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Gypsybyrd Mon, Jul-30-07 09:35

Gypsybyrd's exercise flight log
Hmmm .... well I'm rather hoping this log will help keep me motivated (or guilt me into going to the gym more often).

So yesterday I went to the gym - by the way 5:30pm on a Sunday is a GREAT time to go if you don't life crowds :lol: - and I did:

45 minutes on the treadmill; 2.11 miles. It was 1.9miles in 40 min + the cool down. About 35 min was at 2.5 incline. My heart rate stayed around 140 for most of the 40 minutes - popped up to 159 for the last five minutes before the cool down.

I also walked one mile at the botanical gardens yesterday.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Jul-31-07 17:24

OK ... I went to the gym again. Go me! LOL

45 minutes on the treadmill; 2.13 miles. It was 2.1 miles in 40 min + the cool down. Most of this was at 1.5 incline. My heart rated stayed low today - 117ish although it bumped to 121 during the cool down.

And I'm taking credit for walking a mile in high heels in really muggy weather. So there! :p

btw - I HATE the gym after work. It's tooooo crowded.

Gypsybyrd Wed, Aug-01-07 20:43

Well I didn't go to the gym today - I'm more of an every-other-day-go-to-the-gym kinda girl. :D

BUT I *did* go bowling. I bowled 2 games (crappy scores: 77 & 99). I really want to get back into bowling more frequently. But I dislike going solo and I'm too horrible to join a league. lol. *shrugs* We'll see what happens.

Anyway - it took about 90 minutes to bowl the 2 games ... so I think I got in my 30 minutes today. :cheer:

Gypsybyrd Thu, Aug-02-07 19:14

Went to the gym today ... this is especially good because I managed to go despite coming home from work and eating dinner first. lol. But I wanted to wait until the after-work crowd thinned out a bit.

Anyways ... 40min; 2.03 miles (better than before I think); 1.5 incline; heart rate average 125. Including the cool down I did 2.14 miles tonight in 45 minutes.

So here's my goal ... I'm going to keep the incline at 1.5. But I want to see how much over 2 miles I can go, without running, before increasing the incline.

Oh - and I got in 2 flights of stairs. Yes I'm counting flights of stairs because normally I would take the elevator. So I'm tracking stairs to encourage myself to not use the elevators so much.

Gypsybyrd Mon, Aug-06-07 19:41

Skipped three days ... went to the gym tonight.

40 min; 2.16 miles (better than before); 1.5 incline; heart rate average 133. Including the cool down I did 2.27 miles in 45 minutes.

Gypsybyrd Fri, Aug-10-07 11:39

Weelllllllll ... I missed the gym Wed (was at the office until 8:15pm, I ate dinner and then continued working until 12:30am). And I'd *intended* to go last night ... but I met up with a group at the beach yesterday evening. We walked abut a mile and a half on the beach. Then we had dinner. By the time I left to head to the gym it was 10:30 at night! The gym closes at 11pm. But at least I got in some exercise - and walking on sand is difficult!

I'm going to the gym tomorrow even if it kills me! :D

Gypsybyrd Fri, Aug-10-07 22:56

Ok ... yet again I did not make it to the gym. But this time I went to a Bucs pre-season game. Our seats were on the third level ... which meant walking up 10 switch backs ... and no, I didn't take the escalator. It was roasting hot too!

And we walked 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the car to the stadium.

So I got my heart rate up and worked my calves. I'm counting it as exercise for the day.

Gypsybyrd Sun, Aug-19-07 19:02

Hhmmmmmmm no gym last week. But I did buy headphones for the treadmill!

And I went snorkeling on Saturday- 1100+ calories burned from that.

Gypsybyrd Wed, Aug-22-07 19:46

Guess what???? I made it to the gym today! Actually tonight ...

2.11 miles in 40 min; 2.25 with the 5 min cooldown; 1.5 incline. 324 cal burned (300 in the first 40 min)

No idea about the heart rate - the monitor was screwy - told me my heart rate was 200. :lol: Not quite ... I'd guess around 135 avg. though.

Gypsybyrd Sat, Aug-25-07 17:15

*walks in from the gym*

Ok ... I think it's a bad thing if, while at the gym on the treadmill, the persistent thought running through your mind is: I hate the gym and I don't find it fun. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I made it to the gym. It was iffy whether I'd make it today or not. But I did. I did my usual 40 min + 5 cool down on the treadmill. 2.13 miles in 40; 2.29 with the cool down; 1.5 incline; 338 cal total; 127 avg heart rate.

My headphones worked better today - much less static. :)

I think I started out at too steep an incline right off the bat ... I started out at 1.5. Normally I start out at .5 for a minute and increase it .5 until I hit 1.5. But I'm impatient. I like to just jump right in.

One day I'll see about paying for the PT to show me how to use the resistance machines. I was shown back in January - but, well, I don't remember.

