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allegra15 Tue, Sep-15-09 06:26

Eades new book VS Atkins Induction - Insights
Ok, so NO I'm not posting in the wrong section. I am an Atkins "believer" - but I read a lot about different (and especially, complementary) WOE's. I have always been rather impressed with the Eades (Protein Power) - and find great similarity to Atkins. This weekend I bought their new book (the one about a 6 Week Cure).

I think it's great! And you know why? For ME, it pulls together the best tips from here on the Atkins board. It's very similar to "Induction". It uses two really helpful ideas - I read about "egg creams" here on this board (and used them) - as well as "the meat fast". Well this incorporates both of these tools and/or principles. In fact, I just see it as a refined, focused "Extended Induction" plan!

The basis of the idea is that you need to hit hard at losing (they have a very humorous background story about what prompted them to write the book), especially if you have a lot of increased "belly fat" and/or have a lot of stalls. The premise is 2 weeks of 3 "shakes a day" (egg creams more or less) and 1 low carb meal - at any meal of the day you want - then 2 weeks of pretty close to a "meat fast" - and then 2 weeks of "going up the rungs" as in Atkins. They state clearly also that if you have a lot to lose, just cycle the program - 1 week on shake plan followed by 1 week on meat plan until you begin to get close to where you want to be (extended induction).

The shakes are simple - Cream, water, stevia/splenda, protein powder (i use Biochem unflavored), l-leucine (read up on it) powder, ice. Then they give a lot of recipes for flavors - and suggest adding an egg (especially for women). They have recipes - which we here on Atkins really don't "need" (we can easily convert once you see that their menus for the first two weeks are similar to induction - just with a bit of low carb fruit perhaps) - but some of the food is quite good.

So, for this last week I have tried it. I can't always do the 3 shakes a day (not hungry enough!) - But I've found that the Atkins Egg Cream lovers on here were really onto something! It works for me. I switch them up -- then in the evening, have a simple dinner (meat, small veg, salad, and i skip the fruit).

I've been on a stall - and result? Ive lost 3 pounds. I think this really just refines the Atkins Induction Phase SO WELL. It's a twist that I think is helpful for those that are stalled, or know (suspect?) they have Insulin Resistance. It helps with the "set point" theory as they point out - by swapping weekly plans, you change up the calorie contents - fooling your body and not letting it think you are "starving"....One more week on the shakes, and I'm onto the "mostly meat" phase - and will see what happens.

Atkins told me these tricks first -- this book just refined it, tweaked it, and put it together pretty nicely. It was a good read, and helped me really embrace the atkins concept, and the LC concept in general.

allegra15 Tue, Sep-15-09 07:26

I wanted to add...I have continued using coconut oil (as many folks here on Atkins have suggested - i have good results) and not the oil suggested. I really like coconut oil - even my skin looks great.

Tapestry Tue, Sep-15-09 08:43

Looking forward to the discussion. What are egg creams?

Huskerchic Tue, Sep-15-09 08:49

What is the name of the book?
6-Week Cure?

cbcb Tue, Sep-15-09 09:11

Originally Posted by allegra15
The shakes are simple - Cream, water, stevia/splenda, protein powder (i use Biochem unflavored), l-leucine (read up on it) powder, ice. Then they give a lot of recipes for flavors - and suggest adding an egg (especially for women).

Do you recall what their rationale was for starting with shakes vs. low-carb foods that could have the same carb/calorie count?

LC_mermaid Tue, Sep-15-09 12:27

Allegra15, congrats on breaking your stall!! I also have no idea about using egg creams, are they like meal replacement shakes?

allegra15 Wed, Sep-16-09 07:35

Egg creams - a type of protein shake that lots of Atkins (and other low carbers use) - There are a bunch of threads out there. But I think this has a great basis. They suggest using an egg (same as egg creams - some lc-er's use 2 - but since 3 shakes a day are recommended, I think one is ok - depends on if it holds you over from getting hungry). I use Biochem unflavored whey - no taste. Add 1-2 T heavy cream. Scoop of protein. 2500 mcg of L-leucine (powdered but yo ucan open capsules) for lean muscle building (as they recommend) -- and then it calls for ice (as much as you like to make it the consistency you like - and about 2/3 cup of water. From there you flavor or enhance it as you like. Instead of water, use Diet Rite Orange soda (it's like a creamsicle - and made with splenda). Use decaf coffee (cold) instead and a shot of Davinci's hazelnut sugar free (splenda). The list goes on and on. The first one fills me up ok (breakfast) but the second on REALLY holds me over - in fact so much so that I can hardly drink the 3rd one. Then I eat a regular low carb meal - protein, light amount of salad and low carb vegetable. Like I mentioned, you can choose any meal of the day as your "real meal" (say if you prefer breakfast).

