, BTW) stirred it into 1 ounce of water and sipped it. Yeesh. That's the way to taste every bit.

This wasn't bad at all. Tummy OK.

WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 16:04

Hmmmm. Something. Like a light going on in my stomach.

A little light. Read in bed kind of light.

WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 16:15

Okay, ready for some brain-draining creating work. I have a podcast to edit!

I had a very busy weekend and wound up tired. But I'm okay at the moment...

WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 17:23

Okay, I ran into a snag on the podcast and have to rewrite about 25% of it. Normally, I would find this task too daunting to contemplate at this hour on a Monday.

It's not like I drank a whole pot of coffee. But I feel capable of doing this.

WereBear Mon, Jan-06-14 19:30

Man, oh, man.

Just got finished with a lot of podcast stuff. Rewrites, re-recording, editing. Ready to listen to first thing in the morning and it's really good, because I put the time in. (I always put the time in.)

I haven't had this much focus and ability (unless it's first thing in the morning) in ages. Day-um.

WereBear Tue, Jan-07-14 07:10

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get to sleep, I was not cranked up or anything, but I was... resolute. The whole complicated podcast and recording thing didn't seem daunting at all, and for quite a while now, Monday evenings are my official fall-apart times. I've been known to spend them in bed with my laptop!

And I'd had a very busy weekend.

After going to bed and watching a movie with DH, I got quite sleepy and had the most refreshing and deep sleep. Woke up before the alarm.

WereBear Tue, Jan-07-14 11:24

Forgot to mention that I'm having lunch now, and managed to skip dinner last night. Didn't really notice it until I was already in bed, and then I wasn't hungry enough to get up and do anything about it.

It's not the first time I've skipped dinner, but probably one of the few times I'd done it without planning to!

Fauve Tue, Jan-07-14 12:27

I have never heard of this. Tell me, the plan is to help the adrenals, right? And it seems to work fast; you are on day 2.
Have I got this right?

WereBear Tue, Jan-07-14 12:36

There's a great many benefits to high dose C, but yes, I got it for what seems to be a long-standing adrenal fatigue issue.

Turns out Amazon carries it too.

I bought a box of 30 with the plan being to take one a day and see what happens. My husband has CFIDS/ME and if my regimen goes well, I'll try it on him!

FANTASTIC sleep last night.

I'm eager to see what happens tonight; I've got a doctor's appointment with husband and he often likes to take me out to dinner after, so I might not get to take it until we get home.

That's why I started this thread... so I can track my reactions.

rightnow Tue, Jan-07-14 14:48

Hope it works out well for you!

I started with homemade version which has vastly more lecithin in it, and taking about 4oz a day. So it's not really the same as the store-bought stuff and probably not comparable. But I had simultaneously more "body integrity" -- not so much strength or energy, but something more fundamental that sort of underlies both -- and a bit of spinal exhaustion (I think all the lecithin in the version I took was replacing myelin sheaths of nerves). Makes a big difference when I am taking it. Even my kid says so.


Fauve Tue, Jan-07-14 15:23

Originally Posted by WereBear
. My husband has CFIDS/ME and if my regimen goes well, I'll try it on him!

I do too!
gosh, it would be great if it worked! hoping it will.
thanks for this.

CarolynC Tue, Jan-07-14 16:44

I took commercial liposomal c for 2 months last year after reading lots of good things about it at the Above Top Secret forum. I tried two different brands, both purchased at Amazon. (I didn't make it myself because I'm a chemist, so synthesizing stuff is like work to me.) I didn't notice any difference in my health or energy, but maybe that was because both were already good.

I decided not to use the third bottle that I purchased last fall, but to keep it in the refrigerator ready to go if there was a cold or flu outbreak. And, there has been. Three of the four students that I work closely with have been very sick with the flu. Friday, a student who had the flu rode with me in my car for 20 minutes, which him coughing badly the entire time. I went home and took a double dose of liposomal c and have done so every day since then. So far, I have not been sick at all.

WereBear Tue, Jan-07-14 18:54

Originally Posted by WereBear
My husband has CFIDS/ME and if my regimen goes well, I'll try it on him!

Originally Posted by Fauve
I do too!
gosh, it would be great if it worked! hoping it will.
thanks for this.

Fauve: Have you been tested for the MTFHR gene? Our doctor did it for us, and my husband tested POSITIVE. We have one friend in the area who also has CFIDS/ME, and they tested POSITIVE.

I'm thinking everyone with this illness needs to get their MTFHR genetic test. Because there are supplements which help a LOT.

WereBear Tue, Jan-07-14 18:55

Originally Posted by CarolynC
Friday, a student who had the flu rode with me in my car for 20 minutes, which him coughing badly the entire time. I went home and took a double dose of liposomal c and have done so every day since then. So far, I have not been sick at all.

I have heard that one of its best uses is warding off such infections.

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