Anyway - I made it today. Although I disliked it - I'm glad I went.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-04-07 19:14

Woo hooooooooooooooo! Gym time tonight! Dang I'm sweaty. AND I increased my time.

40 min; 2.51 miles; 343 cal
45 min; 2.53 miles; 353 cal includes cooldown

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-04-07 22:50

Hmmmm ... need to work on the distance. 14 miles in a bit over a month is not all that great.

My sisters and I are thinking about a 'race' to see who gets the furthest across country by Christmas. Of course, they run and I walk. But ... could be interesting.

Gypsybyrd Wed, Sep-05-07 19:39

Ok ... so here is the deal with the Sisterly Challenge.

One sister lives in NC ... approximately 461 miles from Atlanta. My other sister and I also live 461 miles from Atlanta (ok, a local mall about 9 miles from me is 461 miles from Atlanta :D ) ... in the other direction though.

So here's the Sisterly Challenge ... we will 'race' to Atlanta. Walking (me) or running (them). When all of us get there - via treadmill - we will take a girl's weekend in Atlanta and go shopping, dinner, etc. I'm thinking it'll be fun - and our mother and my 9 year old niece will join us in Atlanta. This should be fun. I figure mid-spring is when I'll straggle 'into' Atlanta.

Gypsybyrd Fri, Sep-07-07 19:20

Guess what? Guess what? *jumps up and down*

I not only went to the gym tonight - I WALKED to and from the gym AND worked out. :cheer:

So here are the numbers:

Walk to the gym: 30 min/1.5 miles
Walk home: 26 min/1.5 miles
Treadmill: 30 min/3ishmph/1.55 miles/215 cal
Recumbent bike: 5 min/1.68 miles
Recumbent bike: 10 min/3.6 miles (I slowed down too much and had to start over)

So that puts me ... 4.55 miles via foot toward Atlanta and 5.28 miles via bike toward Atlanta for a total of ... 9.83 miles toward Atlanta. :cheer:

Gypsybyrd Sun, Sep-09-07 09:56

Went to the gym today ... didn't walk to and from like Friday b/c it was too humid (or would have been by the time I came home). But I did do:

4.61 miles; 1.0 incline; 81 minutes; 615 cal (note - last time it took me 90 minutes to do 4.55 miles). That was without the cooldown ...

4.79 miles; 1.0 incline; 86 minutes; 642 calories with the cooldown. I drank 20 oz of water during the workout and 20 immediately after.

I had a protein shake before the workout and learned that is not enough to sustain me during 86 minutes of exercise. I didn't feel like fixing breakfast and I had no leftovers.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-11-07 19:16

Made it to the gym today ... :cheer: My stats are not quite right - they are lower b/c I accidentally hit 'STOP' on the treadmill and lost my stats. So I guesstimated - low. lol

33 minutes; 1.75 miles; 250 cal; 1.0 incline
27 minutes; 1.46 miles; 196 cal; 1.0 incline - without cooldown
32 minutes; 1.65 miles; 225 cal; 1.0 incline - with cooldown.

65 minutes; 3.4 miles; 475 cal; 1.0 incline

I didn't get up to 3.8 mph ... but I hit 3.7 a couple of times - but not for as long as I did on Sunday. It's a work in progress.


Gypsybyrd Thu, Sep-13-07 20:48

Ok ... after a couple of hours worth of procrastination, I made it to the gym. I'd wanted to go between 7 & 8pm but I finally cruised into the gym at 9:20ish. This actually worked out kinda nice because then I got to watch the second half of 'Don't Forget the Lyrics' while I walked on the treadmill. :)

So here are my stats ...

60 minutes; 3.41 miles; 443 calories - sans cooldown
65 minutes; 3.60 miles; 473 calories - includes cooldown

I made it up to a speed of 3.9 mph - maintained it the first time for slightly more than 2 minutes and the second time for a minute. This was the FIRST TIME I've walked that fast! I'm proud of myself for that accomplishment.

I've found that interval training is working for me ... 3.2 for a bit, then a short time at 3.5, then 3.3, then 3.7, then 3.3 or 3.4, then 3.8, etc.

Gypsybyrd Fri, Sep-14-07 17:53

:cheer: 2 days in a row I got to the gym!

38 minutes; 2.06 miles; 272 calories - sans cooldown
44 minutes; 2.25 miles; 305 calories - with cooldown.

Plus - 2 flights of stairs

Plus .5 miles in heels on a sideways-sloped sidewalk.

Gypsybyrd Sat, Sep-15-07 15:34

3 days in a row to the gym!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer::cheer:

The treadmill I've been using this week wouldn't let me go longer than 60 minutes ... so I had to pause and re-program it. Annoying. lol But my stats for today's foray to the gym are:

90 minutes; 5.01 miles; 684 calories; 1.0 incline
95 minutes; 5.21 miles; 713 calories; 1.0 incline with cooldown.