The book is the 6 Week Cure for the Middle Age Middle (Eades) - the same people who wrote Protein Power. Although I stick more to Atkins, PP is not too different (as I'm sure lots of you know) -- I just can't eat grains.

Their rationale which they spell out in medical terms is "de-toxing" and cleaning out your liver (for the first two weeks of shakes). You also are to ditch all caffeine (which I have), use few to no medications if at all possible (like acetaminophene) due to the load on the liver as it de-toxes. They stress upping your protein (the shakes make it easy). Keeping up the saturated fats (eat fat cuts/types of meat), don't eat processed food, etc.

Whatever the combo is, I lost another couple pounds again. I do exercise, but I always do that. They recommend smooth, slow weight training on an ongoing basis, but simply encourage you to walk, park your car far away etc -- practical stuff.

Like I said, this is for me a "refinement" of Induction ...I am going to continue on the 3 shakes/1 meal program for this week and next....and see where I am at.

cbcb Wed, Sep-16-09 09:04

Thanks. Do you recall what the total protein grams are per day for shake days?

chessnut Wed, Sep-16-09 09:14

The protein varies by your body weight. Each shake is 1-3 scoops of powder and the powder should contain 18-22g protein. They suggest adding an egg, 2TBS cream, flavorings as you wish and other stuff like luecine and ribose. IIRC, its 2 scoops if you are under 188 pounds.

The one regular meal is a fairly normal low carb meal.

For me the shakes add up to about 190g just for the whey powder.

There is a group thread on this already - over a dozen people trying it.
See the other thread at

allegra15 Wed, Sep-16-09 11:22

You know, my point in posting this separately was because I originally posted it in the "Extended Induction" Atkins group - however it was moved by the moderators. (I don't think they read it in it's entirety) :( point was not to just be "yet another reviewer" of this -- it was to compare it to Atkins Extended Induction - and inform those folks (on induction) that this (In My Opinion) is a nicely refined "Induction phase" that incorporates a TON of what I learned on the Atkins forums.

All kinds of Atkins Induction folks use the egg creams. I think a key is to keep the PROTEIN up in them (i.e. the Protein Powder). I personally do NOT use the Ribose. No need. I DO add the leucine (which I've not read on the Atkins board) - I researched and it makes sense and is worth a try. I don't think it would be the end of the world if you didn't add it but kept the rest on target.

Also like "extended Induction" on Atkins - i am hearing "try a 'meat fast' if you stall! Well this is exactly the same suggestion (weeks 3 and 4). They even say that.

And finally, if you have more to loose than what is in 6 weeks time --- they explain to "cycle" the weeks and how - Very similar once again to extending induction. However, I do think the cycling makes sense - we often read about not letting your body think it's "starving" and to cycle carbs or calories. This, again IMO, gives a little better guideline to those folks wanting to extend "Induction" in the Atkins world.

I personally stick to low/no grains (I struggle with them and they stall or cause me to outright gain) as well as I do minimal fruit -- much closer to Atkins. It works for me. I am very conscientious about a very good MultiVitamin -- this book gives some good "minimum guidelines" that i found helpful -- AS WELL AS stressing stressing stressing to keep your POTASSIUM up during this period (thru supplements as well as diet). I had been having some leg cramping during induction - Gone!

I really was hoping that this would be helpful to "Induction" folks....the light bulb came on for me as to how to refine it for those of us who stall or lose little to nothing -- if you're one of those lucky folks who are dropping 20-30 pounds in the 2-3 week Induction phase -- don't bother yet. But if you hit stalls...this is a great one to try again, IMO.

SuzeQ Thu, Jan-28-10 11:48

Hmm, three shakes and a L/C meal. Why not just three Atkins shakes and a L/C meal I wonder???

Mrs. Skip Sat, Jan-30-10 17:57

I don't know what is in the Atkins shakes, but I guess the advantage of making your own shakes is that you can tweak the ingredients to your liking.

cnmLisa Sat, Jan-30-10 18:26

To the OP...

By any chance are you from the "other" LC forum where egg creams are the trendy thing of the moment?;)

You may want to peruse this thread if you have not already. This talks about the experiences both positive and negative of the 6WC for those members who did it back in the fall when the book came out.

Progress not perfection.


