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SilverEm Wed, Apr-18-18 09:21

Great Lakes beef gelatin, plz share your recipes. :)
I've been using Great Lakes beef gelatin for a few years.

I make various gelatins with it. Here are a few:

black tea
tea and hwc
leftover beet juice and vinegar from marinated beets
vinegar and salt


gelatin cream w/ vanilla and whole leaf stevia

What do you make with it?
Or do you just dissolve it and drink it?

wheeler Wed, Apr-18-18 09:27

I've been putting it in my coffee every morning, along with coconut oil. I've been considering using larger doses to see if it helps with my arthritis. I've been using it as a supplement, hoping my body will put it into cartilage to reduce/prevent further joint damage. But can it actually repair damage that has already happened?

SilverEm Wed, Apr-18-18 09:50

Wheeler, thanks for your post. :) I'm hoping the gelatin will help rebuild tissue.

wheeler Wed, Apr-18-18 11:34

Yes, me too!

Verbena Wed, Apr-18-18 13:48

Not a coffee drinker, but I put a tablespoonful in my first cup of morning tea. I also add it to things like meatloaf or meatballs - sprinkle it over the meat mixture, and mix it in. It rehydrated in the meat/onion juices, and, theoretically, keeps things moist. Adds no flavor or texture, disappearing into the final product. A spoonful gets added to soups and sauces when I remember. I take it for joint health, though can't say if it has made any difference. I did realize not long ago that my fingernails are much stronger now than they used to be. Never been fond of Jello, so don't make things like that. Though, years ago, I used to make a gelled gazpacho - lots of chopped veggies in a gelled tomato juice base. Might try that again when (if!) the weather ever warms up again. LOL

SilverEm Wed, Apr-18-18 13:51

Verbena, thanks very much. :) I'll try some in the next burgers.

I'm glad your nails are stronger. That's good news.

JLx Wed, Apr-18-18 17:47

black tea
tea and hwc
leftover beet juice and vinegar from marinated beets
vinegar and salt


gelatin cream w/ vanilla and whole leaf stevia

I'm not understanding what you already make. Do you mean that you make the equivalent of "jello" out of tea? Or these other substances.

SilverEm Thu, Apr-19-18 03:39

Hi, JL. :) Yes, a "jello" equivalent with black tea and water. I use one rounded tsp. of gelatin granules for a one-quart canning jar. I fill the jar about 7/8 full. I use the other things for different flavors.

Gelatin creams got a fancy name some years ago, panna cotta. But that name doesn't quite apply, as panna cotta means cooked cream.

I find the "jello" and the gelatin creams satisfying, and they fit my food plan. :)

JLx Thu, Apr-19-18 06:45

Hmm....never thought of making jello with tea. I bought some Simply Delish brand sugar free jello, sweetened with erythritol and stevia, but haven't tried it yet.

Check out this jello dessert. Isn't it pretty?

WereBear Thu, Apr-26-18 06:51

I want to try panna cotta, but my energy is low right now. It's great in tea or sprinkled on hot foods, and I give it to my cats to help with their aging issues.

My 15 year old cat got another 3 years of good health from such strategies; I'll never forget how he demonstrated how he could not jump from the bed to the bureau for me, to let me know it helped him.

I take it too.

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