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LovableLC Tue, Jul-08-03 22:26

College buddies
Hey guys what about starting a thread where we check in daily, or whenever we can? Talk about how we are doing with food and exercise, and any thing else we need to talk about?

I'm doing modified Atkins and have 77lbs to lose. Starting regular exercise tomorrow. Had started but quit due to no energy from a stupid meat fast.

Vpeach Thu, Aug-07-03 12:38

Hello! My name is Jessica. I'm 21 and currently go to Univesity of Houston..i have abou 25pounds to lose. I gained 7 this week though..I was in Nicaragua and just went crazy w/

Kimbo123 Sat, Aug-09-03 21:42

hey! my goal is to be 150 by August 31st so we have similar stats! i have 25 pounds to lose too and I've lost about 7 so AIM screen name is KImbobee123. we could totally support each other and whatnot! :)

Vpeach Tue, Aug-12-03 11:46

My sn on aim is me anytime! I'm getting cable modem in my place i'll be able to chat away :)

tazmizzion Fri, Aug-22-03 15:12

You can count me in! I dont start school till early September but its all good. I love the forums cuz the insipiration is unbelievable with a college restricted thread like this I think we can do real good.

Ill start off I guess! As I finish this im heading off to the track for 2 mile walk and then some sun bathing. After that 2hrs of weight lifting at the gym.

And food wise: ate hot dog omelette with onions for breakfast, 2 slices of turkey and bologna wit american cheese right now. need my protein for the gym :yay:

If you wanna chat my AIM sn is tazmizzionz (like the handle wit the added "z" at the end) I have cable so my aim is on pretty much all the time. PS your gonna love my away messges. :angel:


Merrymash Sun, Aug-24-03 20:32

Count me in! I started on 7/23 and pretty much havent lost since the first week, although i think i've lost some inches cuz my clothes fit a little better.

I'm going into my 3rd year in college and school starts next week! I def. need some support since quite often the school work load stresses me out and triggers unhealthy eating behavior. But this year I'm commuting and I think it'll be easier than living on campus where for two years i was constantly surrounded by junk food.

I've been on this plan about a month now, w/out real cheats. However, I havent been too careful to count the exact carb amt ( i have fitday phobia lol) and a few times i've eaten waaaaaay too much cheese, or just too much in general - I think its time to start watching calories and really just eat till i'm satisfied not full!

Well, good luck to everyone!! Here's to an LC school year!!

Vpeach Tue, Aug-26-03 22:58

Hello!! How are all you guys doing? I started school was long...i was dropped from a class cuz i didn't have the pre-req(even though i called before I signed up to see if it was ok to take, and they said yes.....) Then i dropped my Principals of P.R. class...its just not for me...i'm just going to stick to my Advertising Major.
I did good w/ food...
I had a sunnyside up egg for breakfast
ribeye and steamed brocolli w/ melted cheddar for lunch
about 10 buffalo wings w/ ranch for dinner
and 2hotdogs w/ 2tbs mustard for a midnight snack...
i'm averaging around 14grams today..which isnt' bad...
Just checking in!

el corazón Sat, Aug-30-03 17:33

Hey hey count me in! I need some people my own age to talk to! Im gonna be 19 in October, was supposed to start community college in August but some family stuff happened, so Ill be starting in January (hopefully). I live in central Florida. I've been LCing since about...July. My highest weight was 149, went down to about 138 eating more *healthy* foods. Went down to about 133 cutting out a few pasta and bread servings a day, and limiting desserts. Started LCing and have lost the last few pounds and then some. Now Im in maintainance, or supposed to be, I tend to stay on induction level carbs...not on purpose. I have to go now (brother needs online) but I'll check in later. Hope to get to know everyone!! See ya!!

Vpeach Sun, Aug-31-03 01:38

Wow! You really got your weight down! I'm trying to get to 130..but I keep getting stuck at 150...I think my body likes this doesn't look bad on me..but i still want to have less fat around my waist..ya know? Florida must be nice, my aunt lives there. I'm in the weather is kinda crummy :(. What do you want to study in college?

el corazón Sun, Aug-31-03 09:56

Im not really sure what I want to study. For awhile it was web design. I still really enjoy that but I dont know....having doubts. Then I considered dietician technician for awhile, but changed my mind when I saw the requirements. Just the other night I was talking to my mom about just getting a business degree and doing whatever. What are you studying? I suck suck suck at writing papers, so Im dreading that. Ah. I may start some e-classes in January so I can keep working alot. Who knows! :)

keh001 Mon, Sep-01-03 07:10

el corazon-
Wow! Very impressed with your quick weight loss! I wish it came easier for me. Do you work out on a regular basis? Any secrets or advise? We have very similar stats- I started at 152, went down to 132 by watching calories, and am now stuck but trying low-carb. How quick did the weight come off once you started low-carb? You are an inspiration!

rosemam Mon, Sep-01-03 11:30

Hey! Mind if i join? I'm a freshman in college; i am studying political science and philosophy. I seem to have the same stats of most of you guys. Would really like to lose this weight. Yeah tell us your lost the weight really fast. Doing pretty well today...must stay on track. Can't decide if i should exercise today or tomorrow. i do have a lot of homework to do. hm...decisions decisions. my aol sn is mamie411 feel free to im me. Keep on truckin'! lol

tazmizzion Mon, Sep-01-03 16:37


ahhh freshman year! You heard of freshman fifteen right? Well remember that this time its losing 15lbs not gaining! My first semester wasn't freshman fifteen it was freshman fifty! Ive lost it all again and more but trust me you dont want that or anything close to happen!

Anyway nice to meet ya and my sn is tazmizzionz im me anytime!


el corazón Mon, Sep-01-03 20:23

Hey Rose and Keh! I didnt workout the entire time I was losing weight, now that I am in maintainance I am trying to focus more on being in shape. I may be skinny but I still get a tad bit winded going up 2 flights of steps. That to me means Im out of shape. I dont know if I have any secrets...Ill tell you what I did though...I never read the Atkins book so I kind of winged it and went by what people off here told me. I never did induction. I never subtracted fiber. Every carb counted. Now I subtract fiber from certain foods, not all. Thought I never was exercising at a gym, or at home...My job is very physical. Im a janitor...Custodian if you wanna be politically correct. :) I vacum 16 large rooms, 1 HUGE room, plus hallways 6 days a week. Thats alot of vacuming. :) Plus whatever else I do, thats alot of moving around...Umm..what else do I do.. I dont know really? Maybe Im just a lucky 1. Everyone in my family is pretty skinny/limby so being big doesnt run in my family. I was never extremely overweight. That may have helped too? I also didnt/dont eat much heavy cream. I suppose its a YMMV type thing, but cream makes me feel fat and icky. I have always have a problem with milk, and dairy products in general. I never let myself get hungry. I eat ALL the time. That way I dont overeat cuz I think Im still hungry. I dont know what else to tell you all... Become a janitor! Haha hey it pays good! I just got a raise (Im up to $8/hr now! whoohoo!)! Hope you all have a good day at school and enjoyed the Labor Day weekend. Im not gonna post my AIM sn on here, but I have both of yours on my BL so I'll IM you and let you know who I am if ya get on! :) Later!

Oh! And just so Toffi doesnt come over here and tell everyone I have an eating disorder, I am in no way telling you to do anything in the above part of the post. You asked, Im telling.

Vpeach Mon, Sep-01-03 21:42

Never Fear..Jessica is here!!! LOL...i'mbored..just wanted to stop by and say Hello! LOL El Corazon...i don't blame you for being cautious..i just think that sucked about havin to take your stats off..but oh know the true you! I'll be there for ya buddy!

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