Shyvas Sun, Jan-31-10 00:12

Originally Posted by allegra15
Egg creams - a type of protein shake that lots of Atkins (and other low carbers use) - There are a bunch of threads out there. But I think this has a great basis. They suggest using an egg (same as egg creams - some lc-er's use 2 - but since 3 shakes a day are recommended, I think one is ok - depends on if it holds you over from getting hungry). I use Biochem unflavored whey - no taste. Add 1-2 T heavy cream. Scoop of protein. 2500 mcg of L-leucine (powdered but yo ucan open capsules) for lean muscle building (as they recommend) -- and then it calls for ice (as much as you like to make it the consistency you like - and about 2/3 cup of water. From there you flavor or enhance it as you like. Instead of water, use Diet Rite Orange soda (it's like a creamsicle - and made with splenda). Use decaf coffee (cold) instead and a shot of Davinci's hazelnut sugar free (splenda). The list goes on and on. The first one fills me up ok (breakfast) but the second on REALLY holds me over - in fact so much so that I can hardly drink the 3rd one. Then I eat a regular low carb meal - protein, light amount of salad and low carb vegetable. Like I mentioned, you can choose any meal of the day as your "real meal" (say if you prefer breakfast).

The book is the 6 Week Cure for the Middle Age Middle (Eades) - the same people who wrote Protein Power. Although I stick more to Atkins, PP is not too different (as I'm sure lots of you know) -- I just can't eat grains.

Their rationale which they spell out in medical terms is "de-toxing" and cleaning out your liver (for the first two weeks of shakes). You also are to ditch all caffeine (which I have), use few to no medications if at all possible (like acetaminophene) due to the load on the liver as it de-toxes. They stress upping your protein (the shakes make it easy). Keeping up the saturated fats (eat fat cuts/types of meat), don't eat processed food, etc.

Whatever the combo is, I lost another couple pounds again. I do exercise, but I always do that. They recommend smooth, slow weight training on an ongoing basis, but simply encourage you to walk, park your car far away etc -- practical stuff.

Like I said, this is for me a "refinement" of Induction ...I am going to continue on the 3 shakes/1 meal program for this week and next....and see where I am at.

This method really sounds appealing as I like protein shakes. However, I cannot purchase the book atm as it is a hardcover and is a bit pricey.
I am doing phase 2 and have been on a plateau for weeks so this may do the trick for those last few pounds. :agree:

If I fully understand the shakes are made of cream, water 2 scoops of lc protein and flavour plus an egg? I can't purchase egg creams over here neither so would use Jarrow's protein powder.

2 a day plus a standard LC meal ?

bike2work Sun, Jan-31-10 09:25

Originally Posted by Shyvas
This method really sounds appealing as I like protein shakes. However, I cannot purchase the book atm as it is a hardcover and is a bit pricey.
I am doing phase 2 and have been on a plateau for weeks so this may do the trick for those last few pounds. :agree:

If I fully understand the shakes are made of cream, water 2 scoops of lc protein and flavour plus an egg? I can't purchase egg creams over here neither so would use Jarrow's protein powder.

2 a day plus a standard LC meal ?

There's a lot more to it than that. Check the book out of the library.

Shyvas Sun, Jan-31-10 10:33

Originally Posted by bike2work
There's a lot more to it than that. Check the book out of the library.

I'm sure there is but it would be an awful long trot to the library. :lol:

deirdra Sun, Jan-31-10 12:28

Shyvas: the shakes are made of 2T cream, water, 2 scoops of very lc protein powder, ice (I leave it out) and flavour. Although the 6 wk cure book makes it sound like you can add an egg to every shake, on their blog the Eades said you can add only one egg to one shake per day only if you are starving. More will slow weightloss. Since scoops come in all sizes, aim for however many scoops add up to ~100g of protein per day.

It is 3 shakes a day plus a standard LC meal.

When I tried it I found it easier to do 2 shakes with 3T heavy cream & 3 scoops of protein (rather than 3 shakes w/2 scoops), with an egg in one or both to avoid feeling hungry all day.

Shyvas Sun, Jan-31-10 13:04

Originally Posted by deirdra
Shyvas: the shakes are made of 2T cream, water, 2 scoops of very lc protein powder, ice (I leave it out) and flavour. Although the 6 wk cure book makes it sound like you can add an egg to every shake, on their blog the Eades said you can add only one egg to one shake per day only if you are starving. More will slow weightloss. Since scoops come in all sizes, aim for however many scoops add up to ~100g of protein per day.

It is 3 shakes a day plus a standard LC meal.

When I tried it I found it easier to do 2 shakes with 3T heavy cream & 3 scoops of protein (rather than 3 shakes w/2 scoops), with an egg in one or both to avoid feeling hungry all day.