My kudos to myself today was maintaining 3.5 mph for 35 minutes. That's a first - usually I have to slow down.

Gypsybyrd Sun, Sep-16-07 13:42

Day 4! IN A ROW! :cheer:

45 minutes; 2.47 miles; 337 calories; 1.0 incline - sans cooldown
50 minutes; 2.65 miles; 365 calories; 1.0 incline - with cooldown.

I'm thinking about trying out the sauna after my next workout. Never tried the sauna before.

I seem to have a pattern - work out then stop by Steak & Shake for a double burger - hold the bun. lol

I nearly stayed on the treadmill just to watch the last quarter of the Bucs game ... lol

Gypsybyrd Mon, Sep-17-07 19:57

DAY 5 in a row!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

30 minutes; 1.5 miles; 208 cal; .75 avg incline
8 minutes; .53 miles; 100 cal or so

So I cut back the time on the treadmill today. I did add a little elliptical cardio. And now I remember why I dislike cardio - including running: I end up with a cough. After a LOT of research I've self-diagnosed it as exercise-induced asthma.

Anyway - I'm debating whether to buy a treadmill or an elliptical. I've read the t v. e debates. And I think I'm leaning towards ... I have no idea. I believe the treadmill burns more fat and the elliptical is better for cardio. I'm thinking I like doing the treadmill at the gym. And I could do short bouts of cardio via the elliptical at home. The elliptical is definitely easier on my shins.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-18-07 20:05

6 days in a row! :cheer::cheer: I'm going for a week straight! Maybe I should take a day off but I don't really want to. I have this idea that if you do something 15 times in a row it becomes a habit. We'll see if I can make the gym a habit.

Today's numbers:

60 minutes; 3.21 miles; 442 calories; 1.0 incline
65 minutes; 3.41 miles; 470 calories; 1.0 incline - includes cooldown.

Gypsybyrd Wed, Sep-19-07 22:39

*drum roll*

7 DAYS TO THE GYM IN A ROW!!!!!!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:

Today's numbers:

45 minutes; 2.53 miles; 315 calories
50 minutes; 2.63 miles; 343 calories

See my journal entry for more ...

Gypsybyrd Thu, Sep-20-07 20:39

8 days in a row and counting!

60 minutes; 3.22 miles; 422 cal
65 minutes; 3.50 miles; 462 cal

I want to mix it up a bit - but I'm really enjoying the treadmill. I dug out my Windsor Pilates DVDs and I'm thinking I'll buy a couple of the WATP DVDs and rotate them into the week.

Gypsybyrd Sat, Sep-22-07 11:19

I finally missed a gym day. Yesterday was quite the emotional roller coaster and I was just too drained to go after work.

Today I went hiking. We covered 4.1 miles in about an hour and a half. Not bad for the terrain. While not in the mountains, there were challenges. The trail was a mix of sand, boardwalk, rocks, shells, dirt, grass, and needles. It was really pretty - next time I'll take my camera. We didn't see any wildlife except the spiders -HUGE. But it was fun and I met some new people.

Gypsybyrd Sun, Sep-23-07 08:25

Back at the gym ...

60 minutes; 3.33 miles; 452 calories; 1.0 incline
65 minutes; 3.53 miles; 481 calories; 1.0 incline - includes cooldown

So I've been tracking things in my head ... and I've come to the realization that I can go faster in the morning with less pain than in the evenings. I guess I need to work on getting up earlier. Yuck.

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-25-07 05:24

Skipped last night but went this morning ...

37 minutes; 2.01 miles; 269 calories

Gypsybyrd Tue, Sep-25-07 19:42

And I went to the gym tonight - twice in one day!

60 minutes; 3.05 miles; 410 cal
65 minutes' 3.25 miles; 438 cal

I'd have stayed for two hours at the gym tonight but I promised a friend I'd be home and online around 9. I can see that the new TV season will be good for my gym time. :lol: I don't have a TV and the gym does - that means I can treadmill from 8-10pm and watch a couple of my fave shows every night. :D

Gypsybyrd Wed, Sep-26-07 05:53

Gym time! Almost didn't go - my bed was very very comfy this morning!

37 minutes; 2.01 miles; 266 calories

Gypsybyrd Wed, Sep-26-07 20:34

And I made it to the gym tonight too! Was nearly asleep on the couch. But I promised myself I'd go. So I went.

47 minutes; 2.51 miles; 328 calories

Had issues with the treadmill. I was trying for 3 miles - but the damn thing kept slowing down and speeding up on me and I was worried I'd miss my footing and fall. I kept stumbling as it was. So I gave up for the night. I'll be interested to see if it is out of order in the morning. I reported it.

Anyway - that's 4.5 miles today!

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