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BawdyWench Sun, Mar-21-21 06:35

I'm up a pound today. Geezum crow! I started on February 18 at 199.8, reached 194 on March 2, got down to 192 a couple days ago, and now back up to 193. I suppose 7-ish pounds in 4 weeks is an ok loss, but I really think it should have been more. I've spent the past 2 weeks between 192 and 194, down and up and down and up.

My macros have been good, at least I think I'm following the guidelines from Marty Kendall and Ted Naiman. Marty says to be sure protein is at least 40% of calories. When you do that, you're simply not that hungry for more food, so my calories have always been under 1000 since I started, and average about 850. Protein averages 99 grams (46% of calories), carbs average 22 grams, and fat averages 38 grams.

Maybe I'm not drinking enough water. I've never understood what drinking a ton of water does, but people swear by it, so I started upping my intake yesterday. I'm thinking about trying a higher-calorie day with the calories coming from fat rather than carbs to see if anything happens.

Am I trying to rush things? Should I be more patient? NO!!! I WANT INSTANT GRATIFICATION!!! :lol:

thud123 Sun, Mar-21-21 08:32

Eat if hungry (and at or below trigger), Drink when thirsty. I'm impatient too but if you just keep grinding this summer we should see some significant differences. A month doesn't mean shit, unless you're eating like shit then I can put on the lbs like a madman!

BawdyWench Sun, Mar-21-21 08:36

Originally Posted by thud123
Eat if hungry (and at or below trigger), Drink when thirsty. I'm impatient too but if you just keep grinding this summer we should see some significant differences. A month doesn't mean shit, unless you're eating like shit then I can put on the lbs like a madman!

Yup, I eat only when hungry (and only whole foods, no crap), and drink when thirsty, and OVERTHINK EVERYTHING. I know a month is nothing, but I'd still love to be making better progress. At least I'm not giving up. I'm in it for the long haul. Thanks, Thud!

thud123 Sun, Mar-21-21 08:53

You Got This!

BawdyWench Mon, Mar-22-21 05:25

OK, so the higher-calorie day (from more fat and carbs) plus almost 70 oz of water was a bust. I'm up 2 pounds from yesterday morning. Of course, it might be gone and then some by tomorrow. Back to the low fat, low carbs, high protein, and yes, more water.

thud123 Mon, Mar-22-21 07:10

32oz water = ~2lbs

BawdyWench Mon, Mar-22-21 07:13

Correct, but I did do a copious amount of peeing yesterday, too. :p

thud123 Mon, Mar-22-21 07:20

Did you measure the output? ;)

BawdyWench Mon, Mar-22-21 07:26

Doesn't everyone?????

thud123 Mon, Mar-22-21 07:26

>>>>>> LOL LOL LOL <<<<<< You've got a good sense of humor BW!

JEY100 Mon, Mar-22-21 07:37

And that is why she is Bawdy. :lol:

I had the lowest waking BG this morning in 6 months.
Of course, I immediately think it is a meter error...but I did NOT retest it!
Take these little wins.

I restarted at our Fitness Center last week, not having done any weights or much exercise but walking since September. The low BG gave me the incentive to add more weight this morning.

BawdyWench Mon, Mar-22-21 08:17

Woo-hoo!!!! Janet, that's great! You had your lowest waking BG ever, and I had my highest (115) ... and I certainly did NOT record it online. I did in my own spreadsheet, but there I could add a note as to why it was so high.

You set a good example to follow. Unlike me (check signature).

GRB5111 Mon, Mar-22-21 09:00

I wouldn't have retested the low or recorded the high either. Accept one as gospel, forget the other ;)

Got the second vaccine dose Friday. Looking forward to mixing the gym back into the equation. Not always a fan of cold, wet days and outdoor workouts, so getting back to the normal routine should be good.

The new Keto Mojo meter is on its way, and specified glucose test strips only, not ketone. Interesting story, but not for this thread. Hope the upgraded meter is as consistent for BG as the one I currently have. DDF highlighted the realization there's no need to test for ketones. :daze:

BawdyWench Mon, Mar-22-21 11:31


I hereby enact two new rules for this forum:
  1. Gains of 0.2 pounds are NOT counted. They are ignored and seen as "noise."
  2. Losses of 0.2 pounds are MOST CERTAINLY counted. They are real losses.

thud123 Tue, Mar-23-21 08:49

Originally Posted by GRB5111
I wouldn't have retested the low or recorded the high either. Accept one as gospel, forget the other ;)

Got the second vaccine dose Friday. Looking forward to mixing the gym back into the equation. Not always a fan of cold, wet days and outdoor workouts, so getting back to the normal routine should be good.

The new Keto Mojo meter is on its way, and specified glucose test strips only, not ketone. Interesting story, but not for this thread. Hope the upgraded meter is as consistent for BG as the one I currently have. DDF highlighted the realization there's no need to test for ketones. :daze:


I've got the new one (trade in) and new strips, not a huge fan - bg readings all over the place multiple strips, same drop - however, i'm not sure any other commercial ones better. Also, i'm going to use up my BhB strips then bag measuring those any longer. I've got a pretty good idea of where they are.

I might look around and try another meter head to head with Keto-Mojo - You might not like the way the strips are packaged - I'm getting used to handling them - I suppose they will have longer shelf life and perhaps better control being individually wrapped. Kind of a waste of material but - there you go.

I did sign up for unlimited DDF - I kind of like the way the "app" really a web site, is evolving. I'm blocking lots of callbacks to facebook on it tho. I don't sending tracking data back to facebook. it is what it is.

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