Thank You deirdra.

Have noted 3 shakes plus a normal LC meal in the evening.

I was just wondering whether you added the L-leucine and if so did it make a difference ?

deirdra Sun, Jan-31-10 13:17

Originally Posted by Shyvas
Thank You deirdra.
Have noted 3 shakes plus a normal LC meal in the evening.
I was just wondering whether you added the L-leucine and if so did it make a difference ?

I couldn't find the leucine powder so tried tablets, but didn't notice any difference.

Shyvas Sun, Jan-31-10 13:42

Originally Posted by deirdra
I couldn't find the leucine powder so tried tablets, but didn't notice any difference.

I only have the protein powder? So prehaps won't bother ordering the latter if you find that there's no difference.

Thank You.

Didy Sun, Jan-31-10 18:47

Originally Posted by Shyvas
I only have the protein powder? So prehaps won't bother ordering the latter if you find that there's no difference.

Thank You.

I ordered the leucine powder and it tasted horrible!! I used it but didn't notice any difference. Blechhhh! It is nasty tasting!!

Shyvas Mon, Feb-01-10 08:56

Originally Posted by Didy
I ordered the leucine powder and it tasted horrible!! I used it but didn't notice any difference. Blechhhh! It is nasty tasting!!

Thanx so much. Won't bother ordering it then as it is quite expensive. :)

This plan seems so appealing and quite easy to follow. I used to have a protein/red berry shake for lunch so this will be familiar for me.

chessnut Mon, Feb-01-10 10:00

There's plenty of leucine in protein powder anyways...

Shyvas Sat, Feb-06-10 01:06

Originally Posted by bike2work
There's a lot more to it than that. Check the book out of the library.

I have just found the paperback edition and ordered it from Amazon Uk for £5.

I'm looking forward to reading it and have reordered Jarrow's protein powder from i herb's.

I hope this method will shift the last few 1Ibs. :lol:

cbcb Wed, Apr-14-10 20:58

My favorite protein powder is actually rice-based. (Go figure!) Eades says it's OK to use rice protein, though he mentions whey is the most perfect kind. (Problem is, whey is known for getting into the system quickly so while it's a great replenishment right after exercise for athletes it can leave you hungry.)

The rice powder I get is this one - very light and no weird tastes, still filling: Nutribiotic - and it's 55 cals per tablespoon with 0.3g fat, 1.8g carb and 12g protein.

Bought the 6-week cure book just now online. I think I love e-books.

rightnow Thu, Apr-15-10 15:27

I got a neat supplement that is basically EVERY amino acid. Useful for taking when not eating a full-spectrum food such as meat. Re: the leucine, I doubt there is a requirement that you TASTE it. If it's yucky, swallow it like a vitamin, not in the shake, that's gotta be easier.

I sometimes make protein powder drinks with cream and water and ice. Except I hadn't heard of 'egg-creams' or this idea from the book (I haven't read it). It's simply that I only use cream usually, and it needs more fluid so I add water. I have not yet managed to find any protein powder I don't think is vile, despite probably 25 kinds tried over time. My kid however loves Whey Gourmet's Creamy Dreamy Chocolate, she's 13.

Mellzy Thu, Apr-15-10 15:36

Congrats on losing 3 lbs! But my problem is this. Presumably, you aren't going to eat three shakes and one meal per day forever, right? So, what happens when you start eating real food again? It just sounds faddish to me. It's extremely important to change your lifestyle and learn new habits. it's hard work and the REAL challenge to weight loss. That's why it's usually referred to as a WOL/WOE. Just my 2 cents!

Didy Sun, Apr-18-10 18:48

Originally Posted by rightnow
Re: the leucine, I doubt there is a requirement that you TASTE it. If it's yucky, swallow it like a vitamin, not in the shake, that's gotta be easier.

That's how I took it. Never did put it in my shakes because it was so foul tasting - I didn't want it to wreck the taste of the shakes. I would put the powder in a small shaker w/ some water, or crystal light, or various other things to try to disguise it but it never worked. Just too gross for me. I know you can buy it in pill form but I'm not interested in adding a gazillion pills to my already plentiful array of daily supplements. :wave:

crs Sat, May-08-10 16:42

Mellzy, I was thinking the same thing... I don't think I could drink shakes all day for the rest of my life. I can however, eat a delicious breakfast, snack if I want it, a great lunch, etc. ~ :)

It just doesn't seem realistic to me... :q:

BawdyWench Sun, Jun-27-10 07:52

You can get a used hardcover copy on Amazon for $12.38, if you can't find it in the library.

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